Swabhiman 29th March 2017 Written Update

Swabhiman 29th March 2017 Written Update by H_Hasan

Swabhiman 29th March 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Dada ji asking Sandhya if Naina questioned her or accused her directly. Sandhya says I thought…..Dada ji says Naina asked a question and says if she has no liberty to question anyone. Meghna comes and asks what is happening. Dada ji says if she questioned in a hurry being worried, then that doesn’t mean that she did a mistake. Meghna wonders what is happening. Dada ji tells Sandhya that these small things happens in the house and asks her to take her stuff to her room. Naina apologizes to her and says she will not do this mistake again. Sandhya says no problem and goes. Dada ji tells Karan that Naina is clear hearted girl and asked without hesitation. He says she heard scolding today because of you and asks him to value her as such life partner is a blessing. Meghna tries
to talk to naina. Naina cries and goes.

Naina thinks about Karan telling that medicines are alright and that she is a liar. Naina thinks the medicines which she showed was expired and looks in her phone. She thinks if I show these pics, then also nobody will believe me. She thinks who has changed the medicines. Sandhya in her room thinks nobody questioned her like this before and says thus girl don’t know what is my position in this house. She recalls seeing Naina checking the medicines and taking its snips. Fb ends. Sandhya thinks Naina is a child and it is not her cup of tea to understand her. She says you got much scolded today……Naina. Nirmala comes there. Sandhya looks at her.

Meghna asks Naina what happened? Naina says nothing happened? Nirmala apologizes to Sandhya holding her hand. Sandhya thinks it seems Nirmala haven’t heard anything. She sits on chair. Nirmala sits on the floor and says I can understand how much you are hurt. She says you have loved Karan a lot. She says we are like sisters and have a long journey together. These kids will not understand. Sandhya says you are my friend and sister. Nirmala rests on her lap and says when I went to Chittor for my family, I was trapped in bhanwar and you held my hand and supported me. She looks on.

Meghna asks Naina to tell everything. She says even I don’t like Sandhya’s way of working and asks her to tell whose medicines she was talking about. Naina thinks she can’t tell her about Karan’s illness else she will get worried. She tells that she did a mistake and thought Karan’s vitamin is expired, so asked Sandhya and she got angry. So she apologized. Meghna says this matter is small and asks her not to break her trust. She asks her to tell everything truly. Naina coughs and goes to washroom. Meghna tells her that Divya made her cry in the school. Naina says you had scolded her without asking me about the matter. Meghna says I can fight with anyone for your happiness and asks her not to be scared of anyone. Karan comes to room. Meghna asks him to tell why Naina is crying. She asks him to take care of her dewrani. Karan looks on. Naina thinks why did Sandhya do so much drama and thinks who is she?

Nirmala tells that she would not have travelled from Chittor to Jaipur if she was not with her. She looks at Kunal, Karan and Khyati’s pic and says even you have same rights on them. It was your decision to come here, but you can’t take decision to leave the house. When you came here, we were tied in a unique relation and asks her never to leave the house. She asks her to promise. Sandhya hugs her and thinks even though she has a strong relation with the family, but she was betrayed also, and she can’t forget this even if she wants.

Naina is sitting near the bonfire. Karan comes there….Tu Pyaar Hai plays…..Naina gets up and signs him to give his umbrella. She closes it and gives it back to him. Karan is about to go. Naina apologizes to him and says you felt bad with whatever happened today. He sits near her and says I have understood about you that you will not hurt anyone. He says I wouldn’t have talked to you, but I know that you don’t want to hurt Sandhya intentionally. She says I don’t know what do you think about her, and says even thank you is small word for her. She says you have to understand her value in our lives. Naina asks him to tell who is Sandhya?

Karan says they can’t stay under the same roof without any relation. Naina says they can have a relation and that is of friendship. She covers her hand with her dupatta before forwarding it for a hand shake. Karan looks on.. .

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