Tashan-e-Ishq 24th December 2015 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 24th December 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 24th December 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Leela looks at Twinkle’s picture and caresses it, Kunj comes there and recalls how he asked Twinkle to let Yuvi be, he says to Leela that you are missing Twinkle? Leela is surprised to see Kunj, Kunj says you must be missing Twinkle, she says no actually, Kunj says the way you were caressing her picture, it seemed like you are loving her, Leela ask why did he come here? Kunj says i came to talk to you, i was tensed yesterday thats why talked to you rudely, did you feel bad? Leela says mother never feel about son’s things, Kunj says till when you will keep yourself away from Twinkle? tomorrow is her birthday, i have seen Twinkle likes to take limelight, she born on Christmas day, you did great planning, Leela laughs and says sameday, years back i got most precious thing of my life, i used to become santa clause for her and used to gift her, Kunj says why not this year? you have to become santa clause for her, we will have surprise party for her, i will bring her here, Leela says i cant do this, Kunj says i am asking you this as a right, if you dont listen to me then i will feel bad afterall i am not your real son, he thinks to do more emotional blackmail, he says i am your only son in law so you have to listen to me, Leela says i pray that everyone gets son in law like you, Kunj says they cant as they dont have mother in law like you, Leela says but.. Kunj says i will bring her tomorrow, you be prepared, he leaves, Leela is tensed.
Yuvi is coughing, Twinkle comes there and gets tensed seeing this, she calls ;out for Kunj, she ask Yuvi if he is fine? Yuvik smirks and says you still casre for me so much, you still long for me, i am so much happy to know this, what you thought that mixed poison in milk? i could have done it earlier if i wanted that, i was just teasing you, i knew you will come to save Kunj as good wife and will go against me which Kunj will not like and he did exactly same, whats the need of this marriage where there is no love? no trust? see how much i trust you, i knew you will come behind me and you know why? because you love me, you cant stay without me, we are made for each other and soon you will be mine, Twinkle ask him to shut up, she says dont see cheap dreams that i will leave Kunj for you, i am married now and i will not let you destroy my marriage, you can try as much as you can but let me tell you, you wont be able to me, my family or my husband, she leaves, Yuvi says Twinkle doesnt know that she loves Yuvi, she cant forget me, she was mine, she is mine and will remain mine as Tujhe apna banane ki qasam khayi hai(swore to make you mine).
its morning, Kunj says to Babee that we will act like we dont remember her birthday as i have planned a surprise birthday party for her, you all go there, i will bring here there so dont wish her, Twinkle comes there and thinks everyone must have remembered its my birthday today especially Kunj, she comes there, Babee ask her to go in kitchen and see if breakfast is ready, Twinkle gets sad and leaves, Kunj, babee and Yuvi laughs.

Scene 2
Twinkle thinks that no one remembers my birthday, what kind of husband is Kunj? he doesnt even remember my birthday, its my first birthday after marriage, he didnt plan any party, any card for me, before marriage i used to get such a big party and today no one even wished me, her hands get burned by stove, Kunj and Babee comes there, Babee ask her if she is fine? where is she lost? she says nowhere, Babee ask her to bring breakfast, she nods, she thinks that i am getting miffed with Kunj when my mother hasnt wished me for first time today, she is so much angry on me that she didnt call me even today, Kunj ask her if she is fine? she nods and leaves, Babee says to Kunj that you are doing wrong, she must be feeling bad, Kunj says after surprise party she will get double happiness, Yuvi listens this and scene is fully set, i and Twinkle will be alone, i will make this day memorable for Twinkle.
Kunj gets ready in tuxedo and ask Twinkle to get ready for christmas party, she murmurs that he is saying everything except happy birthday, Kunj ask her to get ready soon and do less make up today, you take 2hours to do make up, Twinkle ask him to shut up, Kunj says today is something special, Twinkle gets happy and ask if he remember? Kunj says yes there is something special in day as you are silent and not eating my mind, i am so happy, Twinkle gets upset and says Kunj Sarna today is my birthday so wish me happy Birthday Princess, say it, Kunj says happy birthday princess, Twinkle says now greet me like princess, he greets her… it turns out to be Twinkle’s dream, Twinkle says i am not feeling to go in party, Kunj says i am thinking to set your mood but you are not listening to me, get ready as i am saying this lovingly else i will lift you in arms and take you and you know i can do this, you have less time, get ready, he ask how he is looking? must be killer right? he leaves, Twinkle says what type of husband i have got? instead of wishing me birthday, he is scolding me even today, Yuvi comes there with wine glasses and says i was telling you this would happen, Kunj doesnt care for you, the much i love you, no one can do it, Kunj is good for nothing, he ask her to drink wine and says feel light, i know you are not happy with this marriage, your husband doesnt even remember your birthday, but i cant forget your birthday, happy birthday baby, Twinkle takes wine glass from him and thinks that i am not that fool Twinkle anymore, i am very smart now, i will bring your truth out on my birthday, thanks for this gift Yuvi, she says to Yuvi that you are right, nothing is happy in this birthday, my mom didnt wish me, my husband doesnt remember it and who wished me? its you, you are right, i am frustrated with this life, i should end it, i have nothing in life, i am married but my husband doesnt love me, Yuvi says i am with you, Twinkle says no, i should die, she leaves.
Twinkle comes on terrace and hides mobile in pot after switching on the video recording, she thinks that i am sure Yuvi cant become nice so i have to bring his truth out, i will trap him now, Yuvi comes there, Twinkle stand on terrace end and acts like jumping down, he ask if she is gone mad? Twinkle says yes i have gone mad, nothing is remaining in my life, you have destroyed everything, you have taken away my mother from me, my mother doesnt even talk to me, my husband doesnt love me, my inlaws dont like me and than you are acting like kid to destroy my marriage, Yuvi says i am doing all this for you? we will live together, Twinkle says you are destroying my life and saying that you care for me? Yuvi says i really love you and i realized it when you were getting married to Kunj, i really love you, from that time, i have done everything for you, whatever i did in Goa then this kid acting is all done to get you back, to be with you, Twinkle says you are lying, youy are doing all this to take revenge for your mother, Yuvi says no it was before, i accept that i used to not love you before your marriage, i wanted to take revenge from your mother and whats better than getting married to you? the time we spent together was a lie, it was my mother’s plan, i am sorry i lied to you but now i really love you, leave old things, and comeback, Twinkle thinks that thanks Yuvi, i have to bring your ugly face infront of everyone because i have two reasons for that, one is that because of you, my marriage was breaking and second is you used me to take revenge for your mother, now i will bring your truth out and will become inspiration for every girl who get used by their boyfriends, i will play this video in christmas party, just wait and watch what Kunj will do with you then, Yuvi says to Twinkle that i have done mistakes but now i will rectify everything, you come to me and leave Kunj, Twinkle says this is not an option now, Yuvi says we will live together, Twinkle says leave me alone, Yuvi says okay i am leaving but you leave that railing and comes inside, Twinkle leaves railing and comes in room, she ask Yuvi to bring water, he says okay, he leaves, Twinkle comes on terrace and watches Yuvi’s confession video, Yuvi comes there too and is angry seeing this, Twinkle gets tensed seeing him there.

PRECAP- Tomorrow there will be Mahasangam of Jamai Raja and Tashan e ishq, Roshni(from Jamai Raja) calls Kunj and says there is one problem, she tells him problem(which is muted), Kunj says i think you and Sid needs change so come over here, we will sit and discuss matter.

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