1 Comment

  1. WTF
    December 30, 14:44 Reply

    why would suhani dad do that for he’s not that cheap seriously end this serial its really going shit i bet right adi molested gauri and must have threated her saying that go and tell everyone that babhuji did this wtf i hate gauri behviour its so lame y she so like this for cahnge ur self gauri i thought whn u get married to adi have a happy family but this is just disgusting suhaani right did so much for this so family she brought pritima daughter back and they got happniess back that so great but whnevr she gets angry its so anyng her face annoys me y does dadi calll her ladki can anyone explain me coz whnevr dadi calls her ladki its sooo anoying i feel like comming there and puch her ugly face


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