Tumhari Pakhi 16th January 2014 Written Update

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Tumhari Pakhi 16th January 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Tumhari Pakhi 16th January 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Anshuman agreeing to Tanya. Tanya hugs him and Ayaan sees them. Ayaan asks her to hug him as she hugged Anshuman. Pakhi comes and hears this. Ayaan gets a PSP from her as a gift and thanks her. Pakhi brings tea for them. Tanya talks to Pakhi and says I have decided to write a biography on Anshuman’s life. Pakhi says don’t take my permission, I m only a part of his life. Pakhi says if he does not have any problem, then write. Tanya says I will have to be close to him and be with him all the time. Pakhi says yes, I can understand. Anshuman looks on.

Pakhi says you can write everything true about his life. Tanya says I will leave, its a pleasure meeting you and asks Asnhuman to be with her. Pakhi stops Anshuman and gives the sindoor to Anshuman and asks him to apply it again as she has a bath. Anshuman does it infront of Tanya and music plays…………………. Anshuman feels off infront of Tanya. Saiyyan………….. plays……………Anshuman gets a call from office and goes inside the house to get his file. Tanya asks Pakhi what did Anshuman promise you.

Pakhi tells her about Anshuman’s gift to apply sindoor in her Maang every morning. Tanya smiles and says you asked him this, you would have asked for an expensive gift. Pakhi says nothing can be more expensive than this, this moment is mine. Anshuman comes back with the file and leaves with Tanya. Tanya and Anshuman are in the office ordering food. She asks about Pakhi. He says she brings lunch daily here. She says your Pakhi is very intelligent. Anshuman says whats this your Pakhi. She says I m joking. Anshuman waits for Lavanya and she comes.

She is happy seeing Tanya and they hug. Lavanya talks about Pakhi and says she did not get Anshuman, so she is after Ayaan now. They laugh on Pakhi and Lavanya says Pakhi said she will leave the house forever if Ayaan does not regard her as his mum. Tanya says why are you tensed, its matter of 15 days. Anshuman says I m worried about Ayaan, I want him to go to boarding school. Tanya says don’t worry, I have come, make Pakhi go away from our life. She brings gifts for Lavanya and Girish. Lavanya sees the gifts and likes the coffee mug.

Lavanya sees Girish’s photo on the mug and is upset. Tanya says you and Girish are a romantic couple and I wish Anshuman and I are also like them. She hugs Anshuman and her lipstick marks are on his coat. Anshuman comes home and Anshuman sees the lipstick marks and hides it. Pakhi tells him about Ayaan’s adamant things. Anshuman gives some idea to Pakhi to deal with Ayaan. Pakhi gets a letter from Magic and Art club. Anshuman says how did you know Ayaan wanted to go there. Pakhi says I read in his slam book. Anshuman is amazed by Pakhi’s efforts.

Its night, Anshuman and Pakhi are together having coffee. She says I tried so hard and spoke to the magic school and fixed it for Ayaan. She says its a good day for us. Anshuman and Pakhi have a sweet moment. Anshuman says this thing is not solid, as this letter came now, Ayaan will misunderstand. Pakhi says I will show him the date, he will understand I was trying for his admission in Shimla’s school and does not want to send him anywhere. She jokes and makes him smile.

Pakhi comes to Ayaan with his hot soup. Ayaan shouts Maa ji, I want chilled cold drink. Pakhi tries to talk to him and gives him the letter. She says we don’t want to send you to boarding school. He smiles seeing the letter. Anshuman sees them. Pakhi says we want you to go where you want in Magic and Art Club as its in Shimla. She says Anshuman and I love you so much. Ayaan tears the letter and Pakhi and Anshuman are shocked. Pakhi asks what are you doing, its your admission letter.

Ayaan says I don’t want this admission as I don’t want to stay in Shimla. Anshuman is shocked. Ayaan says I got admitted in boarding school today. Pakhi says but Ayaan, you hated boarding school. Ayaan says no one told me we have friends at boarding school with a personal room. He shows her the brochure. He says I don’t want to stay with you.

Tanya and Anshuman are closer in the car. Pakhi is walking to the car unaware.

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  1. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 17, 04:59 Reply

    Hi Angels , Boss . .. Good Morning / Afternoon !!
    L❤️VE you !! MWAH , MWAH , MWAH !!!

