Suhani Si Ek Ladki 10th August 2015 Written Update

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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 10th August 2015 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 10th August 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suhani and Yuvraaj getting the surprise of anniversary party. Sharad cries and asks them how did they like surprise. Yuvraaj smiles and nods. Suhani asks Pankaj. He holds his ears and says sorry, I did drama with Pratima and did this. Yuvraaj asks Pratima about doctor’s appointment. Pratima says you would have not agreed if I told you, its first wedding anniversary. Menka asks Dadi won’t she do anything now.

Pratima asks Suhani and Yuvraaj how did they like surprise. Suhani says nice and hugs Pratima. Yuvraaj hugs Pratima too and takes blessings. Anuj asks Yuvraaj and Suhani to stand closer for the pic. Yuvraaj holds Suhani. Sharad asks them to cut the cake. Suhani asks Bhavna why did she do acting. Bhavna says she did it to convince her. Everyone clap. Yuvraaj and Suhani cut the cake together.

Menka is glad that she will get cake to eat. Yuvraaj and Suhani take cake for Pratima. Pratima asks them to make each other have the cake. Dadi looks on angrily. Yuvraaj and Suhani make each other have the cake. Everyone clap. Suhani goes to wash hands. Sharad teases Yuvraaj. Dadi says she has to talk to Yuvraaj and sends Sharad. Anuj. Pratima and Sharad sing Kya Kehna…. They all sing and dance together, and bring Yuvraaj and Suhani together.

Pratima hugs Suhani and Yuvraaj. They all smile and clap. Rohan claps being upset. Pratima asks them to talk once and solve the issues, else she will agree to their decision. Yuvraaj nods. Rohan gets worried. Rags asks about the hosts. Pratima says they are in room. The guests leave. Pratima thanks Pankaj and Lata. Pankaj says no need to thank. Rags and Menka say Pratima got courage to stand against Dadi. Pratima says things happen by destiny.

Suhani and Yuvraaj argue and he asks her to wait, he will show her what she has done. He goes to get papers. Pratima says they got business back because of Pankaj and Suhani, and thanks him. Dadi madly starts yelling on him. She humiliates Pankaj. She asks why did Suhani come back again, how much money she wants to leave Yuvraaj. Pankaj says enough. Lata says we will leave. Dadi asks them to get lost and take Suhani along.

Suhani hears them and comes to see. Pankaj says I risked my everything and you are saying this. Dadi says you are a cheat, you did deal for Suhani by giving loan. Suhani says enough Dadi. She asks how can she talk to Pankaj like this, talk to him with respect, her dad has always helped them in tough time. Dadi says I knew you will boast about the help, tell me how much money you want.

She asks Menka to get her cheque book. Suhani asks how much money will she give to Pankaj, who kept his home mortgaged. Yuvraaj comes there and sees Suhani arguing with Dadi. Suhani says you always insulted me, I felt one day I will make you lose and say person makes place in heart by nature, I did not know people here have stone hearts, my dad knew this house is in loan, he saved this house and company, my dad have done this relation because I liked Yuvraaj. She says he was not greedy of anything, our family did not do anything that harmed this family.

She cries and tells Dadi how she has blamed her dad, she can’t bear if anyone tells anything to her dad, you don’t have any right to stain my dad’s name. Dadi fumes and sees Yuvraaj. She folds hands and apologizes, saying stop this bitter words, I can’t bear it. Suhani asks why is she saying so.. Yuvraaj shouts enough Suhani and gets angry. Suhani looks at him.

Yuvraaj and Suhani argue. He says he will end this matter. She pulls off her mangalsutra and says she does not have any right on this.

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  1. Mg
    August 11, 01:04 Reply

    Whats happensss

  2. Mg
    August 11, 01:04 Reply

    Wtng for today 6.30

  3. Mg
    August 11, 01:03 Reply

    Suhani u r decision is good.
    what an idiot yuvraj he has no sence for realising suganis innocent . He will know suhani is a ritual girl she was enough to spoke against yelders. How u think dadi is innocent atleast he talk to others what happends on it. He blinded by devil dadi

  4. tafle
    August 10, 14:52 Reply

    gud job suhani 4 shutting dadi I hate her along wid menka and ragz and yuvraaj frm hw long will u understand suhani?

