Suhani Si Ek Ladki 4th November 2014 Written Update

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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 4th November 2014 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 4th November 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suhani asking Dadi why did she scold Pratima. Dadi says she has ruined the image of Birla family, which I have managed till now. Rags comes and gives glucose water to Dadi. Menka asks Suhani to come. Suhani comes to Pratima and sees her crying. Suhani hugs her and cries. She says I m sorry, this happened because of me. Pratima says I did not feel anything bad till you are with Yuvraaj. Dadi talks to Saxena. He says he will come tomorrow, he wants signs of Anuj, Saurabh and Yuvraaj on loan docs. Dadi tells this to Menka. Menka says she won’t let Anuj go anywhere and will tell Ramesh to inform others.

Rags asks Dadi why did Yuvraaj agree to marry Suhani. She says I will tell every little thing, and starts with Yuvraaj liking Soumya and loving her at first sight, but Suhani started coming here, and mum spoke to Yuvraaj about marriage, he said Soumya, and mum thought its Suhani, and marriage got fixed, ge got to know this on Roka day, and he used to be always angry, then Pratima got ill and he stayed more angry being helpless. Dadi asks how did he say yes then. Rags says yes, he went to meet Suhani and he changed his mind, he says he loves Suhani.

Dadi asks what happened there. Rags says did Pankaj begged to him and made him agree for marriage, or maybe he convinced her. Dadi says I will find out and calls Saxena. She asks about loan passed by the bank where Pankaj works, when did it get sanctioned, 29th july. Rags says Yuvraaj went to meet Suhani that day and it was marriage day. Dadi says fine, tell him to come to my house to take my sign.

Yuvraaj says don’t know what Dadi said mum, that she is so upset. They hear Pratima and Suhani laughing and open the door to see Pratima massaging Suhani’s head. Pratima says she can’t be sad in her presence. Suhani says yes, Yuvraaj will be sad, his name should be Yuvraaj Udaas. Pratima says if he hears this, he will be angry. Sharad laughs and Yuvraaj smiles. Yuvraaj says Suhani knows how to make people smile, and see I m also smiling, I get angry on her, but anger goes away, as her heart is so clean, she is so sweet. Sharad says I m feeling glad hearing this from you. Ramesh comes and says Dadi gave message.

He says Saxena is coming tomorrow to take your sign for some loan. Sharad asks what loan. Yuvraaj says the loan, by which Pankaj made me marry Suhani and passed it. Sharad says it means tomorrow you will be free from Pankaj’s clutches. They see Pratima and Suhani laughing. Its morning, Suhani sees Yuvraaj sleeping. Music plays………………. Yuvraaj wakes up and asks whats her problem. Suhani asks what. He says why did you throw water on my face. She says I was combing hair. She laughs and says its good, my hair shower washed your face, you should thank me. He says very funny. She says fine, sorry, and gives towel. He says keep care and sorry to yourself. She says don’t get angry.

She asks what was she saying to mum, I m Yuvraaj Udaas. She smiles and says you heard us talking, its bad thing. He says what about back biting. She says no, I was making mum laugh. He says its useless to talk to you. She says yes, its useless to argue with you. She says sorry, don’t get angry now, please. She says my dad is coming for some bank work, talk well, don’t show I trouble you, he should feel I keep you very happy. Rakhi asks her mum for Parathas. She serves parathas to everyone. She asks for butter. Soumya says she is getting late, she has to go. Krishna’s mum asks her to sit and have parathas. Rakhi says see, our value is not there, Soumya earns and she is getting parathas. Krishna throws the plate in anger and leaves.

Soumya says I will talk to him and goes to him. Saxena comes with Pankaj. Dadi, Rags and Menka looks on. Pratima welcomes them. Suhani smiles and hugs her dad. Dadi asks Saxena to do the work soon. Saxena says this is last installment, loan was cleared before, but after you sign, we will stop bothering you. Pankaj says yes, all payment is cleared from our side, you will start EMI payment, and I don’t think it will be problem. Yuvraaj comes and says we won’t delay. Everyone sign the papers. Dadi sees Yuvraaj and Pankaj arguing. Yuvraaj asks what will you do if we don’t pay back, now payments are cleared . Pankaj worried and starts sweating. Suhani sees him and asks what happened, why is he worried.

Pankaj says nothing, I want water. Suhani gives him water. Pankaj says he will leave now. Saurabh asks him to have tea, even Yuvraaj drinks tea she makes, as he used to have just juice before. Dadi talks to Pankaj and says why did the money given in installment, is it that you don’t trust us. Pankaj thinks about Yuvraaj and he forced him to marry Suhani. Yuvraaj and Pankaj look at each other.

Ramesh gives a phone to Suhani. Dadi asks Rags to type message to Pankaj from Yuvraaj’s phone.

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  1. satya
    November 05, 02:50 Reply

    nyccc analysation aria… intrstng ..:-)

  2. aria
    November 04, 14:23 Reply

    As much as I love Suhani, can’t deny that what happened to yuvraj was wrong. We like many people for who they are and will love and care for the…does not mean we’ll go and marry them.they are two separate things. Yuvraj was swindled by Soumya…blackmailed by Pankaj and misunderstood by his mum. He is the real victim. Poor Suhani could’ve found someone who loved her for herself but Soumya and pankaj did not let that she is a victim too. Best if everything out in open and suhani goes away to find dignified life and her true love. Dadi is justified in feeling angry if she feels her grandson was forced. Menaka rags who could’ve stopped this are real villains. Dadi is a villain for insulting someone for his/her looks. That’s my two cents. No offence intended. Happy watching.

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