  2. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 17, 04:57 Reply

    Hiiiiii !!! TP fan 🙂 . ..
    Greetings of the day to you . ..
    MWAH , hi hello and how are you today ??

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 05:11

      Hi how are you.
      did you check tp 15th i answered you.
      given to my sis a long time ago when
      she had a questionable period. 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 06:42

      Awww , thank you for the advice and the song 🙂 . .
      Beautiful song , and your correct , I shouldn’t close my heart too much b4 I’m left sitting alone in the dark :|. . My girlfriends think that he is a great guy , that I’m crazy to not want to be more serious with him . . As for parents advice , I do to have that .. I’m pretty autodidact myself 🙂 . ..
      Thanks again 🙂

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 06:43

      Should be that I don’t have that instead of ” do to “

  3. cam
    January 16, 17:42 Reply

    Drew I missed u 2nght
    m going to bed…lots of love

    Lucy darling
    susi and the rest sweet dreams 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 16, 17:47

      Sweet dreams dear . .
      Love you and good night . …❤️
      Sorry I missed you guyz . .
      Tomorrow I say we party .. .
      Hope that Boss could visit :). .

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 16, 17:49

      On I understand that you are headless , so I’m not going to question 😛 😛 .
      What a name 😀 . ..

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 16, 17:50

      Who you out to sue Lucy Lu 😀 . .
      Kiko whaty now 😐

    • kuekwatsue
      January 16, 17:51

      Sweet dreams drew. 😉
      sweet dreams cam 😉

  4. susi
    January 16, 16:25 Reply

    Tanya has influenced Ayan to go to boarding school. Hope he realizes that it is not what Pakhi wants for him. I think his friend is gonna call him and give him some sensible talk this time.

    Yeah Tanya is the same IPKKND (Kabab mein haddi). Udhar bhi muki khani paid this idhar bhi Khayegi.

    Loved the way Pakhi projects herself ; calm and composed even when her husband is with his girl friend.

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:47

      hi susi nice to meet you
      she projects herself indeed as a
      smart woman who knows what she want
      but more importantly, what I like about her is that she commands respect without making any demands.

  5. (arti) Finusa
    January 16, 15:37 Reply

    @ lucy.. I felt sorry for lavanya knowing girish cheated on her “unknowingly” and all.. and she right when she said if she had done the same if he would have forgiven her and accepted her in return.. <- this is a true statement.

    other than that shes obnoxious as well. (lavanya)

  6. (arti) finusa
    January 16, 13:53 Reply

    ladies…yesterday epi was good. pakhi and anshuman in shower..hehe ..anshuman and his muscles…the guy has a nice 6 pack!

    • lucy
      January 16, 13:59

      😀 yes….sigh….that was good for the eye.. 😉
      and when he got hurt I think by pakhi’s nails
      she said sit I’ll get the ointment, his eyes were
      like he was just for a while hypnotize
      and then he snapped out and …jadajadajada
      maybe drew hypnotise him…did you drew???

    • cam
      January 16, 14:54

      Hi angels.
      of course she did hypnotise him she wanted 2 help pakhi

      I read u did not c wt she wanted 2 do 2 anshu and girish
      R u always this obedient grsshopie 😀 😀
      she banned you. grasshppie

    • (arti) Finusa
      January 16, 15:38

      haha..nice scenes indeed. easy on the eyes for sure.

  7. (arti) finusa
    January 16, 13:52 Reply

    hate hate hate that vamp Tanya. hated her in ipk and hate her even more now. anshuman will only realize pakhi’s worth after she leaves him and his son. ayaan is a spoilt brat. did Tanya hug him when he asked? have to watch the epi

    • lucy
      January 16, 13:56

      I thought so 😀 ….that it was she…
      no didn’t like her either
      and always using a kid to come close to papa 😉
      she is wicked…evil…but she is beautiful 🙁

      yes the brat did ask and she hugged him 🙁

    • cam
      January 16, 17:22

      Is Ipk a seri lucy?

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:42

      don’t dear, don’t hate her. she is needed,
      one of you said now pakhi will have
      to defend her marriage against another woman.
      and we know pakhi is smart so this will be nice to see

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:55

      If we hate Tanya , then we must also hate Anshuman .
      She can sense his weakness . Only when he is strong , then she will leave . .
      She isn’t there to test Pakhi , she is there to test Anshuman . ..

