Swim Team 21st October 2015 Written Update

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Swim Team 21st October 2015 Written Update by Sona

Swim Team 21st October 2015 Written Episode

Umang stops Bhagat who was angry at Rewa. He asks Umang how she can do this to herself, he has seen her that she has fever. Umang says she knows that, but she also knows that she won’t back up now. She says that they can’t stop Rewa now, because she is very stubborn and it is about her father. Bhagat says he knows, Rewa needs them now. Umang watches Lilly nearby and says this is Rewa’s favorite flower.
Rewa was thinking about all what Jugnu had said. She says that no one can utter such rubbish again her father, she is going to teach Jugnu a lesson today. She says she wish Papa was with her, she feels so lonely without him. She smiles that she is so stupid when she knows he is always there with her. She remembers Jugnu’s challenge. She says that today Papa’s daughter will prove herself. She comes down and meets Bhagat and Umang waiting for her. Umang says that she is going to be the queen tonight. Rewa says that today when Jugnu is defeated, she will wear this flower band on head. Umang hugs her saying she will definitely win today. Bhagat says if their romance has ended, should they go. He asks Rewa if she is alright, or she needs a medicine. He forwards a hand saying best of luck. Rewa doesn’t take it, he withdraws his hand. Rewa hugs Bhagat and says thanks to him. Umang dances cheering behind. Rewa says to Bhagat that she is thankful for all that he had done for her. She says it is time to teach Jugnu the lesson, he has uttered such rubbish against her Papa and Umang.
Jugnu was warming himself up by shouting and uttering that Rewa Mathur is a loser. He goes watch the photo of his victory in a match with TK. He says Rewa Mathur is finished.
Bhagat was setting camera. TK asks why is he shooting, and why was he so tensed when the race was announced. Bhagat tells TK that Rewa has a fever, but they can’t back out now.
Everyone prays for Rewa. Neel comes to Vaishnavi and asks if she knows who will win, Rewa will. TK announces that they have arrived. Jugnu says to Rewa that she has mistaken by challenging him, she can back up. Rewa asks if he is afraid. Jugnu boasts that such questions aren’t asked by world champions, he asks TK if he is ready to lose his star. Rewa says he had nominated his father and now he must prove this. Jugnu calls her a genetic loser. Rewa says yes if she is a genetic loser she must not have a problem losing, but what if he loses from the student of his academy. Everyone bucks them up. TK whistles for the race to begin. Both jump into the pool.
Everyone bucks Rewa up. There was a tension in the supporters of Rewa when she was lagging behind. She covers the gap up soon. They all cheer her up again. Rewa wins the game. TK and team cheers. Jugnu regrets. Rewa shouts that I love you Papa. TK shouts that I am proud of you Rewa. Kanika and Jai are upset. Rewa comes out of pool and hugs Bhagat. She says thanks to him. She then hugs Umang, Umang puts the Lilly band on her head. Rewa watches Jai and Kanika and turns around towards TK. She shakes his hand saying thankyou. It wouldn’t be possible without him. TK calls Jugnu, and says there is a deal between him and Rewa pending.
Rewa says to Jugnu that he had called her papa a loser, he must now know what a loser is. She goes to him, he stands up. She asks if he can see now, who is genetic loser and who winner. She says that she didn’t challenge him because she wanted to insult him, but she did it because he insulted her Papa. Now he has to call that journalist now, he will say that he must remove her father’s name from that insultant article, and tell him to write an article praising the unsung swimmers and the first name will be her Papa’s. she asks him to honour his words, and hands him the phone.
Jugnu makes a call, he tells him not to publish that article about Mahen Mathur. Whatever he had researched about him was wrong, he will send him another article with really good techniques by him. Jugnu asks if her drama has ended, should he leave. Rewa says he must never insult anyone’s parents. Tk comes to Rewa, Rewa says she got all this strength because of her Papa and hugs the arm band she wore. Bhagat says she did it, congratulations. Rewa smiles victoriously.

PRECAP: Rewa finds Bhagat playing guitar, Rewa was passing by and says she didn’t know he sings so well. Jai was watching them. Kanika asks if he is feeling jealous. Jai says he was waiting for the right time to wish her.

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1 Comment

  1. shezu
    October 21, 12:23 Reply

    Superb awesome episode I just love this show and of course rewa akka pooja banerjee

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