Suhani Si Ek Ladki 2nd December 2016 Written Update

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 2nd December 2016 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 2nd December 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suhani asking a man did he find anything. The man says I have found about the snake charmer. Krishna comes and argues with Suhani for getting her married to Saiyyam. Krishna says you know Saiyyam is so bad, I will never be happy with him, I have kept your and mumma’s pic always with me, I always felt I have two mothers, but I was wrong, now I have none in this world. She tears Suhani’s pic and crushes it. She throws the pic and goes. Suhani cries and thinks I have to agree to Saiyyam now and then I will do something to stop this marriage, I will fulfill my promise to Saiyyam.

The man tells Suhani that the snake poison is spreading in Yuvraaj’s blood, its tough to get its antidote, it can take much time, its better you give him medicine which I gave to Saiyyam.
She asks how will I identify it. He describes the medicine. She thinks to steal the medicine by keeping Saiyyam busy.

Everyone come for the sangeet ceremony. Krishna cries. Adi says its my Yuvaan’s marriage, there should be singing and dancing. Suhani says Dadi is right, there are three marriages. Yuvaan, Baby and Dadi smile. They all dance on dhol music. Krishna cries. Saiyyam says I like this drama, keep doing this. Suhani gets angry. Saiyyam goes to get haldi applied. Suhani leaves. Dadi asks Baby to apply haldi to Yuvaan. Saiyyam asks Krishna to apply haldi to him. She cries and refuses to apply him haldi. Saiyyam tells her that she has bad fate to become his wife. She refuses to marry him and throws haldi on him. She goes.

Suhani goes to Saiyyam’s room and looks for the medicine. She gets the medicine behind Sambhav’s pic. She checks the medicine. Saiyyam says I m marrying Krishna as she will not be happy with me, it means Suhani will be sorrowful and it means I will be happy. Saiyyam comes and sees Suhani in his room. He asks what are you doing here. Suhani shows him the pagdi and asks him his choice. He chooses the one which she does not like. She goes. Krishna cries and asks why is it happening with me, I will not live now. She sees a knife. Suhani goes to Yuvraaj and says don’t worry, everything will be fine. She feeds him the medicine. He coughs and sees his hand. He does not bleed. They get relieved. Suhani smiles.

Krishna goes to commit suicide. Saiyyam stops her and says I will not let you die so easily, you don’t know the value of your life. Yuvraaj says I m fine now, what was all this. Suhani hugs him and says forget everything now. She thinks Saiyyam lost.

Its morning, Suhani goes and prays. She sees Krishna praying. Krishna says I will not marry Saiyyam. Suhani sas I know, this marriage won’t happen if you don’t want, I have hurt you a lot, sorry. Krishna gets glad and hugs her. Suhani asks her not to tell anyone. Saiyyam looks at them.

Pratima asks Yuvraaj to get havan kund. He says I will get it. She says you used to run away from puja and havan. He says I m fine, no problem, Suhani gave me medicine and I m feeling better. She asks him to get ready. He says its imp that Suhani and I are together. She says its big day for Krishna. He goes. Sharad comes and talks to Pratima. She says Yuvraaj went to get havan kund. He smiles and goes to stop Yuvraaj. He asks him to get ready, he will bring havan kund.

Saiyyam gets ready as groom. Suhani comes to him and says now you don’t need this pagdi, you are not marrying Krishna, I wanted to accept you, but I could not, as you are Sambhav’s shadow. He says yes I m his son. She says I m your mum, I will not ruin Krishna’s life by getting her married to you. Saiyyam asks don’t you care for Yuvraaj. Suhani scolds him. Yuvraaj hears them. Suhani says I gave medicine to Yuvraaj, he is fine now. Saiyyam claps and says you have confidence, it means you declared yourself a winner, did you get that medicine behind photo frame, I have kept it there, I knew you will come to find it, I m like my dad, I have your blood too, I m smart and never lose like you, so I changed that medicine, Yuvraaj will leave you forever in some time.

Suhani says you are lying right. Yuvraaj coughs and falls down. Suhani holds him. Saiyyam says my marriage will happen. She takes Yuvraaj to room. She goes to get water. Saiyyam stops her. He says there is a riddle in this paper, solve it and save your husband, else this marriage will happen, you won leaving me, lets see who wins tonight. He goes. She gets sad.

Yuvraaj goes to bathroom. He removes the mask off his face. He is actually Sambhav.

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  1. NIKITA.
    December 03, 05:00 Reply


  2. desiree
    December 02, 16:58 Reply

    That is not right to put suhani through all that this show is losing some points buy making the villions have their way and dadi and the rest need to get what’s coming to them.

  3. Ria
    December 02, 10:35 Reply

    This is really awfully that’s why I leave thanks to tell me here about Sambhav entry now I will not waste my time.

  4. Ria
    December 02, 10:34 Reply

    Hahahhaah already trp is low just bcz always same n again doing same ….now do some positive so people like this …????

  5. Sonakam
    December 02, 10:27 Reply

    appearantly the dead don’t stay dead. As if 4 witches weren’t enough why not add more villains to the show. This clearly has become a show in which bad people succeed in doing bad.

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