Suhani Si Ek Ladki 12th June 2015 Written Update

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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 12th June 2015 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 12th June 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Sharad being angry on Krishna and Soumya, who has hurt Suhani always. Pratima asks him to be quiet. Dadi says she feels he is right for the first time. Lalita cries and blames Soumya for her son’s state. Soumya says if she feels Krishna has gone to jail because of her, then she promises she will free Krishna till evening, she will go to mum and take money for his bail. She leaves. Dadi blames Krishna and Soumya for being disloyal. Menka talks foolish and says Soumya will be feeling bad, and Suhani can help them. Rags says but Suhani has seen the theft happening in footage and also money, I think she will support truth than her friend. Sharad says Rags is right.

Suhani says if Krishna did theft, he should be punished. Soumya comes home alone and Lalita asks Krishna. She calls her unlucky and problem for them. Yuvraaj says its good news, our accounts are reopening. They ask Ramesh to get sweets. Sharad says tension is gone, now they can breath peacefully. Yuvraaj sees Suhani upset.

Suhani says she does not know what to do and talks to snoopi. Dadi talks to Menka and Rags and says Suhani feels she will win, but here I rule this house and she will lose miserably. Yuvraaj goes and talks to Snoopi. He says he has come to make her realize happiness. She says you know why I m worried. He pacifies her and says Krishna’ arrest was necessary. He joins hands with her to show the shield. They have an eyelock.

Pratima gives sweets to Lata and they have sweets together. Dadi and Menka praise Suhani and talk to Pankaj. Suhani says everyone found the formula together and they helped me. Pankaj says yes, we are one family now. Dadi says we should do a party and celebrate together. Yuvraaj says sure. They smile. Pratima invites Pankaj and Lata. Pankaj says he will try, he has bank loan paper work. He says we will leave now. They leave.

Dadi gives the responsibility to Menka. Rags asks why is she ignoring her. Dadi says Menka understood that I rule here. She says whatever happens today, I m sure no one will try to be like her, as it will get impossible for Suhani to stay in this house. Menka does the arrangements and commands Ramesh. Menka jokes on Rags. Pratima talks to Suhani and gives her phone, asking her to end her doubt, talk to Soumya. Menka sees Rags leaving.

Soumya talks to lawyer and tells Murali that they won’t get bail orders after 6pm. Lalita asks her to get Krishna any way. Murali says she is trying, we don’t have money and contacts. Rags warns Dadi to stop Pratima. Dadi says I know everything. Rags says we have to stop Pratima, I noticed all of your plans spoil without me, you always need me at the end. She smiles.

Soumya cries holding the mangalsutra. Murali says no, you will not send this, we will arrange money till tomorrow. She says no, I promised mum I will free Krishna till evening, I will sell this and give them money, if court closes, he can’t get bail, I have to beg to them and do anything to free Krishna. Menka tells Pratima that she has heard Dadi talking to Rags and she wants to help her. She stops Suhani from talking to Soumya.

Pratima says Suhani’s goodness has changed Soumya. Suhani says Soumya is my friend, but if Krishna is culprit, I will not talk to her. Menka says great and switches off the phone. Dadi smiles seeing her. Menka says she did …. Dadi says whatever you did is great, I will give you my diamond bangles to wear in party. Menka thanks her. Dadi asks Rags to see Menka is winning the game for her, what will she do now. Rags leaves angrily. Dadi sees the arrangements and says everything is perfect, just one thing is pending.

Yuvraaj runs after Suhani doing mischief like kids. Soumya and Krishna enter the party and shock everyone. Dadi smiles.

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  1. Krishna
    June 14, 10:28 Reply

    Devil dadi so irritating.its all dadis plan.suhani dnt act like poor you prove the true about dadi.

  2. Mirela
    June 13, 05:16 Reply

    It’s not fair to be loyal to the family at any price, especially in case you are not sure whether it’s actions are correct or not…

  3. Mirela
    June 13, 05:00 Reply

    This time I clicked on ‘dislike’ because I don’t appreciate when someone betrays their old&trusted friend…

  4. Mirela
    June 13, 04:47 Reply

    Suhani has made a totally wrong decision: instead of trusting her old friend she has opted for being loyal to Dadi, who she know very little about. Even if she decided not to trust anyone and try to find the truth on her own, this would be far better – THIS would be real Suhani since I know very well that deep inside Suhani still has doubts about her decision…

  5. anonymous
    June 12, 14:20 Reply

    disappointed in suhani for being so naive. i felt bad for soumya after this. this whole incident will ruin suhani and soumya’s friendship for sure.

  6. Deepti
    June 12, 12:35 Reply

    Seriously yaar Suhani is so silly. How can she believe Dadi do easily? I think soumya’s revenge is correct as Birlas have really done wrong with them and even Suhani also.

  7. saji
    June 12, 12:32 Reply

    It’s suhani stupid or actin like a stupid..she know well Dadi can do anything.but she trusting her…irritating…suhani

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