Tashan-e-Ishq 17th November 2015 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 17th November 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 17th November 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Leela says to Anita that i didnt snatch your husband, stop your allegations now, this is lie, it was fine till you were behind me but now you are behind Twinkle, Anita says you feel i want to destroy Twinkle’s life? if i wanted that then i would have done that very back, why would i destroy her marriage when i am myself marrying now, Twinkle says marriage is lovable relation but you love yourself only, you want to poison everyone’s life, Surjeet says enough, i dont wanna listen against Anita, he says tomorrow i will get engaged to Anita at any cost, Babee ask Suarjeet to use his mind, Anita hates Leela’s family, how can she love you so much in this short time? its her plan to come in this house and destroy Twinkle’s life, Surjeet says dont tell me about love, you never got married and you dont know about love, you cant see my happiness, Babee is hurt, Manohar says enough, Babee raised us like mother and you are talking like this with her, i just left house but you crossed all limits today, Surjeet ask him to shut up, Manohar says i will not, what will you do? Surjeet is about to slap Manohar but Kunj holds his hand, Babee says to Surjeet that for this Anita, you insulted me today, you raised your hand on your younger brother, if you wanna marry her then you can but i wont bless you for this marriage, she leaves, Surjeet says fine, he says tomorrow i will get engaged, he drags Anita from there, Raman says to Leela that why al this is happening, Leela says this shouldnt have happened, love is blind, Leela ask Kunj if Anita will live here? she will make their life hell, i trust you but not that Anita, Leela says Maa. Leela stares her and says we should leave now, she leaves with Raman, Twinke is sad and looks at Kunj.
Twinkle brings tea for babee, Babee is sad, Twinkle says i know you are hurt with Surjeet’s words but he said it in anger, i know he hates all of us but he respects you alot, he will come to say sorry for sure, i know Anita since childhood, she is taking advantage of Surjeet, Surjeet comes there, Twinkle leaves, Surjeet sit in Babee’s feet and says i am sorry, i did mistake today, you can beat me but bless me, Anita is not bad, she told me everything about her animosity with Leela, she loves and she is not marrying me for revenge, Leela and Twinkle doesnt have proof against Anita, you always do justice after seeing proof but why too decision against me today without proof, forgive me and bless me to start new life, you know when Cherry was 3 years old, my first wife ranaway with her lover, i hates love from that time but after meeting Anita, i relaized that i can love again, i lived loveless life but i dont want to die without alone, you know what loneliness it, Babee says i forgave you but i am not happy with your relation with Anita but i wont interfere in your life, if you think Anita is right and will take your loneliness then i accept your decision, i just hope Anita keep you happy.
pinni says to Leela that this is very bad news that Anita will live with Twinkle now, she will make her life hell, she may bring Yuvi with her, think if Yuvi shift to Sarna mansion then what will happen to Twinkle. Leela says dont know why God is taking Twinkle’s test.

Scene 2
Anita comes to Twinkle, Anita says i know what you are thinking about me that i am very bad but i am not, you took me to hospital then how can i think bad about you, i am beginning new life and i want your support, she hugs Twinkle and says trust me and forget old memories, Anita is hugging her, Twinkle sees her face’s reflection in mirror, she finds Anita smirking and thinks that i thought to trust you but my doubt was correct that you wanna destroy us but i wont let it happen, Anita thinks that my only mission behind this marriage is to destroy you Twinkle like your mother did to me, Twinkle thinks that i wont let this engagement happen, Anita thinks that i will do this marriage, will come in this house and destroy you.

PRECAP- Anita says to Surjeet that i know a fabulous dancer, if she dances in our engagement then it will be rocking, you know who is that dancer? she points at Leela and says its her, all are stunned.

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