Tumhari Pakhi 11th April 2014 Written Update

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Tumhari Pakhi 11th April 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Tumhari Pakhi 11th April 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pakhi recording Tanya and Ayaan’s conversation. Tanya thinks she heard Anshuman’s decision and did all this. She does not tell Ayaan and says we can’t trust Pakhi, she will stay again in this house, I don’t want Anshuman to get angry and kill Pakhi, she will die. Ayaan says I will go to school now, bye. Tanya stops him and thinks how did Ayaan think about the challenge winner matter. She doubts on him. Pakhi hides. Pakhi gives leave to the servants and send them out of the house.

She sees the recording standing in the hall. Tanya comes there with a stick and hits Pakhi. Pakhi gets hurt and falls. Both of them have a fight. Tanya tries to take the recorder. Pakhi takes the chip. Tanya drags Pakhi and hurts her. Pakhi pushes Tanya and says are you mad, come back to senses. Pakhi runs to call Anshuman. Tanya brings a gun and aims at Pakhi. Tanya says give me the chip, else I will shoot you. Pakhi says I will not give you the chip, shoot me.

Pakhi comes to her room and locks. She cries. She says Anshuman….. She calls Anshuman again. Tanya says I will show her she is not safe anymore. Tanya calls Mr. Rana and asks him to come home. Mr. Rana says I m in meeting. She cries and tells him everything. She says if she shows it to Anshuman, everything will be ruined, I have locked her in room, come soon. Mr. Rana comes home and calms down Tanya. He says why did you not shoot her, I did not give you this pistol to scare her, but to shoot her.

Mr. Rana increases the temperature of the room. Pakhi shouts Anshuman and cries. Pakhi faints. Anshuman comes home. Tanya makes Anshuman busy. Anshuman thinks where did Pakhi go. Tanya says lets go out please. He sees Pakhi’s mangalsutra on the floor and is shocked. Tanya gets tensed. He says its Pakhi. A glass breaks. Anshuman runs to see. He sees her locked in the room and is shocked.

He takes her to the room and tries to wake her up. He says Tanya call the doctor fast. Anshuman says get up please. Tanya says the doctor is not reachable, you go and get the doctor. Anshuman leaves. Tanya suffocates Pakhi. Pakhi runs from her and goes to the terrace. Pakhi tells I have the chip. Tanya says I will kill you, who will give the chip to Anshuman then. Anshuman leaves.

He meets Girish and Lavanya at the gate. Anshuman tells them everything. Lavanya asks who is with her. Anshuman says Pakhi. Girish says she is unsafe, lets go fast. They see Tanya pushing Pakhi off the terrace and shout Pakhi….. Pakhiis shown falling…..

Pakhi holds Tanya’s leg and hangs. Her hand slips and Anshuman holds her hand and pushes her up. Anshuman pushes Tanya and breaks a bottle to stab her in anger.


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    • cam
      April 12, 17:37

      Good night sweety / sweetest dreams
      till tomorow 😀

  1. bubbly
    April 11, 20:18 Reply

    O my gosh…what an episode.. I got goosebumps when paakhi was being pushed…n tanya is jst an insensitive bitch…n looks like a prostitute.

    • cam
      April 12, 17:36

      hey bubbly how are you?
      nice seeing you again … was a great epi today
      you progressed don’t remember you talking this way
      dear…you are a sweet beautiful girl remember 😉
      those words just don’t suit you
      they makes you look like tanya ..like a insensitive B .. 😀 what you are NOT

  2. Aadhil
    April 11, 19:58 Reply

    What a tearful and suspenseful episode…!

    • cam
      April 12, 17:31

      hey aadhil how is life, that’s a while
      where you with school vacation?
      sorry I forgot you are 18 and a female right?
      sorry sorry sorry if I’m wrong 🙄

  3. lucy
    April 11, 19:52 Reply

    I’m going to bed…I’ll come here sunday
    to say au revoir to cam and you 😉
    sweetest dreams my angel…
    I really love you dear mwah till we meet again.

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 20:19

      Bye Luce , love you lots , you know ❤️❤️
      Sweet dreams . .
      I’ll miss saying that to you :,( . .

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 20:20

      That’s life huh 🙂 . .
      Always giving us new reasons to smile and new reasons to cry . .

