Shashtri Sisters 23rd September 2014 Written Update

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Shashtri Sisters 23rd September 2014 Written Update by Amena

Shashtri Sisters 23rd September 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Minty is trouble. Neil sees her and takes her inside as she falls. Anushka asks Devyaani to come fast. Rajat says he will not leave those men who has pushed her. Sareen cares for her. Minty says why did they say to tell your daughter to be quiet. Neil says maybe they came in wrong house. Anushka asks Minty to have pain killer. Minty says I understood now, I got threatened because of these girls. Sareen asks her not to hurt anyone. Devyaani is shocked. Minty scolds them and says she is going. Neil sees Devyaani tensed. Sareen asks Anushka to be careful.

Rajat talks to Anushka and says I think mum is right, do you know someone who can do this. Anushka says no. He says maybe your boyfriend did this. He says he will not leave him. Anushka says don’t come to any conclusion so soon. He says then who can it be. She asks him to find out. He says you pray its not Rajeev, else you will also be wrong in my eyes. Anushka leaves. Rajat says who can it be.Devyaani comes to a park and thinks about the incident. Neil comes to her. He asks what happened, why are you quiet. Neil says you told me how I troubled you, now I have realized it, so I came to say sorry and help you.

He says I know there is some problem, share it with me. Devyaani cries and hugs him. Neil is stunned and holds her thinking for a moment. He says tell me what happened. Devyaani tells him the incident and what all she saw and recorded. Neil is shocked. He says come, sit and talks to her. Anushka comes there and thinks about Rajat’s words. She says is it really Rajeev behind this. Does he want to hurt my family, he might have troubled Alka too, I have to warn her. She says Alka went on honeymoon, she will be tensed.

Alka calls Anushka and says she did not go on honeymoon. Anushka asks why. Alka says I will come home for some time. Anushka says no, don’t come home. Anushka asks about Rajeev. Anushka tells about the guys hurting Minty and threatening her. Alka says he has proved that he can do anything when he gets angry. Anushka says he cheated you. Alka says I will come and talk. Anushka says fine, take care of yours and sisters. Santo hears this and smiles.

Devyaani tells Neil that she told the driver not to tell anyone. She says she is afraid, she is a coward. Neil says no, police came there and the couple is safe because of you. She says what about the men who are culprits. She says I thought I m brave and strong, but no I m coward. He says no, you are practical, you did not risk your family to get them punished. The men follow Peeya and scare her. Peeya sees the gate locked and gets tensed. Neil says stay out of it. Devyaani says its not easy, I decided to forget this, but I saw this video. Neil is shocked seeing the proof.

She says what should I do now. Neil asks are these the same men who has hurt mum. Devyaani says sorry, aunty got hurt because of me. Neil says I also want them to be punished, but I m afraid that they can harm our family. She says we should send this video to police and not say we passed it. Neil gets a online upload idea and smiles. Peeya rings the bell. The man walks to her. Minty walks out and the men leave. Peeya hugs her being scared. Minty asks what happened. Peeya says two men were following me. Minty is shocked and says she will see them. She scolds and says they are gone.

Minty says she fixed the lock on gate because of your sisters, come with me and have food here, as your sisters are not at home. Alka thinks about Rohan’s words. She thinks she will tell him everything today as its his respect involved in this matter. Rohan comes home to take accounts file and asks about Alka. Vrinda says she is on terrace to get the dry clothes. Rajeev is on terrace and Alka is shocked seeing him. He smiles.

Alka asks him to go. He holds her and gets close, while she asks him to leave her. He says I know you also wish to see me, so you did not go on honeymoon. Rohan walks on the stairs. Alka says she wishes to live her life with Rohan and goes away from her life. He says he wants everyone to know about his love story. He says he will not leave her. Alka says please go from here. He says he won’t go, he can do anything for her. Rohan comes there and is shocked seeing Rajeev and Alka together. Rohan thinks about Rajeev’s words. Alka is shocked seeing Rohan.

The inspector comes and talks to Neil and Devyaani. He says someone uploaded the video from this house. Minty hears them.

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  1. mahann
    September 23, 12:50 Reply

    Marriage is based on Love,faith and trust.

    I want to slap hard Alka hiding the truth from Rohan.

    I wish Rohan send her back to her fathers`s house so that her brain will start working.She is disgusting wife.

    • antea
      September 24, 05:22

      Perfect you r puck a rt

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