Suhani Si Ek Ladki 26th October 2016 Written Update

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 26th October 2016 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 26th October 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pratima saying Suhani can’t do this. Dadi asks Pratima not to defend Suhani. Dadi says Suhani did this to take revenge from her and get her insulted. Suhani says I m not that bad to insult the girls, I did not do anything. Dadi says I know why you did this and does not believe Suhani. She goes. Suhani tells Pratima that she did not do this. Pratima asks Suhani to think of the big thing. The lady says Chandrakala has asked right question according to the generation, and she did not hesitate to ask this to her own granddaughter. Saiyyam gets some metal block and takes it. Rags starts the next round, that’s talent round.

A girl sings Tinka tinka…. Everyone clap. Krishna goes to washroom. Yuvani goes to Krishna’s room and says I won’t let you snatch my dream,
I will win this competition today, as I m practicing since years. She cuts the back zip of Krishna’s dress and damages it. Krishna comes. Yuvani hides the scissor. She asks do you have wet tissues, my packet got over. Krishna says yes, and gives her. Yuvani asks her to get ready soon, else it will be late. She goes.

Rags says next performance will be of Yuvani and Krishna, they will have dance jugalbandi. Yuvani and Krishna come on the stage. Everyone clap. Yuvani gets shocked seeing Krishna wearing another dress. She asks Krishna about her dress. Krishna says yes, but I got to know you are wearing saree, so I have worn lehenga choli. Rags says Krishna will perform first. Yuvani has a blade and smiles.

Krishna and Yuvani begin the dance face off round. Yuvani opens/cuts Krishna’s dress back string while dancing. Krishna overshadows Yuvani by her dancing talent. Saiyyam looks at the stage as he has done something t make stage fall. Everyone clap. Saiyyam looks under the stage. Pratima says Suhani, this was really needed for Krishna. Yuvaan says we will take 5mins break and come back. Everyone leave from there. Saiyyam checks the stage.

Krishna looks for her ring. Saiyyam steps ahead and steps on the broken stage. He falls down over Krishna and holds her. Krishna’s back string chain breaks and Saiyyam holds her to help and string it back. Suhani comes and shouts Saiyyam. The power comes. Saiyyam says you are mistaken, its nothing like that. Suhani slaps him hard. Yuvaan and everyone come. Yuvaan covers Krishna by his jacket. Suhani stops Yuvaan from beating Saiyyam. She scolds Saiyyam and says I knew you have anger and you are ill mannered, I did not think you can fall so low, your mum did not teach you to respect women, get out of here. Saiyyam goes. He gets angry and hits the punching bag.

He says Suhani said right, my mum did not teach me anything, upbringing, love, respect, people, relations, she left me in an orphanage, so I have become an orphan, but I know where is my mum and family. He gets angry and says yes Suhani Birla, you gave birth to me and left me in orphanage to die, but I knew everything about me, you did not worry for me ever, why are you saying me about upbringing and values, you did not do duty of becoming a mother. He says this is not my mistake and beats punching bag.

Saiyyam drives somewhere. He gets angry and stops his bike. He says you ruined my life, you did not wish to see my face, now I m infront of you always, I will make that stranger man out of your life for whom you rejected my Papa. He angrily throws mirrors and breaks, and talks to the little boy selling mirrors at the road side. He takes water and drinks. He pays the money to the boy. He asks the boy to go school and study, no need to do labor work, you don’t need anyone, I was raised alone, without parents, you will also be raised same way.

Krishna tells Suhani that Saiyyam was helping her. Suhani asks what. Yuvaan says Krishna would be lying as she did not take a stand for herself. Krishna says no, he was really helping me when my dress chain broke out, why will I defend that devil if he was wrong, trust me I m saying truth. She holds his hand. Dadi comes and gets angry seeing them. She asks them to stop it, people are talking about it. Suhani tells about Krishna’s dress. Yuvani says thank God, nothing bad happened with Krishna, come we will go, result will be announced, if you lose, then blame the chain that it broke. Dadi asks Yuvaan to come with her. Suhani feels bad to slap Saiyyam and saying bad about his mum. Pratima says anyone would have thought so, apologize to him when he comes.

Rags asks all judges to come on stage. Dadi sees the winner and is about to declare.

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1 Comment

  1. Simi
    October 26, 14:10 Reply

    If Saiyaam is Suhani’s son then how can he be of same age like Yuvaan, Krishna and Yuvaani….he should be atleast 8-9 years younger then them. I don’t think direct keeps everything in mind before showing new story ??

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