Swaragini 24th September 2015 Written Update

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Swaragini 24th September 2015 Written Update by MA

Swaragini 24th September 2015 Written Episode

Swara asks Ragini to tell everything in detail. Ragini says she already said and says she came to drink water. Swara tells Ragini that she saw two water bottles in her room when she was checking the rooms. Ragini acts and says that was a day’s old water and that’s why I came to drink fresh water. Swara asks her to do everything with actions. She tells first you step down and went to kitchen. As it was dark, you switched on the lights. Ragini says I went towards the fridge and then the light was switched off by that person. Swara asks her to open the fridge, and says much light is coming from fridge, then how did you not see his face. Ragini says that person closed the fridge door and then attacked me. Swara says okay so you pushed him and then he eloped from the window. She asks Parineeta if she cleaned the kitchen. Parineeta says yes. Swara asks then who threw all this utensils? She says Ragini will not do it and asks who has thrown the utensils on the floor.

Dadi asks Ragini to reply. She says my Lado was in shock and has lost her memory because of shock. Annapurna says I know what you are going through and asks her to tell after thinking. Durga Prasad says I don’t want to force you to say, but it is matter about son. Swara says I understood the scene. She enacts the scene with Ragini and tells the happenings. Laksh says his bracelet was fallen while he was eloping. Swara says I am not done yet. She says while I was checking all the rooms, I saw Sanskar’s room window sealed. Ram says it is sealed as rain water was coming inside. Swara says Sanskar can’t go inside his room as the window was sealed, and he can’t reach his room through this kitchen window. Durga Prasad says you went immediately to bring him. Swara says Sanskar was sleeping when you went to bring him. I knew he was sleeping, but didn’t tell as nobody trusts me.

Laksh asks what about his bracelet. Swara asks him to take Ragini’s earring out of his pocket. She tells she has kept Ragini’s earrings in his pocket. She says may be that chain is of that person and asks Laksh if he want to ask anything. Durga Prasad says I agree with Swara. Sujata is happy and says my son is innocent. She says this girl Ragini is a liar. Annapurna agrees with Swara. Dadi says Ragini might have mistaken because of darkness. Durga Prasad apologizes to Sanskar for not trusting him. Sanskar says you people believed me, and that’s all.

Sujata and Ram come to Swara. Sujata thanks Swara for proving her son innocent and blesses her for the best of happiness. Swara says it is okay. She sees Adarsh going towards the trunk and tells Durga Prasad that they can enquire about the chain and the foot prints. She asks Adarsh where was he at the time of incident. Adarsh says he came hearing the utensils voice. Swara asks why you didn’t go to kitchen to help Ragini. Laksh asks what do you want to prove. Swara says I know why he is getting nervous. She tells Durga Prasad that Adarsh was in the hall when Ragini screamed. Durga Prasad asks her to tell clearly. Swara tells someone came to meet Adarsh before Ragini’s incident. She tells Adarsh opened the door and let that person enter. She tells the foot prints are till the box. Laksh says there is no one here. Swara eyes the box and goes near it. She says who said that the person went out. She opens the box and see the woman hiding. Everyone is shocked. Adarsh looks on worried. Swara recalls seeing that woman with Adarsh before.

Durga Prasad asks who is this girl? Sujata asks Swara if she is the one who was seen with Adarsh last time. Durga Prasad asks the same questions. Swara tells that she is the same woman. Parineeta says this girl might be his office colleague or friend and asks her to stop blaming her husband. She asks Adarsh to prove Swara wrong. Durga Prasad asks Adarsh to tell. Adarsh tells that this girl is my ex girl friend. Everyone is shocked.

Ragini tells Swara that she did this to get her husband, and says she will not back off. She threatens to separate Shekhar and Sumi if Swara doesn’t back off.

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  1. Tina
    September 25, 01:31 Reply

    Nice episode swara rocks

  2. FD
    September 24, 22:52 Reply

    Swaragini serial seems to be good, but there is so much background noise (music very loud) that the conversations are very hard to hear. The background music should be a background and not overpowering.

  3. ranjana
    September 24, 15:53 Reply

    but I wish now swara doesn’t gets scared of the threats given by ragini (of won’t let her parents unite) and continues to expose her lies.

    • Dips
      September 24, 22:58

      This problem is with many hindi serials their background music kill the whole conversation

  4. Asmi
    September 24, 13:39 Reply

    Omg so draggy. Cant thwy js record what ragink js saying sjnce they be carrying thwir phone errrrrrrrvrrrytime.

  5. Piku
    September 24, 13:19 Reply

    Bitch ragini sharm nahi hey tumko idiot ragini shame on you again blackmailing a
    Swara stupid idiot

  6. Riznu
    September 24, 13:01 Reply

    Wonderful episode.I like that Swara proves that Sanskar innocent

  7. jyo
    September 24, 12:59 Reply

    ragini’s evil plans again started………

  8. s
    September 24, 12:56 Reply

    is swara agrees to marry sanskar?? is swasan marriage is going to happen or not?? is sujata agree for this? what is her reaction.. what will swasan do now???
    ragini and lakshya make plan to swasan marrige happen again as they all are not seeing there marriage .. what reaction of swasan now?? what is ragini upto?
    please swasan get marry and bring ragini truth now??? and again the same ragini started her evil plan. now again swasan have to face them….. swasan marriage should happen…..

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