Tashan-e-Ishq 14th April 2016 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 14th April 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 14th April 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Someone stops yuvi in dark.. He truns back its mahi. Kunj says what happened? Twinkle says what did you see? Devika comes and says what is wrong why are you shouting. Yuvi says someone was there. Devika says no one is there. Yuvi falls down. Devika says what? Kunj says get up. Devika says what did you see? He says maybe shadows. I was scared. Devika says I don’t like your mom. She is loud and unclassy. I was unsure about your relation but now when I have to stay with you lets get engaged. He says let me tell me. She says I am coming with you.
Kunj says he pretends to be brave. Twinkle says we will record his confession tomorrow in engagements. He will end up in jail.

Next morning, Kunj says all cameras are fixed. When he sees mahi’s soul again he will confess everything. Twinkle says don’t worry mahi. Everything will be okay.
yuvi says devika lets go and pray. I was planning engagement to happen in my farmhouse instead of this haveli. I hope thats okay with you. Devika says but.. he says I have made all arrangements. Mom is calling.
Twinkle says what will we do now. He was so scared that he changed the plan. Mahi says I will say no. Kunj says no he will doubt then.Twinkle says but our plan. He says I will get camera fixed there too.
yuvi comes back and says I am cool with farmhouse. He says okay lets go to temple.

Twinkle and Kunj come to farmhouse. Anita says what are you two doing here? Twinkle says devika fears your local and loud taste. So she sent us here to decorate. Our people will do all the arrangements.

Yuvi and mahi are on their way. Mahi texts twinkle that they are on their way. Kunj says lets recheck everything. Yuvi stops the car near a house. He says come out. She says I don’t wanna go. He takes her hand and takes her inside a garden. Devika says what is this. A grave is digged there. He shoves mahi. Yuvi says you know what I was married to a girl mahi. She used to stutter like you right now. She was so scared. are you too jaan?
Yuvi says what you thought you can fool me by saying you are devika? Its not easy to fool be. It was a good plan. The ghost I saw was actually of mahi and I was really scared but when I was leaving for home last night.. mahi said yuvi why are you so worried? Whom did you see there? He saw the dress there. Yuvi says I told mom everything. And when you were asleep in your room my mom fainted you there. Poor kunj and twinkle must be thinking we will come to farm house and they will expose me there. Her phone rings. Its twinkle. Mahi says twinkle di.. Twinkle says what happened to you mahi. Yuvi takes the phone and says sorry the user you are tying to talk is busy trembling. She will stutter while talking. You can talk to me instead. Twinkle says yuvi.. He says no mahi’s death. you and your husband wanted to expose me but you forgot whom you were messing with. Now I will do what I couldn’t last time. Your sister will die now. Twinkle says even if you touch her.. He says then what? You will call cops? And what will you tell them?That I killed my wife again? Or you will tell them I killed devika khana?The fake id. This time I will win.Come and see your sister dying. He hangs up.
Kunj tries to go out but the door is locked. Anita says you were messing with meand yuvi now see how can you save mahi?
Yug knocks and says is someone there?

Twinkle says according to GPS she is not in haveli. Kunj says then where is she? Yuvi says nothing can save you this time from me. He starts throwing sand on her.Mahi is crying.
Kunj breaks the door. Twinkle detects her location. he says you got trapped in your own plan. your sister will keep crying for you. Mahi screams for help. Kunj shoves her.They see mahi’s hand.Twinkle takes her out. Police comes and arrests Yvi. He laughs. Twinkle says you wanted to ruin my family I answered you in your language. Yuvi laughs and says you are so innocent. you never understand no one take you from me. Because you are nothing without me and I am nothing without you. Kunj says inspector take him before I kill him.
Yuvi says you will come to me yourself Twinkle, begging.

Precap-Kunj says do you know happens in honey moon suite.She says leave me. He says when I come close to you, your heart will beat fast.

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