Suryaputra Karn 3rd September 2015 Written Update

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Suryaputra Karn 3rd September 2015 Written Update by MA

Suryaputra Karn 3rd September 2015 Written Episode

Rakshas Agnipar tells Shakuni that he will easily kill Pandav putra’s. Shakuni tells Pandav’s are not common children and starts describing each Pandav putra. He says bheem is very powerful and can broke mountain in one blow, nakul is very intelligent and uses sword swiftly, yudistra uses bhala/spearhead very efficiently, sahadev also uses weapon well, arjun is the best archer whose arrows can even hide sun. They 5 killed snake clan easily . Agnipar says they will repent why are only 5 and not 6 and says if he does not get his reward, he will even kill Shakuni. Duryodhan asks if he knows only to talk or is really powerful. He attacks agnipar, but agnipar converts himself into fire and enlarges himself. Duryodhan says Shakhuni that nobody can save pandav’s now.

Radha with teary eyes packs Karn’s bags and says she has kept medicines and clothes for him. He says he has to leave before dawn. She asks him not to go and oppose his father’s order. Karn says she taught him to sacrifice life for father’s order. She says a mother cannot understand anything. Karn says he has to leave. He with teary eyes asks shon if he must be happy seeing him going. Shon wiping his tears says he is and he will become magadh gram’s senapati and will leave peacefully, but he will not have future. Karn shows him mirror and shon smiles. Karn tells Radha that he has to leave now and asks her to bless him that wherever he goes, he finds his mother. Radha gets more emotional.

Vidhur attends Pandav and madari’s funeral and asks pandav putra’s to look at their parents for the last time. They look at their parents and stand aside. Kunti cries standing aside. Vidur asks Dhritarastra to set fire and he does.

Karn prays surya/sun before leaving hastinapur. Vaishali meets him and asks if he wants to go without meeting her. He says he does not have courage to take her with him and even face her. She asks him to give her a daan/charity. He says it is dusk time and if she asks life, he has to give it. She says he wants to promise that he will come back for sure. He picks water and promises that before death he will come and meet her for sure.

Precap: No precap today

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