  4. lucy
    April 11, 19:22 Reply

    cam my dear sassy diva 😀
    I’m here for you whenever you want to talk
    I understood you have a good friend with who you can talk
    I’m glad you have her.
    you scared me, you know!! 🙁 I mean it and I don’t get scared easily. I saw the cover and I read it too.
    cam ….we play here …make jokes…pull each others leg…
    but plz believe me when I tell you that we love you frenchi
    you have a good motivation to continue for keep searching for the truth, and you are honest because you know what you want
    and also what you have to quit, thats what we name the free will which we are gifted with.

    cam I guess your gone to your bed I wish you a good night sleep and I will remember you in my prayers
    love you cam/frenchi/cher/nathy 😉

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 19:28

      Cam , I’m here too dear 🙂 . .
      I’m gonna stay to be with you when Luce goes . .
      I’ll be the last of our team to leave . .
      I was really upset when I heard Luce was going . .
      Love you dear ❤️❤️❤️

    • lucy
      April 11, 19:48

      aaaaaww you was upset 🙁 🙄
      I really fell in love with you all
      with this page, wr everyone talks english 😀
      amena who always write the updates for us
      I’ll miss you the mostestest 😉 😛 😀
      just give me your last name ….and after completing my engineering(if they allow me)
      I’m coming your way and surprise you 😉 but for sure when I’m 25 then I’m totally totally finished 😀
      after this 4 yr I have another 4 yr to go 🙁
      you too cam give me your last name ..before heading to my country
      (island of 63km 🙁 …… 🙄
      but hey big enough for grasshoppers 😀 :lol:)
      I’ll search for you too, maybe we go together look at her

      we will say ….surpriiiiiiiise….look what the european winds blew into the caribbean 😀

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 20:16

      What kind of Engineering will you be studying Luce ??
      8 years ???? 😐 . . I am just starting and ending . Confusing I know . .
      Ending B’ed continuing LLB . . I’m going to do it full time from next semester . .I’m thinking of leaving the Caribbean shores a while and visiting the U.S. 🙂 . .
      There is nothing keeping me here , not much family ties 🙂 . .
      I want to go to a place where I can experience all 4 seasons for a while . .
      I’ll miss you so much Luce . . .

    • cam
      April 12, 17:26

      okay i’ll wait for you
      I don’t know how on this earth you want to find me
      there are hundreds of laurent
      but maybe when it’s time you
      change your mind. 😉 it’s okay cheri
      at that time i think I’m out of this world 😉

    • cam
      April 12, 17:28

      so you also gonna go drew?
      okay ….I look for you when I feel I need to talk 😛
      merci 😉

  5. cam
    April 11, 18:40 Reply

    hey I guess that anshu didn’t carry pakhi all those stairs up
    because his lips wr tight together while lifting pakhi 😀 😀

    • lucy
      April 11, 19:13

      hahahaha yeah run run away and don’t come back!!

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 19:17

      You learn a lot from TP too , I know Luce 😀 😛

    • cam
      April 12, 17:23

      hahahaha yes she learn a lot from tanya
      atleast you know who is your enemy 😉

  6. ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
    April 11, 18:40 Reply

    Luce darling, sweety pie , I’m good 🙂 . .
    I think the date don’t matter much , because for me it gets to me
    at certain times when I remember . Today though , the date didn’t do that .
    I didn’t cry , but I felt like it hasn’t been that long , I feel like it was just a few weeks ago ,
    because it’s all very detailed in my mind still . .
    I know you would both have your memories burnt into your mind in pretty much the same way .

    • cam
      April 11, 18:48

      it’s been 16 yrs now and every now and then it just hit me too, febr 7 1997 …I was a kid many thing are now just vage and that hurts sometime because I really want to rmmber but I’m unable to do so.
      I have to get pic to recall
      I’m forgetting her smell, laughter voice
      thats why I want to erase ….only a perfume that I buy
      because the one I have is old but cant trow it away
      it was hers

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:58

      It’s hard , I know Cam , you’re really strong to have made it in this world without her .
      I can’t yet look at her pics. , I see her everywhere and I have her image in my mind .
      You were so much younger though , it’s really tough for you . .
      You’re an awesome person dear , 🙂 , no sucking up . . honest you are . , she would be proud . .

