Tashan-e-Ishq 12th April 2016 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 12th April 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 12th April 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Devika is leaving, Twinkle comes to her and hugs her tightly calling her Mahi, Devika pushes her away and says who are you? Twinkle says i knew Mahi you will come, why you have changed your name and identity? Devika says what are you saying? Kunj says i will explain, Twinkle’s sister’s name is Mahi, she died in accident, Twinkle hasnt come out trauma, Mahi’s face was like you, Devika says i am sorry to listen but i am not Mahi, Twinkle says you are my Mahi, Kunj says to Twinkle that she is not Mahi, Devika says one minute, she signs cheque and gives it to Twinkle and says this is for your sister, she leaves, Twinkle and Kunj looks on shocked, Twinkle says she is Mahi, Kunj says just see name and sign on this cheque, she is Devika, Mahi is dead and she wont comeback, Twinkle says no that is Mahi.
yuvi thinks that Kunj and Twinkle cant play such big game with me, Mom called me and told me about Devika too, i have to find about her now.
Yuvi comes to Devika’s room and sees her trying to close her dress’s zip, he eyes her, she sees him, he gets tensed and says i am sorry, Devika says cut it out, go and wait in lounge, Yuvi leaves.
Devika comes to Yuvi and says what you rightnow, i can kill for you that but you saved my life so i am leaving you, debt is clear now, she offers him drink, he drinks, she drinks wine too, Yuvi thinks that she cant be Mahi, she was ugly but this Devika is hot, she is arrogant but has magic around her, Devika says lets go inside, Yuvi pulls her closer, Devika falls on him, they share eyelock, Twinkle comes there, she grabs Yuvi by collar and says how dare you touch my sister? dont try to come near him, Devika says let him go, Twinkle says dont say like this, you are my Mahi, Devika says what is this? I am not Mahi, i am Devika Khanna, Twinkle says why dont you agree that you are Devika? Devika says you wont agree like this, she brings her legal papers and throws it on Twinkle, she says these papers prove that i am Devika and not Mahi, Twinkle sees her identity card and everything which proves that she is Devika, she sees her birth certificate too, Kunj comes there too, Devika says now you believe that i am Devika? you have given me headache, if you try to irritate me again then i will call cops, Kunj says i am sorry, this wont happen again, Twinkle says she is lying, Kunj says why dont you understand that Mahi is dead, he starts taking Twinkle from there but says to Devika that we know this Yuvi very well, he killed Mahi, he cant be trusted, just be careful, he leaves with Twinkle, Yuvi looks on confused.
Kunj asks Twinkle to listen, dont do this please, i cant see you like this, i am hurt seeing you in pain, please explain yourself, Twinkle says i dont know why she is lying, she is Mahi, i will find out why she is lying, this time i wont let Yuvi destroy her life, i wont let Yuvi play with Mahi this time, she leave, Kunj looks on.
Yuvi is working out in his room, he recalls how he met Devika, how she was arrogant, how she was wearing short dress while Mahi used to wear eastern clothes, how Devika was drinking wine, Yuvi says she cant be Mahi, Yuvi gets inspector’s call and says the body which we found from cliff, we did its DNA test and found that it was not Mahi’s body, Yuvi says you continue your searching, you will find another body there, inspector says we didnt find any other body there, Yuvi ends call and says this means Devika is Mahi only.
Its morning, Twinkle and Kunj comes to Devika, she says you both are here again? Kunj says i have made Twinkle understand that you are not her sister, Devika says you came here to tell this? Kunj says we want you to give your wedding planning contract to us, we will find best groom for you, Devika asks how? Kunj says we will arrange your swayamvar, all bachelors will come in it, Devika says i like this idea, i accept your deal, Kunj says Twinkle will help me in this, you dont have any problem? Devika says no, i am happy that her misunderstanding is clear, Kunj says we will start work now, they leave.
Yuvi comes in hotel lobby and says i dont understand, Devika is so different from Mahi but where did Mahi’s body go? Twinkle and Kunj comes in hotel lobby, Yuvi listens them talking. Twinkle says to Kunj that i dont believe that she is Devika, i have agreed to her marriage contract so that we can get her finger prints and can match with Mahi’s finger prints, Kunj says promise me that if she is found to be Devika then you will stop your stubbornness, Yuvi listens this and says this is great idea, i will use this idea before them.
Devika comes in hotel lobby, she is checking preparations of Swayamvar with Kunj, Twinkle gives her juice, Devika takes it and leaves. Twinkle says to Kunj that we cant get her finger prints on glass, you have to retrieve it from her, Kunj says dont worry i will get that glass from her. Yuvi is working there in disguise of janitor, Devika drinks juice, Twinkle asks her to put glass on tray, she does it, Twinkle leaves tray on table and starts discussing work with Devika. Yuvi comes near glass, he wears gloves and takes glass from there.

Scene 2
Devika’s Swayamvwar starts, Kunj says to bachelors that i know you all want to marry Devika, now you all will have to propose Devika and impress her.
Yuvi calls his man and asks him to bring reports.
Bachelors try to impress Devika but acts funny, Devika is irritated, Twinkle is laughing.
Man brings reports and gives it to Yuvi. Yuvi opens report and finds Mahi’s finger prints doesnt match with Devika’s finger prints, Yuvi says its clear now that Devika is not Mahi, this is good news, now i will follow my mother, i will trap Devika to get her money, Twinkle i love you but Devika is just for money, he smirks.
Yuvi comes in Swayamvar, he comes there on bike in style and dances around Devika, he takes her hand, Kya Karoon ladies song plays, Yuvi closely dances with Devika, she is impressed, Yuvi says i see only you, i want to live after seeing you, i want to walk holding your hands, he pulls her closer and hugs her, Twinkle is angry, Devika hugs Yuvi and gives thumbs up to Twinkle and Kunj, they smirk.

PRECAP- Twinkle says to Kunj that Yuvi came here to trap us but he is in our trap now, Kunj says he is gone. Yuvi comes in his room and finds is dark, he finds some silhouette in room and gets scared.

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  1. samiarahman
    April 12, 14:44 Reply

    Oww…smart move….twinj and mahi…haha…uvi will finish now….it will be fun now

  2. devika
    April 12, 12:58 Reply

    thats their plam to trap yuvi rit?

    • roro
      April 12, 13:35

      yup that is. and that is also the reason why mahi showed them thumbs up and they smiled…they are acting out in front of yuvi since the beginning when mahi “died”

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