Swabhiman 11th May 2017 Written Update

Swabhiman 11th May 2017 Written Update by H_Hasan

Swabhiman 11th May 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kids asking Naina if Karan will come. Naina says we shall not stop. Nirmala tells Dada ji that Karan haven’t come out from his room since yesterday. Dada ji gives credit to Naina for bringing the kids back and says now Karan will also come. Naina plays the mouth organ. Sameer says he is not coming. Naina plays bad music. Sameer says he will not come. Naina thinks she shall keep trying and he will come. Sandhya tells Meghna that she realized that her fashion sense is good and tells that she enjoyed shopping with you. Meghna recalls Sandhya insulting her and tells that I have just given suggestion. Sandhya thinks she managed to do friendship with gawar like her. Meghna is about to go. Just then Sandhya gets Nand Kishore’s call and he asks her to send 1 lakh rupees. He tells about
the accident happened on the highway because of him and tells that the injured man is Ganesh. Sandhya says okay and calls someone to take money to Nand Kishore. Meghna hears her and thinks he is not bothered to help the man rather trying to make him quiet.

Naina continues to play mouth organ badly. Karan comes and takes it in his hand and plays it rightly. Everyone is happy. Dada ji tells that Naina made the impossible possible and tells that there will be no darkness in his life now, as Naina is afraid of the darkness and is fighting and will soon bring light in his life. He blesses her. Karan smiles and thanks the kids for coming. Sameer asks him to thank bhabhi. Karan asks who? Kids says Naina Bhabhi. Karan thinks she is his friend and tells that she is your bhabhi. Sameer tells that Naina came to our basti and made my mum understand. A fb is shown, Naina talks to Sameer’s mum and tells that everyone is feeling bad at home. Sameer’s mum is about to curse Karan. Naina takes his side and tells that he always stood by the children and has always tried to helped the children without thinking about him. Sameer says she is right. Sameer’s mum asks her to ask Karan to go to Peer Baba’s dargah before teaching kids. Naina smiles. Fb ends.

Karan thinks I get irritated with her, but she never loses her patience and thinks she is his best friend.

Sharda and her colleagues are protesting outside the school. CM comes there in his car. Naina says I have brought something for them and keeps the tray. Oh Piya plays….Kids leave. Karan thanks her. Naina says it is a new start for you and asks him to come to peer baba dargah. Karan asks do you want to go and says okay, smiles. Naina thinks you are ready t come infront of world.

Meghna uses different sim and calls media. She tells reporter about the news and tells that a businessman is involved in this news and asks him to take camera. She thinks I learn something daily from you Maasi maa. CM comes. The people there protest against him and picks stone. Sharda sees men picking stone. CM tells that he came there as an ordinary man and will talk to them. The people is trying to throw stone on him, but Sharda comes infront of him and asks the parents of the students to let her talk to CM.

Karan and Naina are going to dargah. Sandhya thinks if they are going out. Nirmala blesses them and tells that everyone have a belief on that peer baba and asks them to go safely. Sandhya tells that it seems Karan have grown up that he forgotten to tell me. She says I didn’t know that you are going there. Naina says we can’t be away from home for much time and says she has kept important things for him. Dada ji comes and says we are very lucky to get such bahu. Karan says we are going to peer baba’s dargah. Dada ji says it must be Naina’s suggestion and says she takes care of our temple also. They leave.

Chauhan family see the news of Nand Kishore’s arrest. They are shocked to see the know that he tried to bribe the man in an accident case.. .

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