Suhani Si Ek Ladki 15th September 2015 Written Update

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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 15th September 2015 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 15th September 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Yuvraaj falling. Suhani gets worried. Rohan shouts Suhani does not love you, she can never love a person like you, as she is a nice and caring woman, and you are a unlucky and cheap man, you did not give her respect and love, you think she will love you. Dadi hears this on phone. Rohan holds Suhani’s hand. Yuvraaj says stop it Rohan. Rohan asks him to stop it. Rohan asks Suhani to tell Yuvraaj that she does not love him, no one can love such rude and selfish man, and speaks against Yuvraaj. Suhani asks Rohan to stop it. The call ends. Menka asks how did the call end. Dadi asks what will happen now.

Menka says we will go now. Dadi calls Rohan again and gets his number switched off. Menka says please, we shall go fast, its still time. Dadi agrees. Suhani says she can’t hear anything against Yuvraaj, I know everything about him, and defends Yuvraaj. Its true he did not love me, he gave me respect, he did not make me realize our marriage was a compromise, he did everything to make me happy and saved me from Dadi’s scolding, he took all my mistakes on himself. She cries and says he troubled her, teased her, but then convinced her later, the relation was made forcibly, but Yuvraaj kept it honestly and respectfully, he is not a bad person, think before saying about him. Rohan smiles and they get stunned.

Rohan says I know, I can’t dare to tell anything against Yuvraaj. I was interested to hear god things about him from you, so I did this. He removes the pagdi and says everyone here knows you love Yuvraaj a lot, I realized this after Yuvraaj broke his leg, if he did not fall that day, I would have not understood, no one can bear you except Yuvraaj. Dadi says we have to stop Yuvraaj. Menka says I will win bet and gets Rags’ makeup. Rags asks her to shut up. Dadi tells Pratima that Suhani won’t come here, I will make Suhani leave from his life. Pratima says I know my son will get Suhani, I will prepare to welcome her. Dadi promises Suhani won’t come and leaves with Rags and Menka.

Rohan tells Lata that Suhani has bear a lot, she has right to be happy, let her be with Yuvraaj, no one can keep her happy more than Yuvraaj. He jokes and smiles. He tells Pankaj that he has called the fake officers. Pankaj asks what. Rohan says yes, I wanted to marry Suhani and did many mistakes, have lied a lot, I took Suhani’s signs on divorce papers. Pankaj says Rohan… Rohan says I convinced Yuvraaj that Suhani does not want to live with him.

Suhani looks at Yuvraaj. Rohan says I liked her a lot, because she is very beautiful, from heart and looks too, I did all this because I felt she is not happy with Yuvraaj, I did this to make her happy, I did not lock myself in the room. He thanks Soumya for locking him, else he could not realize if he wants to stay in one sided relation. He tells Soumya that he had the keys of the door and still he did not come out. Soumya asks why. Rohan says because I was also waiting for Yuvraaj like you, I knew he will come, so I was praying that Yuvraaj does not get late this time.

Rohan says Suhani did not like me, if not in this birth, I hope I will win her love. He hugs Yuvraaj and asks him to keep Suhani happy. Everyone smile. Rohan says bye mother india, I lost in love, but I always won in court cases, you can call me if you need legal help anytime. Rohan leaves. Suhani and Yuvraaj smile seeing each other. Saware…………..plays………… Soumya hugs Suhani happily. Sharad and Krishna hug Yuvraaj.

Dadi, Rags and Menka are on the way. Menka and Rags argue. Dadi asks them to shut up. Bhavna and Pankaj ask Lata to agree now. Lata says I m worried for Dadi, will she accept Suhani or not. Pankaj says Yuvraaj and Pratima will manage. He says Yuvraaj is right for Suhani. Yuvraaj says sorry Suhani. She says enough and he asks what happened. She hugs him. He gets amazed and smiles. Suhani says you had more than one year to say this, did you get this day to say, I won’t wait more. He says now we will live life together, whats hurry. She says will you take one year time to hug me. He says I know, I also felt this missing, maybe all incompleteness will get completed. He hugs her and says you completed me, I love you. She says I love you too and smiles.

Sharad asks Yuvraaj to take Suhani home. Dadi says never, I never wanted Suhani to become Yuvraaj’s wife, she is not suitable for you.

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  1. Aranya Maahdeo
    September 16, 09:28 Reply

    I think I know what might happen. I think Dadi might get a pretty looking bride who is fair and get that bride to marry Yuvraj then Dadi will regret when the bride wants to take Birla fortune away but of course Suhani will save the day and then Dadi will change.

  2. Anu
    September 16, 01:04 Reply

    Omg spoiler is out dadi plot against suhani..
    on the mehendi function of yuvanis remarriage..

  3. Anu
    September 15, 23:21 Reply

    Wtng todays episode

  4. CC
    September 15, 15:42 Reply


  5. Anu
    September 15, 14:28 Reply

    No yaar
    the spoiler is out yuvraj remarrie suhani..
    confirmed by all Facebook trp pages , sbs,sbb and sbt

  6. ci
    September 15, 14:13 Reply

    i think dadi stop this marriage midway.i know.god fon’t bring yuvraj in her way.i think for family sake yuvraj-suhani will not marry.oh bhagavan whats going to happen

  7. X
    September 15, 13:48 Reply

    Lovely epi
    Wtng 4 upcoming episodes<3<3<3:-*

  8. Lisa
    September 15, 12:47 Reply

    wow! great episode, loved the hugs, especially when he holds her tighter, like he never wants to let go of her!!! Finally some progress in the relationship! I think they should kind of end the soap on this good note, i.e. getting married again. Then the soap will be a super success, otherwise, it will possibly drag on with other weird unnecessary storylines. For example a dragged out kidnapping (kumkum bhagya), possessed guy or girl or black magic! ha! ha! like many other soaps (Sasural Simar Ka, etc….)

  9. Malu
    September 15, 12:09 Reply

    Super episode
    yes yuvani together so much happy…
    ma fav show going good..
    still wtng upcming episodes yuvraj remarrie suhani

  10. duskdawn
    September 15, 12:05 Reply

    lovely yuvani hug.
    It was soooo good.<3
    So glad they are back together. yay!

  11. Nashita
    September 15, 11:37 Reply

    In the upcoming episodes we will see that dadi agrees for marriage of yuvraaj and suhani. Dadi is very happy and ask rags and menka to get prepared for suhani yuvraaj’s sangeet ceremony. Rags gets angry and say she won’t dance in the sangeet. But dadi scold her and she agrees to do a dance proformence in the sangeet. Dadi and suhani happily dances in the sangeet. And suhani happily hugs dadi. They all become very happy.

    • anonymous1
      September 15, 11:51

      sounds all lovely but dadi must be planning something

    • Malu
      September 15, 12:16

      but till not now any spoiler is come out

    • Nashita
      September 15, 12:30

      I also think so. But not sure cuz dadi something planning against suhani and rags and menka doesn’t know about that. How can this possible.

    • Malu
      September 15, 12:33

      Ys wtng
      but now show is gng super in day by day

  12. Ks
    September 15, 11:19 Reply

    Wow lovely episode

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