Suryaputra Karn 23rd September 2015 Written Update

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Suryaputra Karn 23rd September 2015 Written Update by MA

Suryaputra Karn 23rd September 2015 Written Episode

Karn tells Bhism that he will fall from his chariot on Vasant Panchami day and cannot back off as he is bound by his promise. Dhritarastra asks him not to do that, else he will spend his rest of life in jail. Karn says sooths spend their life in jail itself when khatriyas and brahmins torture them if they don’t obey them and if they obey, they will spend their sweat. He says whole society will see how Khatriya’s pride will fall on Vasant panchami and walks out.

Kunti stops Karn and asks not to ruin his life in his arrogance. He says it is not arrogance and he will sacrifice his life for a good change and asks her to bless if he she thinks him as her son, holding her feet. She says if he is on right path, her blessings are always with him.

Shakuni tells Duryodhan they should stop karn from taking Bhism on his chariot as people may disobey maharaj and system will destabilize and karn will be made a hero and he will not come under his control. Duryodhan asks how to do that. Shakuni tells him his plan.

Karn tells his friends and Tauji if they want to experience how Bhism will be thrown from his chariot. Nobody agrees to sit behind his chariot. Vaishali sits and Karn rides chariot. She falls down, but he holds her on time. Tauji praises him. Arjun enters and asks why wants to be in jail and what is the use of his bravery then. Karn says he wants to sacrifice his life for his community. Arjun says sacrifice is given of sheep and not tiger. Karn walks out. Arjun asks Shon to let Karn sacrifice himself as he only can change the society by being alive.

Karn reaches home and requests her to sacrifice her one son for society. She says how can she. He says society needs his sacrifice for a change and holds her legs. Radha cries vigorously and blesses him. Adhirath consoles her.

Rishi Drona says Bhism that Vasant Panchami will bring changes and asks if he is afraid of sitting on Karn’s chariot. Bhism says he is not but is worried that Karn’s anger will increase after that. Kunti enters and requests him to spare Karn as he saved her sons once.

Precap: Vaishali performs Karn’s aarti and wishes his best of luck. Shon says his friends they have to stop Karn from taking Bhism on his chariot. Friend says Karn will not stop as he has taken oath. Shakuni enters and says he has a plan.

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