Tashan-e-Ishq 11th December 2015 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 11th December 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 11th December 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Anand comes home, he accepts that he kidnapped Kunj, all are shocked, he is taken away by police.
Babee says what have i seen today? a brother kidnapped his own brother for money only, what is happening in this family, dont know what else i will see now, she cries.
Kunj is sitting in room and says to himself that dont accept that Anand can kidnap me, Twinkle comes there and says dont worry, i know you are tensed but we will bring Anand back tomorrow, by the way i should be upset with you. Twinkle ask Kunj why did he kiss her to make her conscious? you could have tried other way too, Kunj looks at her, Usha comes there and says to Kunj that i have brought food for you, you must have not eaten anything whole day, eat something, Kunj ask where is Twinkle’s food? Usha says she can go to kitchen to eat, she says to Twinkle that you shouldnt have involved in this matter, i understand Anand did all this but what if goons had something to Kunj? Twinkle silently leaves, Kunj says to Usha that you shouldnt have talked like this to Twinkle, Usha says because of her Anand is in jail, Kunj says Anand is in jail because of his deeds but i am sure he had this under some pressure, i have to find it.
Twinkle is sitting alone, Raman calls her and put on speaker so Leela could listen Twinkle’s voice, he ask how are you? Twinkle says i am fine and i know Leela is listening too, i am missing her food, i love her so much, when she hugged me today, i felt so good, i felt like i have got my mother back, she Raman to tell Leela to wipe her tears, she doesnt like it, Leela wipes her tears, Twinkle ends call. Twinkle says i promised Leela that i will take side of truth only and Anand is in jail because of that, i have to find reason behind Anand doing all this, there must be some pressure on him.

Scene 2
Its morning, Kunj comes to Usha and ask her to eat something, you are sad as Anand is in jail but you cant be miffed with food, Usha says i shouldnt be swad for Anand who kidnapped his brother, Kunj says i know mother’s love for son cant vanish, Usha says what kind of person are you? you are still saying good words for Anand, i am proud of you but Anand has let me down, Twinkle comes and says forget everything thinking it as a bad dream, she brings Anand home. Kunj comes to Anand and hugs him, Anand tries to explain things but Kunj ask him to eat something first, Usha hugs Anand, Babee says to Usha that you always scold Twinkle but she is the one who brought your son back, brought your smile back, Usha smiles, Anand gets someone’s call, he gets tensed and cuts it, Twinkle notices it, Usha makes anand have dinner.
Kunj comes to Twinkle that you have shocked me by doing something good for first time, thank you for bringing Anand back., Twinkle says you have shocked me too, i am still in shock of the thing you did yesterday, Kunj says i am innocent, good looking man, i dont know anything, he leaves.
Twinkle comes to Kunj and says i am asking you about kiss, why did you kiss me? Kunj says i was in mood to kiss you so i kissed you, Twinkle says you should take permission of girl first to kiss her, Kunj says you were ;unconscious so how would i take permission? Twinkle says you you are good sometimes and become taunting husband like rightnow, i kissed you to make you conscious, Twinkle says i was asking as you tried to take advantage of me in farm house too, Kunj recalls how Yuvi did that and was about to rape Twinkle and he saved, Kunj says you know that night, in farm house.. Yuvi comes there and interrupts Kunj, he ask Kunj to come with him and play, Kunj thinks that i canbt tell Twinkle that it was Yuvi who misbehaved with her in farm house as she wont allow Yuvi to live here then, i know what Yuvi did was wrong but rightnow Yuvi needs care and love so i have keep this secret with me only.
Kunj is talking on call with Roshni(from Jamai raja), he says i will come on engagement with Twinkle, he ends call, Twinkle says we will go to help Rochni, she closes door, he ask why did she lock door? Twinkle says dont worry, i will not take advantage of you, i dont want Yuvi to sleep here, Anita can take care of him now, Kunj says this is not fair, you know his situation, you shouldnt do this with him, Twinkle says not fair, when you wanted me to stop testing Yuvi’s mental state then i listened to you and stopped it and also i am tried fo sleeping on sofa, i want my bed back, Kunj says that is my bed and secondly you can do what you want, Yuvi comes outside room and knocks it, Twinkle ask Kunj to not open it, Yuvi is knocking like mad person, Kunj says i will open door now, Twinkle says no, she holds his hand to stop him, Sajna ve plays, Anita comes to Yuvi and ask what happened? Yuvi says kunj is not opening door of his room, i want to sleep in his room, Anita .knocks door and ask Kunj to open it, Kunj takes off Twinkle’s hand and opens door, Yuvi comes in and is angry, he angrily says to Kunj that i was knocking door for much time, didnt you listen my voice, i had to stay out for so much time, Twinkle thinks that Yuvi has got angry, now he wont be able to control his anger, he will bring his truth out himself, Yuvi instead of getting angry hugs Kunj and ask Kunj to not do this with him again, Anita says to Kunj that you know Yuvi likes to be with you so why you do this with him? Twinkle says i closed door and asked Kunj to not open it, Babee ask why? Twinkle says till when Yuvi will sleep in our room? we need privacy too, Babee says i understand, i am taking Yuvi to mumbai tomorrow for his check up, you wil have privacy with Kunj, Kunj says i and Twinkle are going to mumbai too to attend some function, if you say then i will book tickets together, Yuvi says yay Kunj is coming to Mumbai too, now can i sleep in your room? Anita says no you come with me, they need privacy, Kunj says its okay Yuvi can sleep here, Yuvi lies on Kunj’s bed, Kunj sadly looks at Twinkle, Anita thinks that what Kunj did with Yuvi in Goa, i will do same with Kunj in Mumbai now.

PRECAP- Twinkle says she will bring Yuvi’s truth out today, she is engagement party fo Sid(from Jamai raja), she is attacked. .

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