Suhani Si Ek Ladki 4th March 2015 Written Update

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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 4th March 2015 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 4th March 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suhani telling Sharad that he does not know whats going on. Sharad asks what is going on and asks her to say clearly. She cries and tells him everything about Yuvraaj and Soumya. He gets angry. She asks him to say what should she think, what meaning should she get of this, till when will she has this doubt, she will go and ask Soumya everything, if I go to Yuvraaj, he will get angry and fight. Sharad says she will not tell you the truth. She asks what should I do, whom should I trust, I can’t trust my husband and friend. He says trust your brother, give me one chance, I will bring her truth out, do as I tell you.


She says no, don’t get into this, the thing will get ahead. He says let it be. She says she will not find anything, let Soumya or Yuvraaj be wrong, its my trust which lost. Krishna asks Lalita why did she do so much shopping. She says its Rakhi’s marriage, your dad gave me money, I will take money from you on Holi. She goes with Rakhi. The bills fall and he sees the bills. He says why did dad give 20000rs to her for shopping.


Suhani comes to her room and sees Yuvraaj working on his laptop. She asks when did he come. He says just now, where were you. She says with Sharad, what did you buy for Soumya. He says nothing, she did not like it, I was trapped because of Dadi who asked me to gift her. She asks why did Soumya not like anything. He says don’t know, she was asking me and left it in confusion, did Sharad show video. She says yes. He says sorry, how did you like it. She says fine. He says I have copy, I will see. He gets the CD and she gets tensed.


She says Yuvraaj….. Sharad comes and asks for the DVD, saying its not working, I will make new and give. Suhani says yes, and they take the dvd. Sharad leaves. Suhani holds her head. Yuvraaj asks does she has headache. She says yes, little. He gets the tablet and gives her water. Saawre………….plays……… He says you don’t k good being silent, till you talk a lot, I don’t feel sleepy, my anger is like soap bubble, goes up and comes down soon. She smiles. He says thanks for understanding my madness and goes to sleep.


She goes and sits thinking about Yuvraaj and Soumya. She recalls Krishna’s words. She comes to Soumya and sees her sleeping. She sees her pic at the side table and recalls their friendship. She leaves. Pratima comes and says when some problem takes away sleep, its good to solve it, else it takes our happiness. She says you have to know the truth even if its bitter. Suhani says but I know Soumya well. Pratima says listen to Sharad once, if its true what he said then.. Suhani says don’t say this. Pratima says Sharad can bring out the truth.



Its morning, Suhani is in kitchen. Sharad comes and asks for breakfast. She says she is worried that Yuvraaj can know the video thing. He says no, once you say yes, I will expose Soumya’s real face, yes or no. She says yes. He asks did Yuvraaj tell anything. She says yes, they went to buy a gift, she liked an anklet but did not buy. He says fine, I will tell everything later, wait till Holi. He says I will get happiness and new colors for you, all problems will end this Holika Dahen.


He says when she sees anklet in her room, she will wear it thinking Yuvraaj gave her. Soumya sees the anklet and smiles, and reads the message. She smiles thinking Yuvraaj has sent her. Suhani comes there and sees her. Soumya hides the anklet and Suhani says I m going to market, I will be late, you make the food. Soumya says ok. Suhani comes out and Sharad shows thumps up. Soumya says if Yuvraaj wants me to wear this, then it will be this. Sharad tells Suhani that their work will be done. Suhani says we are wasting time, Soumya knows Yuvraaj is my husband, she will not wear the gift even if she feels Yuvraaj gave her. He says lets see, you stay here.


Sharad sees Soumya smiling and going to Yuvraaj’s room. She says where did he go. Sharad sees her wearing the anklet. He messages Suhani that their work is done. Soumya asks Ramesh about Yuvraaj. Ramesh says he is on terrace. She slips near the stairs and the anklet breaks. She takes it and says Yuvraaj gave me gift, I should say thanks for this. Sharad brings Suhani and asks her to see Soumya wearing the anklet. Suhani says she is not wearing it. Sharad is shocked to see the anklet missing. Soumya goes upstairs.


Suhani says I told you she will not wear it. He says I saw her wearing it. She says no, this means its Yuvraaj who is lying. He says no, she is cheating, lets go and follow her now. Soumya goes to Yuvraaj and smiles. She says you lie very well, you said you don’t know about anklet and gifted me today. He says what are you saying, which anklet. Suhani looks on as Soumya shows the anklet.


Dadi says she will not bear colors in her home. Suhani says evil fails by the good in Holi. Dadi asks Soumya to throw all colors outside.


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  1. Lisa
    March 04, 10:49 Reply

    Spell fan,

    We shall see 😉 ha! ha!

    • Lisa
      March 04, 10:49

      sorry autocorrect, Ssel fan

  2. Ssel fan
    March 04, 09:11 Reply

    Not bad.
    Yuvraaj ke pyar bhi suhani ki tharaf hai.

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