Tamanna 1st April 2016 Written Update

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Tamanna 1st April 2016 Written Update by Amena

Tamanna 1st April 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Dhara telling Nandita that she was worried to take any decision thinking of the consequences, till I got that call. FB shows Dhara getting Diwakar’s call. She says I can’t talk to you. Diwakar tells her that Varun got selected in under 17 probable 30 guys, and thanks to you, you have him a new life, I will be always thankful to you. She says congrats. He says Varun wants to meet you, I know everything, I won’t come there. She says I can’t come, and ends call. Mihir hears her and asks Dhara whose call was it, and argues with her. Dhara says I did not meet Diwakar since 5 years, he called me to tell about Varun’s selection. Mihir says you are making stories, you said you can’t meet him, it means you met him before, that’s why Diwakar is staying in rented house since 5 years, we are not together as you are with someone else. She asks him to shut up. Shubhangi asks what happened. Dhara asks her to go. Mihir says stop, your mother is… Dhara stops him, and asks Shubhangi to go to room. Mihir asks why did you send her, I doubt is she my daughter or not, Diwakar came after few months of our marriage, is she Diwakar’s daughter. She asks don’t you have shame. They argue. She says then I decided I can’t be with this man.

Dhara comes home and he asks where did you go. She says science has gone ahead, we can proof anything, check this DNA report, it proves Shubhangi is your daughter, read it, and then check this papers and sign on it, its divorce papers. He gets shocked and says you want divorce. He ruins the things and gets angry. He refuses to sign. She asks him to sign. They argue. FB ends. Dhara says I have lived a bad life with him, get freedom for me please.

Its morning, Nandita tells his assistant to file Dhara’s case, its priority, Dhara is alone but strong, we will support her. Dhara comes and says I left Shubhangi with Lavanya, I m staying there. Nandita asks her to check the papers once. She says this is my small world, I make people marry and break bad marriages. She asks Dhara not to be scared, as I will do backing, don’t worry, I play well and lose very less. Dhara says this time, don’t lose, I have to be out of this mess.

Nandita says we will do it soon, divorce will take 8-9 months, it needs time. Dhara asks why, the man is doubting on my character, why should it take time for me to get separated from him. Nandita says its not amicable divorce, your husband will apologize and ask for one chance from court, court wants one year separation, divorce can be got after atleast 6 months separation. Dhara says I want to start a new life soon, my family is scared and they left to come to Mumbai, they can’t handle this, if this goes on slowly, it will be tough for everyone. Nandita says I understand, but there are legal procedures, your husband will try anything, it can take more than a year, I know what you are going through, I can’t give you false hope, law will take its own course. Dhara says there will be some way.

Nandita says there is a way, get your husband agree to amicable divorce, we can lie that you both are staying separated for one year. Dhara says but its lie. Nandita says we are fighting for truth, little lie is okay, the question is will Mihir agree or not, I think he won’t, but you try. She gives her new papers and asks her to try best to get Mihir’s signs, else they will file one sided one.

Dhara meets Mihir and asks him to sign. He refuses and says I did mistake, I apologized. She says I can’t forgive for many mistakes, I know your true face now. He says I can change. She says your nature won’t change ever, we both won’t change, whats between us, we don’t have a relation, please sign on it, we can get separated without any issues. He says I love you a lot. She says I loved you before, and now I don’t, I know you don’t love me. He says I can’t live without you. She says maybe this can happen, you need a doll, you are like a 5 year old kid to trouble the doll, but I m not a doll, I m human. He asks what did I do such. She says you won’t understand, this question proves that. He refuses and says I will die, but not sign on this. She tries to convince him. She says you have many things, career, job, ambitions, just leave me. He says never, I won’t leave you.

Dhara says fine, I thought we can get separated with peace, it looks impossible, I will file one sided divorce now. She goes.

Lavanya gives chocolates to Shubhangi. Dhara asks Shubhangi to say thanks. Lavanya says I m Maasi, no sorry and thanks. Dhara asks Shubhangi to go and sleep. Lavanya asks Shubhangi to sleep with the teddy. Dhara thanks Lavanya. Lavanya asks did you call Nandita. Dhara says no, I will call. She calls Nandita and says she spoke to Mihir, but he refused.

Nandita asks Dhara to give her cricket certificates. They get next week hearing. Nandita gets to know Mihir hired one of the best lawyers.

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