Suhani Si Ek Ladki 16th December 2014 Written Update

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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 16th December 2014 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 16th December 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Krishna getting angry seeing Soumya hugging Yuvraaj. Rags sends pic to Menka. Krishna’s dad stops him and asks him to go from here, and not create any trouble for him. Sharad separates Soumya and Yuvraaj, and says he has to say congrats too. Yuvraaj says you wanted Suhani to win. Sharad says no, I wanted love to win. Dadi says yes, love has won. Lata says Dadi is right. Dadi says we will have party tonight and invites Bhavna and Amit too. Pankaj says I have to go bank, I will leave. Yuvraaj asks why, do you have to sanction any loan. Suhani says yes, he is in that department. Yuvraaj says he will join later. Dadi asks Yuvraaj to leave Soumya to her room. Yuvraaj takes her. Krishna looks on angrily.

Yuvraaj cares for Soumya and she thanks him. Dadi comes to her. Yuvraaj asks them to talk and he will leave. Dadi says but Suhani did not do well today. Soumya says yes, what was so imp to win for Suhani, but its fine, she did a lot for me and I should not think this. She says we won finally. Yuvraaj thinks.

Sharad gets angry and tells Pratima that Soumya is fooling Yuvraaj. Yuvraav cares for Soumya’s foot, and Suhani is shocked seeing them. Pratima says I can’t tell anything to Suhani. Sharad says but you can tell Soumya. Dadi’s hand burns by hot water and Suhani says sorry. Suhani says she got warm water for Soumya. Dadi scolds her. Krishna sends sweets for Yuvraaj and mixes something. He pays the man. He says this sweet will turn Yuvraaj’s life bitter, have this once. Yuvraaj tells Suhani that he is tired. She says she knows him very well, and does not like him to be upset. He asks why did she do cheating. She is shocked.

Bhavna tells Soumya that she knows she cheats since childhood, and winning is everything for her in any game. Soumya says she is mistaken. Bhavna says she has seen Suhani touching the line. Suhani defends herself to Yuvraaj, and says she is not so bad to hurt Soumya to win the game, they have spend time, that’s all imp for her. Bhavna leaves. Pratima comes to Soumya and says Suhani has touched that line, even I saw it. Soumya says no, Bhavna was also saying this, I did not cheat today. Pratima says you mean we all are right, we aw wrong, you alone are right. Suhani says you won Yuvraaj, celebrate now.

He says he is going to meet a friend. She says girl or boy, you don’t even tell me before going, whats all this. He is shocked. She laughs. He is relieved and asks when will she learn to be quiet. Saawre………….plays………….. He keeps his hand on her mouth to stop her words. They have an eyelock. She holds his hand and stops him. She says come soon. He asks why. She says just like this and smiles. Ramesh brings the sweets and gives to Suhani. She says its good and keeps it back as Dadi calls Ramesh. She says give it to Yuvraaj.

Pratima says Soumya that life is not kabaddi game, you can lie to win small thing, but to live life, truth is used always. Soumya says Suhani also cheated and made me fall. Pratima says Sharad did that mistake, not Suhani, Sharad will apologize, its good you accepted your mistake that you lied that time. Soumya says no. Pratima says I m like your mum, and Suhani regards you as her sister, so I m explaining you, if we don’t get anything, it means it was not in our fate, so don’t look back and fight with past decisions, this is not right. She says life means moving on and seeing ahead. She says its time for party, go and get ready.

Everyone get well dressed and come in the party. Saurabh welcomes everyone and says this party is to celebrate our victory. Pratima tells Sharad that she told everything to Soumya. He says it will be good if it happens as you want. Dadi tells Rags about Soumya, why did she not come. Rags says maybe she went to meet Yuvraaj’s friend with him. Dadi says but Bhavna is here, and Pratima is acting clever. Rags says I will go and see Soumya. Bhavna says wow, see that. Yuvraaj comes with Suhani. Everyone smile seeing them. Saurabh says welcome our winning team captain and his wife.

Bhavna says its benefit to be his wife, as she lost and even feels she won. Soumya comes there and Rags smiles seeing her. Rags moves Suhani and makes Soumya stand with Yuvraaj. Pratima and Sharad worry. Soumya looks at Pratima.

Krishna stops Soumya, and a car hits her. He shouts Soumya. Suhani is driving the car while Yuvraaj sits beside. They are shocked.

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  1. Rani
    December 17, 08:12 Reply

    wish sowmya is kicked out.. hope krishna becomes a big man than yuvraj and marries Suhani.. Dont like Yuvraj, he is another idiot mad behind sowmya.

  2. anth
    December 16, 22:14 Reply

    Hw suhani was so fool

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