  8. lucy
    January 16, 13:51 Reply

    why ungrateful..who gave him the picnic?

    • cam
      January 16, 17:25

      Hey dear UNGRATEFUL with capital 😀
      how was ur movie dear
      did u enjoy
      hey drew were r u making a brew for webster?

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 16, 17:45

      Hi 🙂 . . .
      Nope , I threw away my bush yesterday you forgot your advice 🙂 .,. and I sent Wbster packing long ago remember :D. . .
      He was wordy , too nerdy and not enough sturdy , for my bending over 😀 😀 . . ..
      I have an assignment to complete for Saturday and I want my Friday night free 😀 , so I’m doing it now . .. I hope all of us could meet at one time 🙂 . ..
      I’ll check all comments later .. . Miss you . . You too Lucy Lu , TP . .
      Love you guyz ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
      Hi Arti 🙂 . . .. Take care dear .,.,
      And others also ,
      Thanks Ameena . .

    • kuekwatsue
      January 16, 17:57

      Okay dear will do our best
      best of luck with ur assignment
      and you of all people should now what it mean 😉
      Good night sleep thight dear. mwah mwah

  9. lucy
    January 16, 13:48 Reply

    angels love you all


  10. (arti) finusa
    January 16, 13:48 Reply

    2 things I have noticed so far-
    1. yesterday when the mangalsutra got tangled, it was anshuman who untangled it and “Saved” it.

    2. today; pakhi gives anshuman the sindoor to apply infront of Tanya! <- brilliant! hehe

    • lucy
      January 16, 13:51

      hi arti 😀
      good …eye for detail 😉

    • (arti) finusa
      January 16, 13:52

      thanks. I think these are going to be the future for pakhi. anshuman will be the one to save her or bring her back

    • cam
      January 16, 17:33

      And I hope that pakhi realises they don’t
      want her and all the way wanted to get rid of her

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:37

      hey this is nice, he did that and he is the only one
      who can safe his marriage, like he save the mangalsutra
      like lucy said you have eye for detailes
      also good points arti i like that!

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:53

      Yeah , Arti , as we recall from PV , the Mitals and their writers are very known for their symbolisms .

  11. lucy
    January 16, 13:47 Reply

    and there he goes with the screaming 😡
    o lawd plz DREEEEEEEEEW … 😀 😀
    that wooping a#% is at place now OR USE YOUR NEUTRALISER 😛
    sorry tp. but there is a limitation a limit for to everything
    and than that tearing apart of the paper

    • cam
      January 16, 17:34

      Hahahaha. the sctraming huh !!!!
      maybe he don’t know he screams

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:34

      yes I hear you.
      he does scream a lot !!

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:51

      Pakhi takes her role seriously . She’s him mom and she will have patience I guess . ..
      Yep , I would have not ” spared the rod ” on that child 😀 . ..

  12. lucy
    January 16, 13:41 Reply

    I did not feel that anshu
    that he would want her gone 🙁
    he joins her in the kitchen
    let her take care of him, oops lipstick ..
    reason for Pakhi or to go away or to get angry

    but he hides it for her 😀 😀 😀
    anshu you’ve really Pakhi fever
    and so the evening with her sitting drinking coffee
    “just the two of us” 😀

    • cam
      January 16, 17:39

      Yes dear I liked it a lot
      he nead to know everything. pakhi does

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:33

      this was a sweet moment
      cam lucy the guy has pakhi fever
      so he is attracted to her

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:49

      He’s aware of her ,his Pakhi .
      He wants to behave like a man but he is hiding like a child .
      He isn’t questioning himself why he feels this way .

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 05:05

      maybe you might reconsider and take your hypnotiser out of the closet and use it on him.
      lets find out what his true feelings are 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 05:38

      Hahah 🙂 you know I like more direct methods most times :D. . .
      His true feelings are so deeply buried below all his previous years of crappy thinking 😐 .
      I’m not sure how well the hypnotiser , would even work on him 😀 . …

  13. lucy
    January 16, 13:36 Reply

    I saw lavanya saying the mug is lovely or beautiful a
    I thought a black mug beautiful 🙁 ???
    but then tanya pour hot water in it and
    than u saw the pic of both 😛 ahah
    but if the pic gets clearer with hot temperature
    how was it possible for LA to see 😕
    and say ….how what lovely……they are such hypocrites