  5. Lisa
    August 10, 13:52 Reply

    Bahahahaha! what a dumb episode, makes Suhani look like a villain. Yuvraaj is a super idiot, Suhani very clearly stated that from Day 1, the old woman has insulted her daily. I think Suhani should finally realize that Birla is the worst house for to continue to live in. Surat is more important than seerat! Walk away Suhani and never come back, even when Yuvraaj realizes his errors, in which, I think he never will. Hopefully, a super hot girl will come along and take Yuvraaj’s breath away, and he can stay out of Suhani’s life forever!!!

  6. Ks
    August 10, 13:38 Reply

    Precap is bad..
    but today u did a good u shut the mouth of dadi . well done but we didnt except from dadi she change her colour…
    hm how do like these old devils

  7. Dp
    August 10, 13:33 Reply

    Ya s
    dnt accept rohans proposal
    he is also involve dadis plan
    yuvraj still loves u

  8. sri
    August 10, 13:33 Reply

    wow finally Suhani burst out why ths Yuvaraj is so tupid very nice episode

  9. X
    August 10, 13:29 Reply

    Yeah suhani shud leave the house but no accept rohan’s proposal bcoz he is not right 4 suhani & he is the main reason for yuvani’s difference

  10. Dp
    August 10, 13:29 Reply

    Right time to leaving birla house
    devil dadi bitch

  11. Maira
    August 10, 12:49 Reply

    Yuvraj ab bs bhi Kro Dono apas me baat kr ke is matter ko solve kr lo or wo ruhanika uska tu mera dil krta hai sir phoor dun ye sub osi ka kiya dhara hai

  12. anonymous1
    August 10, 12:27 Reply

    suhani seriously needs to leave that damn house. that wicked old witch needs to drop dead already

  13. Suba
    August 10, 11:40 Reply

    Devil dadi// ur a elder stupid dammit

  14. Theodora
    August 10, 11:21 Reply

    I love this! You go suhani!!!

    Dadi is a bitch!

  15. Ks
    August 10, 10:46 Reply

    Suhani is right wtng for next twist
    dumb dadi she act such nonsence
    when yuvraj know the truth about devil dadi drama base?
    suhani left yuvraj will know how he love!!

    • anonymous1
      August 10, 12:28

      he always falls for the dadi rona dhona. he will forgive her again. cant stand that old hag

  16. Malu
    August 10, 10:41 Reply

    Waiting for tmrw
    suhani u r right
    ohhh I was there I will killlllll bloody devil dadiiiiiii

  17. Malu
    August 10, 10:39 Reply

    Wow tremondous episode

  18. soni
    August 10, 10:17 Reply

    I dun get why dramas teach to respect people like Dadi. Just because she’s older? She is a real witch messing about people’s life. I liked how Krishna’mom treated dadi. As for Yuvraj, once again he’ll insult her in front of everyone. I’m glad it will be over for good! I am also glad Suhani finally doing the right thing. It’s not worth living in a house where your husband neither loves you or respects you. He is just messing about Suhani’s feelings because she loves him. He couldn’t even answer Pratima’s simple question if he even wants to stay together with her. He couldn’t answer Sharad’s simple question if he loves Suhani. Just because they are married, he should stop acting like he owns Suhani!

    • Aranya Mahadeo
      August 11, 03:11

      Well said Soni. I completely agree with you. It is really unfair that Yuvraj keeps believing his Dadi despite the truth being told before and knowing that Dadi has never liked Suhani. He has always fought Dadi for Suhani yet now he believes Dadi instead of Suhani. Suhani deserves better than this, she will definitely be doing the right thing by leaving Yuvraj. Yuvraj should regret and then realize that Dadi is an evil witch, I hope that he will suffer and Dadi will be thrown on the streets.

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