Shakti 23rd March 2017 Written Update

Shakti 23rd March 2017 Written Update by H_Hasan

Shakti 23rd March 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kishal Lal threatening Soumya that he will tell her truth and if he opens his mouth then Harak Singh’s family will be ruined and asks her to go with Raavi. Soumya folds her hands and tells that Balwinder and Raavi love each other and asks him to accept Raavi. Raavi says she is still Harak Singh’s daughter and says she will ruin them. Balwinder asks her not to do drama and go. Raavi asks how dare you? Her mum in law tells that she has not changed and have been insulting them. She asks her to leave. Raavi refuses. Her mum in law throws her out of house and locks the door.

Harman tells everyone that Soumya and Raavi couldn’t be found and they are not picking his calls. He asks Surbhi to call Soumya. Surbhi says when she haven’t picked your call, why she will pick my call.
She asks him not to worry and says Soumya will come. Harman asks her not to talk much and call her. Surbhi says what shall I say, whenever I try to speak, Soumya or you feel bad. Preeto asks Surbhi to call Soumya as Harman is tensed. She tells that Raavi is with Soumya. Harman says that’s why he is worried. Harak Singh asks Preeto to call her.

Raavi and Soumya come home. They see Raavi’s wounds on her face. Preeto asks about her wound. Inspector comes and says Kishal Lal and his son will be coming now. Kishan Lal and Balwinder comes. Raavi tells Inspector that her sasur Kishal Lal have beaten her. Kishan Lal tells that it is a nonsense and says we had just kicked her out of house. Inspector says case is filed against him. Raavi tells that her wounds are saying it all. Kishan Lal tells that Harak Singh’s blood is in her veins. Inspector asks her husband if he has beaten her. He says no, and says he can’t think of this. Inspector asks Soumya if they had beaten Raavi. Harman asks her to say and says if they had raised hand on her then tell me, I will not spare them. Soumya recalls Raavi hitting herself with stone while she tries to stop her.

Harak Singh asks her to tell that Raavi is saying truth. Soumya tells that nobody have raised hand on jiji. Everyone is shocked. Kishan Lal asks if everyone is relieved now and asks Inspector not to trouble him else he will get him fired from his job. Inspector asks Harak Singh why his family is making him insulted and asks him to settle the matter among family members. Kishan Lal tells that they don’t want to have any relation with them and asks her son to come. Raavi stops them and says I have a reason. Harman asks her to say. Raavi says she is pregnant with Balwinder’s baby. Everyone is shocked. Harman asks what nonsense she is speaking? Preeto asks what you are saying? Raavi cries.

Kishan Lal tells that new chapter have opened for this story and says your daughter is insulting you Harak Singh infront of everyone and says don’t know she is rubbing whose sin on my son’s face. Raavi says this baby have your son’s blood and asks how dare you to insult my family. She says she is pregnant with Balwinder Singh’s child and will get the DNA test done also. Kishan Lal asks his son to confirm. Balwinder lowers his head. Kishan Lal slaps him hard and says I told you to stay away from her and was getting you remarried. Preeto slaps Raavi and asks where did you go to blacken your face. She says that night Varun must have seen Balwinder coming here. Kishan Lal says these two families can’t unite now and asks his son to come.

Preeto asks her to say since when this is going on. Harak Singh asks Raavi to tell truth. Preeto asks how did he come in the house. Raavi says Soumya brought him in the house. Raavi says Soumya send him to my room that night. Harak Singh tells that Soumya Soumya Soumya, she is not panch to decide and says he will decide being the owner of the house. Harman asks Soumya why did you do this when you knows about the house matters? Soumya says I was just trying to unite two families and husband and wife and cries. Shanno scolds Soumya for not taking Raavi’s side and saying the truth. Varun says if you had said that they have beaten Raavi then case would have been filed against them. Preeto says why she will tell and tells that she will not care for house and tells that she is not a woman and is suitable to roam on the streets. Harman asks Preeto to stop her nonsense. Soumya cries. Preeto asks Raavi to go to her room.

Soumya tells Harman that Surbhi didn’t protected her or say anything when everyone was scolding her. Surbhi cuts her hand. Soumya gets concerned. Preeto checks her wound and says it is deep. Harman asks her to call ambulance. Preeto asks her to target Soumya rather than cutting her finger.

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