Tashan-e-Ishq 22nd October 2015 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 22nd October 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 22nd October 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Twinkle says to inspector that Kunj is my husband, we fought so i denied accepting him as my husband but truth is that i married him today only, inspector ask do you have any proof that he is your husband? Twinkle says i have photos of our marriage, Kunj thinks finally she got some sense, Raman calls Kunj and says i will come to take you and Twinkle at 8am tomorrow, Kunj thinks oh thats why she came here, she wanted to save her skin, he ends call and says she is not my wife, these photos of marriage are fake, yes i flirted with girl, arrest me, Twinkle ask if he has gone mad? inspector says what drama is this? he says you both go and celebrate your marriage night, leave, Kunj says i wont leave, you cant do injustice with girl, i flirted with her so its your duty to put me in lock-up, inspector says i am asking you to leave, Kunj slaps policeman and says i have raised hand on on-duty officer, arrest me, inspector arrests him, Twinkle thinks that Kunj is doing all this deliberately, she ask inspector to let us leave, we are newly married, inspector says you come tomorrow and free your husband, Twinkle takes gun and says if you dont leave my husband then i will fire at you, inspector arrests Twinkle too, both are put behind jail, Kunj says to Twinkle that i made plan to be away from you but you have snatched my peace, Twinkle says my life is destroyed after marrying you, we are staying in lock-up, how romantic.
Someone takes tape recorder from dustbin.
Kunj is sleeping, Twinkle says Raman will come to take us in morning, what to do, she says to Kunj that how can you sleep so peacefully, do something, Kunj says ket me sleep, Twinkle throws water on him, he gets up and says you threw water on me? Twinkle says no no its raining here, Kunj takes bucket and throws whole bucket on her, Twinkle shouts, they fight with each other, inspector comes and ask why you are fighting like tom and jerry, he says you both leave from this lock-up, you have destroyed peace of police station, the throws them out of police station.
Twinkle and Kunj are walking to hotel, Twinkle thinks that i was too much adventure for one day, now we should reach hotel, she is shivering as she is wet, Kunj thinks what kind of wife i have got, she has too much ego that she wont say that she is feeling cold, if i will try to help her then she will say that i am taking advantage of her, Kunj says dont know when we will reach hotel, Twinkle says my life is destroyed, we are walking on road like mads, Kunj hires taxi, two thieves come and snatches Mangalsutra from Twinkle’s neck, she shouts and ask Kunj to follow them, Kunj says let it be, we will buy another one, Twinkle says its my mangalsutra, its important for me, Twinkle and Kunj sit in taxi and follow thieves, Kunj says this marriage is just compromise, its just a piece of jewelry which you wear to show off to our family, Twinkle says its not a piece of jewelry for me, its my identity, i have upbringing to respect my mangalsutra, Kunj says good speech, why Mangalsutra is important for you? Twinkle says because it is sign of our marriage, Kunj says when there is nothing between us then why are you dying for it, Twinkle doesnt answer him, Thieves are running on bike, their bike slips, Kunj comes out of taxi and takes Mangalsutra from them, thief shows him knife and ask him to give it, Kunj beats them, they run away, Kunj gives mangalsutra back to Twinkle, she thanks him and tries wearing it back, he ask can i help? she allows him,n Sajna ve plays, Kunj ties Mandalsutra in Twinkle’s neck, taxi driver says to Kunj that you became hero fro her, this mangalsutra is like this only, my wife gets mad too if her mangalsutra is lost, i can say that there is something special between you and her, we dont realize the relation but when the tie is broken then it hurts. Twinkle and Kunj sit in taxi, Kunj says he was right, i believe in relationships but i cant imagine it with you, i feel like i am tied with you from rope forcefully for life, dont know how we will spend it, Twinkle says dont expect any sympathy from me, i got married to you forcefully but i will respect this relation, this mangalsutra is important for me, i wish i would have respected the one whom i married but you dont deserve it.

Scene 2
Man plays tape recorder, Twinkle has recorded that she also loved Yuvi but couldnt tell Leela because of Anita and Leela’s animosity, he writes note.
Kunj and Twinkle are going to leela’s house with Raman, Raman ask why you both are silent? he says to Twinkle that i know you dont like to wake up so early but we have to take flight, he says to Kunj that Twinkle doesnt like to wake up early, Kunj says its ok now we are married so i will see to it, i will change her bad habits, Twinkle says to Raman that you know i dont change myself for anyone, Raman says you both keep up this nok-jhok, love is hidden in it, Kunj and Twinkle stare each other.
Leela ask Pinni if preparations are done in guradvarah for charity? Pinni says dont worry, i have done everything, i am going there only, she leaves, Leela says i have to check lunch too, she listens Twinkle’s noise, she finds tape recorder playing, Twinkle says i loved Yuvi too but couldnt tell you as you and Anita were enemies, i was wrong, i should have told you truth, Leela is shocked to listen it.

PRECAP- Kunj says to Twinkle that you are mad, its such a big truth that you are Yuvi were in relationship and you recorded it like this, Twinkle says i tried to talk to Leela but i couldnt get chance so i had to record it. Leela cries and says i had so much faith in Twinkle, i trusted her so much, why did she do this.

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  1. acha soch
    October 23, 13:17 Reply

    In the beginning of every serial all the foolish viewers used to say the above quotted lines.
    Guys, plz wait 4 few days u can see the original colour of the writers.I am damn sure that they will do their level best to spoil this soap and add lots of idiotic twists to deviate from the real idea.
    The one and only reason for the growth of such stupid thoughts is we r submitting ourself as puppets to the writers.

  2. Aleesha
    October 22, 15:30 Reply

    Kunj n Twinkle the best couple..Love them to the core.. waiting fr them to fall in love n share some romantic moments

  3. shir
    October 22, 15:18 Reply

    I must say this is the best serial on zee tv.
    Kunj and twinkle perfect jodi .fun

  4. Honey Jesa
    October 22, 11:49 Reply

    Nice water fight. Whatever happens, girls always respect their identity.

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