Simar to hang herself on Colors’ Sasural Simar Ka

Simar (Dipika Samson) has been trying her best to bring out Baa (Minal Karpe) and Kartik’s (Prateek Shukla) reality in front of Vikrant on Colors’ Sasural Simar Ka (Rashmi Sharma Productions), but all in vain.

As seen so far, Baa and Kartik have managed to convince Vikrant (Aadesh Chaudhary) about Simar being a liar. They’ve also said that Simar is accusing them to be Sunaina’s murderer simply to get back to the Bharadwaj house.

So what will Simar do now?

If sources are to be believed the plot will only get thicker now with Baa and Kartik kidnapping Siddhant (Manish Raisinghani).

The kidnapping drama will be a plot to get rid of Simar given the fact that she knows everything about Baa and Kartik.

As per a reliable source, the mother-son duo will ask Simar to hang herself to save her brother-in-law. Since, Simar has always lived for others she will decide on following their orders.

Yes, you heard it right!

Simar will decide to hang herself, only to be saved by Vikrant at the very last minute.

However, the drama will not end here. We hear that Baa will go on to stab Vikrant at that very moment.

What happens next is for the viewers to wait and watch.

When contacted Prateek he said, “There is a huge drama in making where once again history will repeat itself with Baa trying to take Simar’s life.”

Don’t miss this high end drama.

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