Suryaputra Karn 9th November 2015 Written Update

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Suryaputra Karn 9th November 2015 Written Update by MA

Suryaputra Karn 9th November 2015 Written Episode

Supriya scolds Karn for not apologizing her for trying to stop on flower and taunts that guests are mannerless. Karn commens that hosts are mannerless to allege guests for nothing and passes from there. Supriya thinks he is very arrogant. Flower blooms while Karn moves and Supriya is suprised to see that.

Vaishali sees flower shedding and gets worried. Adhirath and Radha reach there and she happily greets them. Radha hugs her and says she will be with her forever after her marriage with Karn and hopes Karn returns before marriage day. Vaishali says Karn’s second name is fulfilling promise and says he will be back before that. Adhirath says he is worried as Arjun has gone with Yudistra and Duryodhan may provoke Karn to fight with Arjun.

Two rajas fight for a seat. Both taunt each other that they are inauspicious and worthless, etc. Yudistra see that and stops their fight. Old raja sits on seat then. Duryodhan enters. Old raja taunts him that he came here to swayamwar to lessen his sadness after losing yuvraj throne. Duryodhan taunts him that he forgot that he is old and came here to act as young. Old raja gets angry.

Supriya shows Karn to Bhanumati and says she should not marry him as he is very arrogant. Karn goes and stands next to Duryodhan instead of sitting. Supriya smiles and tells Bhanumati that man is not a participant, so she need not worry.

Swayamwar starts. Kaligna raja introduces his daughter Bhanumati. Supriya accompanies Bhanumati and introduces each raja. First she introduces old raja. Bhanumati surpasses him and old raja get angry. She then goes near Duryodhan. Supriya asks Karn who is he. He says he is Karn. She then introduces Duryodhan to Bhanumati. Old raja comments that Duryodhan is neighter raja nor yuvraj. Duryodhan gets angry. Bhanumati surpasses even him. He reminisces Shakuni’s words that he should marry before Yudistra. He holds Bhanumati’s hand and says he will marry her if not swaywamwar, then forcefully.

Arjun gets angry and provokes Duryodhan to fight with him first for insulting Bhanumati. Duryodhan calls Karn and asks him to fight. Arjun and Karn’s verbal battle starts. They both then hold arrow towards each other.

Precap: Supriya holds knife on Karn’s neck and warns him not to touch Bhanumati. Karn says knife does not look good in woman’s hands and ties her to his chariot.

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  1. DS
    November 09, 11:45 Reply

    Give me 15 minutes… 🙂

  2. DS
    November 09, 11:40 Reply

    Dinner time!! 🙂

  3. DS
    November 09, 11:25 Reply

    Soutan!! 🙂 Sooo happy to see you! 🙂 Btw, GR is mine…

  4. DS
    November 09, 11:12 Reply

    You are right Aadhil… He was a puppet… His mistake was to make friends with Duryodhan… His friendship had more guilt than bonding…

    • Aadhil
      November 09, 11:16

      Yeaah…And his sin was that… inspite of knowing what’s right and what’s wrong…he didn’t stop Duryodhan and other Kauravas from committing sins. He failed to perform the duties of a friend….a friend is not the one who only stays beside you and supports you, he should also guide you and advice you.

    • DS
      November 09, 11:28

      Very true… He realised his mistake when he was about to die…

    • DS
      November 09, 11:36

      Gautam is only and only MINE!!! 🙂 Mine only..!!! Ja re soutan!!

  5. DS
    November 09, 11:06 Reply

    Oh! 🙁 Supriya’s flower bloomed, while Vaishali’s flower shrank… 🙁 Very bad sign… 🙁

    • Aadhil
      November 09, 11:07

      Sorry buddy…itz vrishaali…not vaishali.

  6. Aadhil
    November 09, 11:06 Reply

    It’s karn’s story so obviously he will be highlighted…but in reality he was jss. a puppet in the hands of Duryodhan.

    I really like Gautam’s acting.

  7. DS
    November 09, 11:03 Reply

    Gautam’s acting and expressions are mindblowing… 🙂 Love to see him in action… 🙂

  8. DS
    November 09, 10:59 Reply

    Ok, so our Karna was able to charm our beautiful Supriya… 🙂 No offences… 🙂 I am dazed too…

  9. DS
    November 09, 10:55 Reply

    Thanks for the WU… 🙂

  10. DS
    November 09, 10:53 Reply

    What happened MA? We want pics… The speaciality of the site is that it provides pics… Lots of people rely on the WU to know the story… It will be nice if u add pics… 🙂

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