Suhani Si Ek Ladki 5th October 2016 Written Update

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 5th October 2016 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 5th October 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Sambhav saying I will kill and your parents. He fixes the lantern to the door by the rope, and says when your parents come and open this door, you and this lantern will fall, then cylinder gas will spread in the room, and then boom… the end. Yuvaan says no, this won’t happen, I will ask mum and dad not to open door. Sambhav asks really, fine, so I will shut your mouth. He puts tape to Yuvaan and asks him not to move. Sambhav says its fun, I wish I could wait to see all this, I got to go. He leaves.

Suhani prays for Yuvaan. Yuvraaj tries to start the car. He says what happened to car now and sees the engine smoking hot. He says someone has tampered the wires. She says we will tell everyone and take them. He says no, if Sambhav knows we are calling others, he
can do anything, I will message home that we got clue, come. Yuvraaj hires an auto at extra fare and they leave. Soumya looks on.

Yuvaan sits and cries. He recalls Pratima’s words. He thinks of Suhani and Sambhav. He gets scared thinking of Sambhav’s bad deeds. Suhani asks driver to drive fast, Yuvraaj ask him to drive faster, Yuvaan is calling us. Yuvraaj says nothing will happen to Yuvaan. Sambhav hides and looks on. He sees Suhani and Yuvraaj coming. Pratima tells Pankaj that Soumya called, she said Suhani and Yuvraaj got some clue and went to find Yuvaan, they thought if they call everyone there, Sambhav will do something. Pankaj says its good we will get Yuvaan. Dadi asks why did they not take police help. Lata says no, it can be dangerous, Sambhav can hurt Yuvaan by seeing police. Krishna thinks Suhani and Yuvraaj went to find Yuvaan, where did Soumya go.

Sambhav talks to a man. The man says don’t worry, work will be done. Suhani tells Yuvraaj that Sambhav is not here, we will go there. He says no, he won’t go easily. She asks him to come, Yuvaan is inside. They enter the grill. Sambhav comes and thinks plan successful. Yuvraaj tries to open the door. Suhani asks him to hurry up. Yuvaan gets worried. Suhani says wait, don’t you think its strange that we reached here easily and Sambhav is not here. Yuvraaj says yes, right. She says I think Sambhav is watching us, we have to think something else. Sambhav looks at them. Suhani sees Yuvraaj tied by ropes. She gets inside by window and says I have come. She removes the mouth tape. He tells her about lantern and cylinder blast. Suhani asks Yuvraaj not to open the door, wait there, I will do something. Yuvraaj says fine, I can understand. Yuvraaj acts to talk on phone. Sambhav smiles and thinks what happened to Yuvraaj to be on phone, even if he is calling police, nothing will happen, they don’t have time.

She says nothing will happen Yuvaan, wait, don’t get down. She frees him of the ropes and gets a cloth. She asks him to jump when she counts. She shuts the cylinder’s leakage by the cloth. She takes Yuvaan out. Sambhav thinks what happened, why is it taking so much time. He sees Yuvraaj gone and looks for him. He says where did Yuvraaj go and checks inside the place. He sees Yuvaan gone.

Yuvraaj, Suhani and Yuvaan hide. Suhani messages Pankaj that she got Yuvaan, we are coming home, send police. They see Sambhav. Yuvraaj says I will not leave him. Suhani says wait. Yuvaan asks her to stop Yuvraaj. She says everything will be fine.

Pankaj tells everyone that they got Yuvaan. Pratima asks where is Soumya. Suhani and Yuvaan hear a gunshot, and rush to see. Yuvaan cries and says I m too scared. She says Papa will come. Lata thinks Soumya’s call is not connecting, shall I ask Suhani. She cries and worries for Soumya.

Krishna asks Lata about Soumya, and says maybe Soumya is with Suhani. Suhani sees Yuvraaj running and takes Yuvaan. Yuvraaj catches someone and asks who are you. The man says I was paid to run like this. Dadi says police is on the way, we will get her. Suhani asks why are you running Yuvraaj. Yuvraaj stops and thinks Suhani is alone there, I should go back. He falls down. Suhani and yuvaan come there and shout Yuvraaj. She asks what happened, get up. They get shocked seeing Sambhav.

Suhani asks Yuvaan to run away and not turn back. He says no mumma. She asks him to go. Yuvaan runs away. Sambhav gets the gun and looks at Suhani.

Sambhav says if you stayed as my wife by peace, everything would have got fine. Suhani says I don’t want to become your wife, do anything you want. Sambhav aims to shoot Suhani…..

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  1. Veera
    October 06, 03:09 Reply

    I feel like spitting on the complete cast and crew.. one sick yakky serial..

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