    • lucy
      April 11, 19:03

      I have no words, like I said once I have mine
      and ………………………………..
      I just wish………………..
      no ….I don’t wish anymore….
      now I know the truth!
      cam I don’t know what to say to you
      you hide your pain very well for th outsiders huh?
      I cant imagine what you must going through
      yes drew the date is a date but these days will always be a reminder, and as you said it triggers you when you least expect it.
      When you experience something like that then it is obviously difficult,to erase Memories just thinking about some way and its gone , that’s difficult

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 19:15

      The memories never go Luce .
      The nostalgia gets to you when you least expect it . .
      It may be terrible , but , I know my loss isn’t the only loss , that others have greater pain . .
      You know Luce , I will tell you something that I was keeping .
      That I didn’t want to say , because it would make him look bad .
      I know how much you wished that he could have taken some time to offer words of comfort .
      I saw how much you missed him too , because Ivy had loved him so much .
      Once I questioned him , and you know what he said .
      He said that he was coming to give you a message but saw that you seemed ok . That he saw you laughing with us .
      This was in January and he had asked me when Ivy died and I had said on 26th dec.
      I had told him that he’ll never know until it happens to him , that he doesn’t know how brave you are . He said that you weren’t being brave .
      I know how much both you and Cam keep inside . I know what it feels like to lose a loved one , but we didn’t die . We are alive and our loved ones would want us happy . We can’t be depressed and sad and a burden to everyone , it’s just not us . .

    • lucy
      April 11, 19:38

      aaaaaww….really?? 🙁 why didn’t he come?
      he knows he is my uncle, but I understand what he tried to say, that I’m not brave….just ignoring the pain ignoring the reality 😀
      hey my adopted uncle if you ever see this I want you to know that even you wr named at the funeral
      that she adopted a bro …from a land far away
      yes drew he is a nice person, and his kindness is also his weakness 🙁 therefore he shield himself from any kind of pain, it’s sad because of this trait, he limits himself to for what is real.

      your desission of staying away of fb is at this moment the best you can do…it’s suni time…no one else
      it’s time to be selfish .. don’t misunderstand me
      in a good poss way it’s time for you to be selfish and put urself at nr.1

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 20:06

      I was disappointed in the way he thought . . I wanted to tell you this a
      long time b4 , because I saw how you were . . I’m sorry Luce .
      He doesn’t know , he doesn’t understand .
      But , just like you wisely concluded , he can’t handle emotions very well . .
      like you always say he’s still immature . .. He’s intelligent though , he’ll learn eventually .
      All the best to him . .

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 22:02

      Luce , Cam you’re both a lot like me . .
      So , I know you put on a happy face and go out there , and give it your all .
      I know you’ll have moments that you feel broken and confused and lost .
      You’ll question , you’ll feel a bit depressed , and alone , and misunderstood .
      But , like the phoenix , you’ll always rise 🙂 . ..
      I never forget the good things people have done for me . . I feel I can never repay certain debts . .I’ve learnt a lot from you both . . You’re both so brave and strong , I wish I could hug you both in real . .. I’ll never forget last year’s Christmas , it was the worst time of my life I think . .
      I really upset him also , with my nonsense . I can never thank him enough for certain things ,
      I don’t ever want to be that way again . . I want to be stronger . .more in control . ..
      Thank you both for being in my life . .. you really are angels . .

    • cam
      April 12, 17:22

      yes the three of us look like each other
      maybe thats the reason why we get along so well
      we are sisters…and from now on I’ll say that I have a sister from t&t 😉 and and a grasshopper from the neth
      okay okay from that tiny island 😉

      I don’t know if I’m strong drew :-/
      sometimes I’m really jealous of
      the other girls you know 🙁
      I wish I could have what they have
      I wish that I could be “mad” at my mom because of a minor thing ….that’s why when they tell that they had a discussion with their mo I can just kill them 😡
      I just can’t believe them, and I tell them
      what if What if she dies?
      What if you wake up tomorrow and she is not there more?
      you know how sorry your gonna be?
      how awefull you are going to find that?
      So please do not, you’ve got her
      cherish her, it is her duty to protect you and might be annoying in your eyes and even very very strict, but she’s only human with its flaws
      who is trying to do her best to give you norms and values ​​

      you are right both you and lucy
      hiding the pain and the grief is sometimes the best
      remedy. I don’t want to hear..what happen to you
      why are you crying …again!! you are fortunate to have friends that helps you mon ami 😉

      no one sees me ever crying,
      just my friend the JW
      she is the only one who consoles me without giving me the feeling that my grief has to end
      she never criticized me, she has always a lot of paper towels….. you know this Monday they commemorate the death of Jesus .. I intent to go

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 13, 09:57

      “Much of my life had been devoted to trying not to cry in front of people who loved me, so I knew what Augustus was doing. You clench your teeth. You look up. You tell yourself that if they see you cry, it will hurt them, and you will be nothing but a Sadness in their lives, and you must not become a mere sadness, so you will not cry, and you say all of this to yourself while looking up at the ceiling, and then you swallow even though your throat does not want to close and you look at the person who loves you and smile.”

      ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

  7. cam
    April 11, 18:21 Reply

    hi angels am I late for the party ?? 🙁

    • lucy
      April 11, 18:26

      nah, camy no party just being with each other for a couple of minutes and that’s it 😉

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:34

      Cam without these 2 , you think we could party alone ?
      I mean , just the two of us hitting the Makha 😐 . .
      It won’t be the same without the grasshopper underfoot I know 😐 . .

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:35

      But , seriously , I’m here if you are 🙂 . .
      I don’t really have anywhere to go . .

    • lucy
      April 11, 18:38

      here drew some makha 😀
      cam I have a pint for you because I don’t know if one glass will be sufficient for you dear

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:42

      Thanx Luce 🙂 , grab 2 7ups and cheers on Boss’s behalf also 🙂

    • lucy
      April 11, 19:06

      yep thxs drew …cheers 😀

  8. lucy
    April 11, 18:19 Reply

    tanya had a apropiate t-shirt on ….nerd although I don’t think that nerdy ppl would like that, there should be imprinted
    freak….psycho… 😀

    • cam
      April 11, 18:27

      no I don’t think they r gonna like it
      I have many nerdy’s around me and they
      dont harm anyone 😉

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 19:21

      Maybe the psychos took offense , but the nerds didn’t complain 🙂

    • cam
      April 12, 17:03

      yes maybe that’s the reason 🙂

  9. ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
    April 11, 18:18 Reply

    Luce 😀 , you’ve been around me too much sweetie 😀
    Looks like after we went diving today you caught fire 😀
    You’re looking rather hot 😀

    • lucy
      April 11, 18:20

      😀 😀 hey sassy girl 😀
      yeah I had to wash the smell
      good example made one follow 😉

    • cam
      April 11, 18:29

      hey JLO 😉
      yeah her gv is “HOT”do you have a date 😉
      with who, where does he live, how old is he, wr is he taking you, does he have a ……caaaaaaar?? 😡

    • lucy
      April 11, 19:10

      cam when I have him you angels are the first to now
      and if you know is because I’ve killed all my uncles 😉
      because those same Q my uncles ask me
      my dad told me that when I’m 50 I may write the name
      GUY and when I’m 70 a guy is allowed to come home
      and at my 90th I may get married …so you angels see
      that I want a pakhi guy let them arrange everything
      I’ll buy everything and go live far far far away
      from this fam of mine which I adore with all my heart 😀

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 19:25

      Luce , you’re too smart and strong to ever let any guy fool around with you .
      You know the difference between potatoes and potatahtoes
      , tomatoes and tomahtoes .. . 🙂
      You’re family did an excellent job raising you . .

    • cam
      April 12, 17:02

      HAHAHAHA 50 70 90 every 20 yr
      ur dad don’t trust any men huh …he is ryt
      they r scum 😀 so it’s a good advice
      you stick with the makha and everything will work out pretty well…and I’ll go with you in search for a paki guy …drew that will be our next mission 😀

  10. lucy
    April 11, 18:17 Reply

    and now we all have to wait till monday
    when he wil give tanya a scarface 😀

    • cam
      April 11, 18:30

      hahaha yes I hope not
      else he might go to jail then he will
      be with out pakhi 🙁

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:44

      Yeah sure Cam 😐 . .
      You’re worried about Pakhi 😀 . .
      It’s Anshuman you’re worried about 😛

    • lucy
      April 11, 18:53

      that’s exactly what I tought
      cam and pakhi?
      cam and anshu !!

    • cam
      April 12, 16:59

      hey yes where is krissshy she couldn’t wait till monday
      I told her we will watch tp together 😀

    • cam
      April 12, 17:00

      okay drew ur ryt I;m worried about ansh 😳

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 13, 10:03

      You know , when Ayaan was on Punar Vivah , his name was Ansh 🙂 . ..
      I just had a moment of thinking that his name was still Ansh :-/ . .. sorry . .

      Yes , yes , I know , you’re concern is for Anshuman 😀 . ..

