Singhasan Battisi 15th September 2014 Written Update

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Singhasan Battisi 15th September 2014 Written Update by Tanaya

Singhasan Battisi 15th September 2014 Written Episode

The episode begins with,tyag putli tells raja bhoj that raja vikramaditya has now started falling for that lady listening to this raja bhoj denies wat she says and says raja vikramaditya is a good human beibg who saved the ladys life then raja vikramaditya requests the lady to help her find out the way to get the gold coins and she agrees too tell and warns him about the difficulties ahead she gives him clue that he will find his way where he thinks there is no way raja vikramaditya goes towards the waterfall and reminds of wat she has told him and crosses the waterfalls in the fort yogini sees that ritvik dhaj is closer to his death and tells that there is less time for the sunset raja vikramaditya enters into a barren land where he sees a tree on which is the bag of gold coin hanging as raja approaches the land starts to shake and raja vikramaditya fells down’
In to the old fort devi of sacrifice tells tat this way raja vikramaditya fails to get the bag of gold coin listening to this raja bhoj tells that raja vikramaditya is man who follows dharma and he wont loose his battle so easily then raja vikramaditya is seen climbing upwards to reach the gold of bag coins he takes the bag and the surface starts shivering again and their appears Yaksh lok ki raj kumarii yakshini and asks him to keep the bag as it is important for this suvarn world raja vikramaditya refuses to do so and tells her the reason to take away this bag listening to this yakshini asks raja vikramaditya to cut his head and keep it in the place of bag as the bag is so important for the suvarn lok
Into the old fort devi of sacrifice asks raja bhoj wat does he think raja vikramaditya have done raja bhoj says tat raja vikramaditya would definitely kill himself and save ritvik dhajs life raja vikramaditya agrees to yakshini of giving away his life and asks her to givethe bag of gold coins to ritvik dhaj and raja vikramadita was about to kill himself yakshini stops him and tells him tat she was just testing him and gives him away the bag of gold coins taking that bag raja vikramaditya goes to ritvi dhaj and asks him to open his eyes and see tat he has brought the bag of gold coins when sun rays hit on ritvik dhajs body he opens his eyes and gets up and thanks raja vikramaditya for helping him seeing that yogini saya that raja vikramaditya is the great raja and great sacrificing personality
In the old fort devi of tyagi says this was the story of raja vikramadityas sacrifice and asks raja bhoj tat weather he is that great sacrificing personality to this raja bhoj replies this can be only understood by doin karma and not just by saying that i can do and then devi of sacrifice disappears
Then appears devi maya and agrees that karma is the right way to prove urself and asks him a aquestion that for a raja what is important tyag dharm or raj dharma to this raja bhoj replies tyag dharm devi maya then disappears and raja bhoj arrives in a different area like a barren land

Raja bhoj is seen picked up by an eagle bird and that bird drops him in old fort kind of land where he sees vulture’s flying above.

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1 Comment

  1. soniii
    September 18, 05:37 Reply

    tq 4 d wu tanaya….i luv dis show very much..

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