Story 9 Months Ki 1st February 2021 Written Update

Story 9 Months Ki 1st February 2021 Written Update by H Hasan

Story 9 Months Ki 1st February 2021 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Alia telling that she had decided for IVF reading Sarangdhar’s poem and hopes that he understands her decision and moves ahead in life. Rabia calls her. Alia wears googles to hide her tears. Rabia asks her to come to her clinic. Alia asks if everything fine. Rabia says yes and asks her to come. Alia says ok, I will come. Kavya drops Sarangdhar to his house and tells that she understands that he don’t talk to anyone when he is upset, but she wants to tell him that she is with him if he wants to share something with her. He nods yes and is going inside, when he hears a boy reading the Vasudev’s story that he dropped Krishna to Vrindavan. Sarangdhar sits with the boy and asks if he is reading the book. He says he is reading the essay and tells the names of Krishna God. Sarangdhar hears one of the name as brij mohan. Rabia checks Alia and does her scanning. Alia asks her to make her hear her baby’s heart beat. Rabia asks her to get up and tells that she heard two babies heart beat. Alia gets surprised to know that she is pregnant with two babies. She gets excited and nervous both…Rabia asks her to sit. Alia cries and says my babies will never be alone, they will be together always and their childhood will not be like my childhood. She says they are even now together. Rabia hopes that Alia’s happiness doubles always. She kisses her. Gautam tells Alia that they are meeting after 2 months and asks why she wants to meet him. Alia says she don’t want him to miss her life’s good news. She says you are going to be Nana. Gautam says your IVF process is complete. Alia says you are not congratulating me. Gautam says congrats, you are expanding your one woman family. He says how you will manage without your husband, when people asks you. Alia says just like you have raised me as a single father. He asks did you call me to insult me. Alia says she called him to share the good news and tells that she wants him to spend quality time with both his grand children. Gautam is shocked and says Nandini and I can’t handle you, how can you handle business and these two babies. He says they will distract you. Alia says the people who think my babies are distraction, don’t deserve to be in my life. She opens the door. Gautam goes out.

Sarangdhar looks at the cheque which Alia had given her and thinks of her words. He thinks of the boy reading essay and recalls his childhood, when his father Brij mohan holds on to his pocket and leaves his hand, seeing the crowd running towards the bus. Sarangdhar says bapu…He thinks he can’t leave his (baby’s ) hand. Ramesh asks what happened? Sarangdhar says I will tell you later. Alia thinks to double the list. Door bell rings. Alia opens the door thinking Sunita came. She sees Sarangdhar at the door and asks what is he doing here? Sarangdhar says he came to tell her about his heart feelings. He bends down on his knees and says I will not leave your hand, will stand with you and will walk behind you, so that when you fall down, I hold you and not to let you fall down. Alia asks what are you doing? Sarangdhar says he is talking to his baby. He says he didn’t want to be a father, but when he heard his baby’s heart beat, he can’t expressed what he said. He tells that he knows how it feels, as his father had chosen the money rather than him. He says he had left my hand and tells that he got everything, but not love. He tells that he will give emotional stability and love to his son. He says he has still 7.5 months to become financially independent for his baby. He tells that he will not run away from his responsibilities. Alia is shocked. Sarangdhar returns the cheque and says 100 cheques are nothing infront of his baby, as he is priceless. He handovers the cheque in her hand. Story 9 months ki plays….Sarangdhar says now I will fulfill my dreams on my own, so that when my baby comes in this world, I can fulfill my duty. He returns the money. She asks what is it? He says you have given me this as tip, when I first saw you at the baby shop.

Alia tells Sarangdhar that it is not easy as he thinks. He says he wants to stand with her and see the baby when he comes. He says if he fails then he will not turn up. He sits again and asks baby to trust his Papa. He says he will become suitable to raise him. Alia is shocked.

He gets up and asks her to tell her Dr. number and tells about her next appointment. Alia asks what you will do. Sarangdhar says he will come with her. Alia says not needed. She turns. Sarangdhar gives her water when she takes the medicines. He asks her to inform her, when to remind her to take medicines. Alia says she will keep the alarm. He asks if she ever think in her dream, that she will become pregnant with his baby. Sarangdhar sets the alarm. Alia shows the donor’s agreement and says it has your sign on it. Sarangdhar says this sign was taken by cheat. Alia says court will believe this. Sarangdhar says he is from Mathura and will go to court, will not bear anything wrong.

Precap: Alia asks Sarangdhar why is he taking the car keys while she is in the car. Sarangdhar drops the keys on the ground by mistake. Alia feels suffocated. Sarangdhar looks for the keys and asks her to have patience.

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