  11. lucy
    April 11, 18:15 Reply

    later on he will remember that the room was closet from outside
    thus even with that tanya is busted even if she don’t have the chip now …cause pakhi isn’t supernatural to lock herself into the room 😛

    • cam
      April 12, 16:57

      hhahaha no she isn’t

  12. lucy
    April 11, 18:13 Reply

    the moment he saw pakhi on the floor I think he might have thought about losing his sec wife
    he was scared 🙁
    just reminded me how arnav reacted when khushi fell of the cliff

    • cam
      April 12, 16:57

      😥 yes he was really scared 😥
      I just wanted to hug him telling him everything will be
      alright 🙁 just kick tanya out of the house 😀

  13. lucy
    April 11, 18:08 Reply

    and the moment she was screaming at her dad to come right away
    🙁 …………….yep……. the girl has lost it totally 🙁
    what kind of father are you to tell your daughter
    that she had to shoot her…even tanya was shocked 🙂

    • cam
      April 12, 16:55

      he was a couple of days incarcerated in QH 😀
      so he learn some dirty tricks with his fellow inmates
      the guy is completely messy addle confused 😀 😀
      so all he can talk is ..kill …shoot…dead.. 😛
      he comes here get rid of the beard and ..voila 😀

  14. lucy
    April 11, 18:06 Reply

    I was pleasantly surprised 😀 to see that anshu did not go away right away but he felt it strange, that he gets a calling from Pakhi then subsequently not being there,
    he knows that this chain is very valuable for Pakhi so if it is on the ground then there must be something seriously going on
    great thinking ansh 😀

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 19:04

      You mean the mangalsutra ?
      Yep , all Indian women take that seriously 🙂

    • lucy
      April 11, 19:12

      yes the mangalsutra, it was broken and fell from tanya’s shoulder/back on the ground

    • cam
      April 12, 16:50

      yes gladly anshu let his senses work 😀

  15. lucy
    April 11, 18:02 Reply

    that was definitely a good fight between P and T
    it was more a hair fight 😛

    • cam
      April 12, 16:49

      yes I was wondering of the wigs would fell off 😀
      but on the balcony it looked like pakhi’s own hair 🙁

  16. lucy
    April 11, 17:58 Reply

    Tanya has lost her senses she tried to kill her with her bare hands
    o_O totally twisted .. she isn’t lady dracula no more
    she is mrs. Hide

    • cam
      April 12, 16:47

      and who is mr, jeckle 🙁
      her dad???? 😛

  17. charlie
    April 11, 17:55 Reply

    Angels I was hoping to see you all 😀
    I miss you soooo huge, but this classes is A priority and
    I have to look after it well….soon we will go together
    to the Cayman island and there we will drink lots of gold silver regular makha’s
    dear angels sleep tight I have to go now 🙁
    it felt good being here although couldn’t talk with none of you 🙁 until we meet again …
    sweet warm kisses for you all angels MWAH 😉

    • lucy
      April 11, 18:01

      already 🙁 😥 😥
      okay …I’ll see you next month 🙁
      enjoy your party dear, say hi to the rest 😉

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:12

      Oh 🙁
      My crappy net made me miss Boss 🙁 . ..

    • cam
      April 11, 18:24

      🙁 boss is that you ???
      😀 I love it
      cayman island when ? 😀
      I’m ready to leave boss…ooohhhh boss bossy
      I miss you sooooooooooo much
      your looking hot (crap I cant this is too much she came 😀
      and leave already okay no need to suck up pppffeew)

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:30

      Yeah Cam , you have a lot of catching up with the sucking up 😀 . .
      You suck at it , stick to blowing 😛 . .
      I’ve heard of the Cayman Islands , but I’ve no clue where they are 😐 . .
      But , if you guys will be there , so will I 😀 .
      Thank you sooo much boss , you’re the best most wonderful Boss ever !!!

    • lucy
      April 11, 18:36

      yes cam….sticktoittiveness always wins
      you are a puolchitroudiness friend remember 😉

    • cam
      April 12, 16:47

      you can swim to the Cayman 😀 it’s around the corner 😉 it will be like a couple of hours swimming for you 🙁
      we have to fly ………in between Jamaica and mexico

      no mon cheri that sucking up 😛 ….i just can’t do it
      you are a professional…and I recognize one when I see one and I think you have your master in sucking up dear 😉

      yes luce once I was poulchi etc etc but I’m now featherless and she is the one and only .. 😀

  18. charlie
    April 11, 17:50 Reply

    that bat hurts 🙁 and pakhi had the strength to carry on fighting 🙁 she is also a superwoman lucy 😛
    I mean you saw tanya swing that bat that was … auw 🙁

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:26

      You know , next yeah there will be Batman and Superman sharing the screen in a DC comic movie 😀 .
      We were very lucky to see Batgirl and Superwoman 😀 .

