Shani 18th July 2017 Written Update

Shani 18th July 2017 Written Update by Pooja

Shani 18th July 2017 Written Episode

Shani angrily tells him to stop. This is your last chance. Accept truth or you will have to bear punishment and my Vakra Drishti! Maharishi gives up. You are right. I am not the one who has given birth to them. Ashwani brothers say we know it already. Shani asks them why he dint question him till then. They reply that they raised them. We dint want to pose a question before him which he would not like to answer. Shani recalls saying something similar to his mother previously. Now it is time to answer your questions though; to introduce you to yourselves. You both are Surya-putra’s. They look at him in shock.

Surya Dev says you are only interested in satiating your hunger for food. I cannot accept such a disciple. Hanuman apologizes to him. Someone is hungry for food; someone is hungry for power while
someone is hungry for fame, money and / or strength. If everyone is hungry then no one would need knowledge. I am a kid so I came to eat you, unaware about your real identity. It is because of my lack of knowledge. I couldn’t differentiate between a God and fruit. I came to you so I never repeat this mistake in future and that I harm no one. Sometimes it is mother or mother nature who satiates the hunger (for food) but only you can satiate my hunger for knowledge. I hope you wont disappoint me. Chhaya speaks in favour of Hanuman. I think he should be given a chance. Sanghya also says the same. He is your friend Pavan Dev’s son. You too are like a father to him. You must teach him. Surya Dev is in a fix. I have made my mind. Hanuman asks him if he is accepted then. Surya Dev denies. Guru has to be well to teach the disciple. I am unwell which is why I cannot teach you. Hanuman offers to bring solution for his problem if that will be a hindrance in his gaining knowledge from him. Surya Dev says I would also like to see how you will solve the problem which even Dev Vishwakarma couldn’t treat. Hanuman assures him he will surely come back with his cure. I too will become smart like a Surya Putra.

Ashwani Kumars are pleasantly surprised to know. Shani nods. You belong in Surya Loka and not there. I came to take you with me as I am your brother. I came to do my duty. He notices their sad faces. Is something bothering you? They tell him they are not like other Gods. We look different than others and might be mocked. Shani tells them it is the karmas of people because of which they are known. It is not their appearances. Come with me. You will get your right.

Hanuman keeps mumbling before Kakol. I am a kid. I made a mistake but I do deserve another chance right? How would I have known the difference between Surya Dev and a fruit? Kakol points out that he is listening to this for the 100th time now. Till when will it continue? Hanuman insists he will have to listen. I am boggled. I too will learn from Surya Dev. I will find a way out of this situation. I too want to become smart like Shani. Kakol tries leaving the room but Hanuman stops his path using his tail. Kakol reminds him of his promise. You wont hit me right? Hanuman nods. I wouldn’t have spared you otherwise. I am just telling you my problem. Kakol nods. I am listening. Hanuman asks for solution. Kakol says I don’t know about you but I have someone who answers all my questions by my side.

Shani asks Ashwani brothers if they wont come with him. Maharishi tells him otherwise. Surya Dev and Devi Sanghya have promised me. Ashwani Kumars wont go anywhere. They are now my kids. Shani says it is not your right anymore to decide where they will stay. I am taking them with me. Try to stop me if you can. Maharishi tells him to be careful. Shani thinks it is the only way to show Ashwani Kumars their truth. He doesn’t react when Maharishi attacks him. He falls down on the ground hurt. Ashwani Kumars hold his hand and it is immediately healed. They step back scared. What happened? Shani replies that it is the energy of their father (Vaid Surya Dev). It can heal any wound. He walks up to Maharishi. You tried to make them calves forgetting that they are the lions of Surya Loka. They will go with me to Surya Loka. I will see who will stop them! Maharishi again tells him against it. They are the outcome of my hard work. Surya Dev has given them to me. I have a right on them. He creates a line around him and the Ashwani brothers. If anyone tries crossing it then he will be in big trouble. Shani says I can barge in in line right away if I wish but it will be a disrespect to your Tapobal. You would surely be punished for your indiscipline though. I feel it is important to teach you a lesson for the same before taking Ashwani brothers with me. I am leaving for now but I will surely return to bring you back on the right path!

Chhaya says your health is only becoming weak day by day. He tells her he will be fine soon. She remarks that she has never felt this distant from him before even after staying away from him. I feel there is something in your mind which isn’t letting you recover. He walks a few steps away from her. She advises him to speak his heart out. You will surely feel light. Tell me what’s eating you up from inside if you trust me. He is about to tell her when Devi Sanghya comes there. Surya Dev needs to rest after taking medicine. If we will continue talking to him then he wont be able to do so. Let’s leave. Sanghya turns to go but Chhaya stays put. Maybe you dint hear me? Chhaya replies that she did hear her. Surya Dev is my husband but I wont leave him in this situation. Sanghya reasons that Surya Dev will take rest and become fine. Chhaya is sure he needs his loved ones more than that. I am sure Shani will soon find out about Surya Dev’s problem and will also find a solution to it.

Shani tells Dev Vishwakarma he has found his answer. Surya Dev got in this situation at the moment when he too turned into a horse to get Devi Sanghya out of her curse. Ashwani Kumars are the outcome of that incident and they only are his cure. Dev Vishwakarma agrees with him. We must take him back to Surya Loka. Shani tells him about the special line that Maharishi has cast around him. Right then, Kakol comes there looking for Shani. Hanuman said that he wants to find a solution to Surya Dev’s problem. Shani smiles hearing it. Kakol is puzzled. Did I do something wrong? Shani denies. You gave us the solution of a problem.

Hanuman looks at the sun. He thinks of Surya Dev refusing to teach him owing to his illness. Your cure can be anywhere but I will find it.

Shani suggests Kakol to tell Hanuman if Shani and Hanuman will join hands then they will be able to find solution to every problem. Kakol smiles.

Precap: Shani confronts Surya Dev. Two other Surya-putra’s are in Mrityu Loka – Ashwani Kumars. Hanuman comes to Maharishi’s Ashram. He tells Maharishi the difference between him and Shani. He handles it patiently but I cannot. He thumps his fist on the ground and digs a piece of land.

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