Shashtri Sisters 9th October 2014 Written Update

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Shashtri Sisters 9th October 2014 Written Update by Amena

Shashtri Sisters 9th October 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Neil pacifying Devyaani seeing her upset. She hugs him and says she got a good friend. She leaves for her class. He smiles. Devyaani returns the NCC camp dress. She says she can’t compromise on her dad’s happiness and leaves. Alka dresses Anushka’s foot and asks her to rest. She says she will do kitchen work and come. The door bell rings. Alka says why is no one opening the door. Alka sees the gas cylinder man and goes to open the door. She says the door is locked, you come later. The man says I will keep it here, its heavy. She says fine, come. Rajeev runs inside her home. Minty comes and Alka tells her that the man got her cylinder.

Minty says she did not book a cylinder. The man says maybe its wrong address. Minty scolds him. She asks Alka how can she be a fool to get the man inside, he can be a thief too. Alka says sorry and goes upstairs. Alka goes in kitchen. Rajeev comes there and holds her. Alka throws things. Anushka asks is everything fine Didi and tries to go out. Rajeev asks Alka not to make noise. Anushka comes and is shocked seeing Rajeev. Rajeev asks Anushka to go. Anushka shouts for help. Rajeev keeps knife at Alka and says he will kill her. Rajat comes home.

Anushka screams for help. Rajat hears her and runs upstairs. Alka says leave me Rajeev. Rajeev says I will kill her and myself. As your sister has cheated me. Rajat is shocked seeing Rajeev at home and throws a clock to drop his knife, asking Alka to bow down. Rajeev falls. Alka runs to Anushka. Rajat beats Rajeev. Rajat twists his hand and beats him red and blue. Rajeev gets a pan to beat Rajat. Rajat holds it and beats him. Some good action scenes are shown. Minty and Neil come and is shocked seeing Rajeev.

Minty asks Rajat to leave him. Rajat asks her to call police. Alka says she will call police. Rajeev gets angry. Alka calls police station. Neil calls Sareen. Minty talks to him and asks him to get Shastri ji and come home fast. The police comes and arrests Rajeev. Rajeev says you will regret Alka to hate me. Alka says she regrets to love him and she will repent by hating him. Rajat says he will go to police station for making FIR, and tells Anushka to celebrate by chocs as he will end their tension today. He leaves.

Sareen and Shastri ji come home. Minty tells him everything. Alka says she will say what happened. Its night, the sisters are together. Anushka says dad went to police station to stop Rajat from making FIR, but Rajat made it before he went there, dad is worried for the situation. Anushka says she will go and talk to dad. She cries. Sareen sees her crying and asks did Shastri ji not have food even today. She says yes. He says you might have also refused to have food in childhood, or maybe not, as this will hurt your parents as you knew they love you, even he is doing this now, he is lucky as his daughters love him.

He asks her to have haldi milk as her foot will be fine soon. He leaves. Shastri ji comes to his daughters and sees them sleeping. He thinks how he scolded them. Ye chaaron mere jeevan ki punji hai………………….plays…………………… He cries seeing them and leaves. Anushka wakes up and thinks she felt like dad came here.

Rajat and Neil have a talk at the terrace. Neil asks about whom is he thinking and smiling. Rajat says about Rajeev, I love when criminals gets arrested. Neil says hats off to you. Rajat says hats off to those girls who smile after dealing with problems. Neil thinks about Devyaani and Rajat thinks about Anushka, they talk about their love without mentioning the names.

Shastri ji tells Sareen that everyone is staring at him. He is shocked seeing newspaper. Minty taunts him and he scolds Rajat.

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  1. megha
    October 09, 12:54 Reply

    I hope Rajeev never gets out of jail but that’s wishful thinking. I guess after the news now Rohan will give alka divorce. I hope he changes his mind and at least try to find out the truth

  2. annie
    October 09, 12:31 Reply

    The couple of rajat and anushka is very cute

  3. mahann
    October 09, 11:23 Reply

    For how long Rajeev will stay locked? soon he will be back and may be he will be supported by his evil father.

  4. pooja
    October 09, 11:12 Reply

    Rajat had done a good job

  5. M@hi
    October 09, 10:40 Reply

    This Rajiv is such a nuisance. I’m so happy Rajat beat him up badly.

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