Tashan-e-Ishq 26th January 2016 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 26th January 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 26th January 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Twinkle says if Kunj’s happiness lies with Maya then he should be with her, i will not come in his way, i will free him from me and from this marriage, its good he will be spared from fights too and nobody will taunt me and call me Sayppa queen, but truth is that you irritate me but these small fights will be my memories, i will miss you alot Kunj, Leela will be broken after knowing all this, i cant tell her anything as she will talk to Kunj then and he will agree to her for sure which i dont want, i want him to be happy and his happiness lies with Maya and i want him happy, Sajna ve plays.
Twinkle writes letter to Leela, she writes that Maa you have chosen best life partner for me, he never let any problem come to me, he has always made me happy so he deserves happiness too, when you will find this letter, i will be gone by that, i wont be able to see you, please forgive me for all this. Kunj comes there and sees her writing, Twinkle wipes her tears, Twinkle says kunj.. Kunj says i dont wanna listen anything, there is limit to childish behavior but now its enough, he leaves. Twinkle looks at letter, Kunj lies on sofa, Twinkle looks at him sadly, Agar tum saath ho plays, she recalls their moments, how Kunj wiped her tears, she sees Kunj sleeping and recalls how he protected her in Goa.
its morning, Twinkle is still awake, she sees Chinki calling her, she sees Kunj sleeping and leaves from there.
Twinkle comes out of house to meet Chinki, she gives letter to Chinki and says give it to maa after i am gone, Chinki says dont do this, Twinkle says you should not do this else i will become weak, you should be strength, give this letter to maa, Chinki says i will miss you, Twinkle says i will miss you, she hugs her and asks her to not cry, Twinkle says i will be in touch with you after leaving from here, Chinki nods and leaves.
Twinkle comes in house, she touches Babee’s feet, Babee blesses her and says you are awake in early morning, very good, Twinkle asks about her health, Babee says i am fine and i have arranged Havan today for you and Kunj, i want you both to remain happy, Twinkle thinks i want Kunj to be happy, Babee asks her to take care of havan, she leaves, Twinkle says i cant sit in havan, the person with whom Kunj’s happiness lies, that person should sit with him in havan and that is Maya. Twinkle calls Maya, she says i am sorry about last night, i shouldnt have said anything after all you are Kunj’s.. she says today is havan in house, if you come here then i will assume that you have forgiven me, Maya says if this is matter then i will come, Twinkle ends call and says Maya has to come as this is going to be her house now.
Anita and Cherry are in RT’s room, Cherry says we have half an hour, we have to search fast, they start searching, Anita finds Rt’s diary, she reads it, it is written that i hope my daughter reads this diary and know about me, Anita says i thought RT was lying but i am sure he was saying truth, he has come here to find his daughter and wife, dont know where they are but now i will find RT’s daughter and wife.
Twinkle comes in room and sees Kunj sleeping, she asks Kunj to wake up, she puts tea cup there, Kunj turns and his hand falls in hot tea, he wakes up and says is this way to wake up? this is limit, Twinkle says i am sorry, i didnt put cup there to wake you up by it, its my mistake, i shouldnt have put cup there, get ready for Havan, she leaves, Kunj says sorry.
Usha says to Twinkle that i am giving you dress and jewelry which my mother in law gave to me, you wear it in Havan, Babee wants to make your relation strong with Kunj but i dont think so, from the time you have come in Kunj’s life, he is always in problems, Twinkle hugs Usha and says i promise Kunj will be happy from now on, you have not liked me but i have always assumed you as my mother, she says forgive me for any mistake, she touches her feet, Babee says to Twinkle that i am proud of you, Twinkle thinks i will miss you most Babee, she leaves, Babee says to usha that you cant find better daughter in law than Twinkle, have some respect for her, Usha thinks.
Maya meets Kunj and says Twinkle said ;sorry to me for last night and also invited me, now you should also end your anger and should talk to her, Kunj says you are right, i was so rude with her, dont know why, i will talk to her.
Twinkle is pressing Kunj’s kurta, her hand gets burned by iron, Kunj comes there and says what was the need to do it, Twinkle says i can do this for you, you have to wear it in Havan so i was pressing it, Kunj says i would have pressed it myself, he puts her hand in water, Kunj says dont know what would have happened if i was late, Twinkle says its already late, Kunj says i am sorry for last night, i was rude, Sajna ve plays, Twinkle says wait.. Kunj sarna is saying sorry to me? i should make video of it, Kunj says enough of your drama, Twinkle thinks that i had to tease him one last time, i will miss our funny fights most, she thinks before i get weak, i should leave, Kunj says one day your childish behavior will destroy us, Twinkle looks at him and leaves, Kunj doesnt see her leaving and says Twinkle how can you even think that i and Maya have affair? he turns to find her gone, he says this girl is crazy.
Twinkle comes in lounge, she meets Maya, Maya says i had to come as you called, Twinkle gives her Chunri and bangles(which Usha gifted her), Maya asks why you are giving this to me? Twinkle says please take it for me, Maya takes it, Twinkle says Kunj must be coming soon, she looks around and gets teary eyed seeing Sarna house, she leaves from there.

Scene 2
Leela reads Twinkle’s letter and is shocked, Leela says Twinkle have misunderstanding, Kunj cant do this, i have to talk to Kunj.
Leela shows letter to Kunj, Kunj reads it, Kunj says to family that Twinkle is mad, she thinks that i am going to divorce her but i cant do it ever, Maya says she gave me bangles and chunri, Babee says this is out daughter in law’s bangles and chunri, Usha gave it to Twinkle so that she can wear it in Havan, Kunj says how can Twinkle even think like this, he sees Chinki crying and asks her, Chinki tells everything, how Twinkle saw divorce papers, how Kunj was always with Maya, Kunj is disgusted listening all this, he says to Leela that i am sorry but your daughter is mad, Babee says she did everything for your happiness, Twinkle isnt like this, Kunj says this is her problem, she use her brain way too much, Leela says dont know where is Twinkle, she told Chinki that she is going to airport, Kunj says she cant leave like this, everytime she cant do what she wants, i will bring her back, he leaves.
Twinkle is at airport, she is in tears and recalls how she danced with Kunj, how he tried to kiss her forehead, how he hugged her in Goa, how he kissed her in cold storage, how they danced in Lohri function, she says whats happening with me, why i am seeing him only? i took decision to leave him but why i am not able to go away? why i am feeling something is wrong like something is left behind, she says i cant become weak, i have to leave Kunj for his happiness. Kunj is driving to airport, he thinks how can she leave me? she took decision alone to break our Tashan e shadi, Manchala plays.

PRECAP- Leela says to RT on call that how can Twinkle leave me and Kunj like this? if she has left city then how will i find her. Kunj comes at airport, he tries to go in but inspector asks him to show ticket, Kunj says i dont have it but my wife is inside, let me go, inspector doesnt allow him.

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  1. jaan
    January 26, 15:43 Reply

    hey it will take time 4 them 2 confess their love 4 each other n i hope when they do there will b no room 4 suspicion n that they live in peace n get rid of anita from the house n she should get expose soon

  2. seals
    January 26, 15:07 Reply

    I wish they would admit that they love each other.

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