    • cam
      April 11, 18:31

      hahahah yes …Hi dear B BO B …boss 🙁
      yes they are great from venus 😉

    • lucy
      April 11, 18:51

      from venus 🙁

    • cam
      April 12, 16:40

      yes luce
      men are from mars
      women from venus
      and these two are venusians 😀

  19. lucy
    April 11, 17:50 Reply

    The way she was with that bat was as if she was.playing in.the major league

    • cam
      April 12, 16:39

      yep ur ryt …i think she taught it was that other sport
      ( cricket)

  20. charlie
    April 11, 17:46 Reply

    she was smart by taking the chip out of the camera and hide it somewhere so easily to find 😛

    • lucy
      April 11, 17:51

      Yes pakhi is smart
      you know her …. from the very beginning
      she never played dumb 😀

    • cam
      April 12, 16:37

      pakhi belongs to our sisterhood 😀
      girl-power fist up high 😉
      if she comes here she will get and give a raise 😛

  21. charlie
    April 11, 17:44 Reply

    It’s been a while sinse I saw this but it’s a great story 🙂
    the vamp is a beautiful lady 🙁

    • lucy
      April 11, 17:45

      Yes she is it’s just that she wants to kill pur palhi
      than all the beauty vanish 😐

    • cam
      April 11, 18:32

      yep no beauty inside 🙁

  22. lucy
    April 11, 17:41 Reply

    Thank you amena we are glad to have you do the wu
    plz keep doing this great job 😉
    and happy weekend 😉

    • charlie
      April 11, 17:42

      hi amena 😛 same wishes I wish you!!

    • cam
      April 11, 18:33

      me with these 3 😉

  23. charlie
    April 11, 17:38 Reply

    cam…caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam crazy cam I’m glad to see that you are also rehabilitated after your fainting yesterday. : P
    yeah what can I say, for real emergency …. lucy the nutcracker’s our girl. 😉

    I’ve been inspired by your gv…I’m sending you and drew kisses

    • cam
      April 11, 18:34

      thanks boss…(a raise was also good instead of the kiss)
      yeah thanks thanks boss 😀

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:45

      Cam , you forget that you don’t get a raise 😛
      You give a raise 😉 😛

    • cam
      April 12, 16:35

      hahahaha 😉 you better believe it 😉
      you have nooooo idea 😀 !!!!!!!

  24. ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
    April 11, 17:13 Reply

    Hey Angels 🙂 , my net service is really , really bad today 🙁 .
    I’m even having trouble shifting between updates . ..
    I hope it gets better by later . .

    • LUCY
      April 11, 17:28

      hey sweety, 🙁 I know what you mean
      even my net is slooooooow 🙁
      how are you dear, you were the entire day on my mind 🙁
      I know but still, I want to give you a
      virtual ;-)… warm 😛 loving 😛 endearing 😛
      sisterly friendly hug ….hhhhhhhmmmmmm
      did you felt my love 🙂

    • charlie
      April 11, 17:36

      Hi my most lovely angel 😀

      that’s been a while lucy gave me all your wishes and hellos and love and hugs..so
      I’m here for just half an hour
      drew my dear dear darling how are you
      I got my belly full of laughs from you: D
      your performances were phenomenal
      I have some vanilla cookies that I brought you from the land without 😉
      how was your day my angel 😛 mwah mwah mwah mwah


    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 11, 18:16

      Miss you lots Boss , very , very good to see you , Mwah , mwah , mwah !!!❤️
      Thanks for the cookies , I will have them with some Makha later 😀 . .
      Thank you so much for coming , love you . . Do take good care of yourself and all the best , I’ll keep you in my prayers and heart just like I keep these angels here 🙂 . . ❤️❤️

    • cam
      April 12, 16:34

      I’m rereading this and luce…come dear ..send me those hugs…cause you know who saw you know who, makes that you know who didm’t saw your warm/sisterly/endearing hug
      (she was thinking about how to get a raise 😀 )

  25. SYS
    April 11, 15:06 Reply

    I eggerly wait for the next episode . I hope aab woh bitch Taniya ki the end hoo aur woh forever ke liye Anshuman aur Pakhi ki life se bohot far chale jaaye . Hope ki aab yeh Taniya character ki the end hoo .

  26. fan
    April 11, 14:39 Reply

    I cant wait to see this now.

  27. S
    April 11, 14:08 Reply

    Very good Amena nice WU! Well the episode was very exciting (though somewhat predictable). Good show. 😀

  28. Ritz
    April 11, 13:16 Reply

    Wher r pics…do it fast

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