    • (arti) finusa
      January 16, 13:54

      shes a confused vamp. a wanna be. wants to “rich” lifestyle with attitude. she herself will beg pakhi one day

    • lucy
      January 16, 14:03

      I think she will beg her indeed.
      but knowing pakhi’s nature maybe she will come to
      her and give her some unwillingly advice..some old fashioned advice that are still working…like
      give your husband a sec chance 😛
      sorry drew..he deserves it, cause he loves her

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:46

      I have a mug like that Luce 🙂 , from Mexico and it shows the whole picture when you pour hot liquid into it . ..
      If she wants to take her cheating , lying husband back , it’s her prerogative 🙂 . ..
      Some things with me have only one strike 😀 . ..

  14. lucy
    January 16, 13:30 Reply

    tanya is a materialist
    that is why she Pakhi gift that “tip”

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:27

      that’s why she gave pakhi that “tip” dear ?
      yes you are right but as we know like you said she has a price tag on everything and thinks only
      what can I win with this and that
      that I’m the only beneficiary

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:43

      I kinda feel that Tanya is what she is because men like Anshuman exist .
      Anshuman isn’t exactly pushing her away or disallowing her tactics .
      As a man , a father and a husband , how can he allow her to enter his home and act the way she did ?

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 05:04

      missing morals in life dear.
      maybe autodidact, and his previous wife must have been the same that he is now saying that pakhi is good but I can’t love her. and yesterday when tanya ask if he loves her he frowned and said …………….course ( i think )
      and you said it yourself they are alike

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 05:44

      Good point 🙂 . .
      Years of conditioning has warped Anshuman’s thinking . ..
      He can identify better with a woman like Tanya , but Pakhi is still a mystery to him . ..
      Also , he has little faith in himself , because he has little experience with dealing with Pakhi type of woman . Man being man , they like being confident instead of uncertain . .
      He knows that Pakhi is good , but he doesn’t trust himself to be good with her ; it is better sometimes to hurt yourself than to hurt someone who really care for you . ..

  15. lucy
    January 16, 13:28 Reply

    I can not say anshu liked it when they were
    talking about Pakhi in his office
    but then again,……… why he still want Ayaan away???
     that I do not know………. anyone??

    • (arti) finusa
      January 16, 13:55

      so he can ramp with his lover. lol. hope no kids here. hate guys who are like this

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:24

      gradually that little seed that we shall
      call love is already on the germination
      in his heart. So it could very well be possible
      that he indeed begins to experience this talking about
      “his pakhi” like tanya continously said yesterday as annoying I also keep in mind that this series should be soon ended March
      I must say that this realization makes it even more exciting to watch for me

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:30

      arti if there are kids here
      let’s please presume that their parents knows very well what the kids are doing or watching on the net 😉
      that is not our responsability 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:40

      Because Lucy darling , when Anshuman is with Tanya , he can assume his old , unchanged persona . When he is away from Pakhi , it is easier for him to ignore her lessons to him .
      In his previous avatar , he did not want any real relationship with his son . He fulfilled his duty as a father financially , rather than emotionally . The giving of love is harder to do than to give money , in his case . He is still being a coward , and is unwilling to accept that to be a father is so much more than just being a provider . ..

  16. lucy
    January 16, 13:25 Reply

    tanya wants to make pakhi jealous, but she is not the
    possessive wife, she enjoys the little things in life
    her standard is also diferrent from tanya
    it was…. the difference between the two of them you could clearly see when they are outside standing outside the house
    Pakhi with her ​​traditional dress and tanya in that worn-out things

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:16

      yes that was a nice shot!!
      the difference was pretty good to see,
      saree remain the most beautiful dress for a woman!!
      this is merely my opinion!

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:31

      The decision will be tough for Anshuman to make in a way . .
      Tanya suits his mannerism and lifestyle .
      She will not try to change him for the better .
      She accepts him as his occasionally self centered , materialistic self .
      The right path is usually much tougher to follow , and Pakhi’s teachings ,
      no matter how great and gently , were forcing ” the old dog to learn new tricks ” 😀 .
      And the dog didn’t like that at first . ..
      But , now , I think , he’s learnt about enough to
      know exactly whom he should roll over for 😀 . ..

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:58

      yes and this dog will not, return to his old habit
      because those new trick he learned made ​​him feel that you do not always have to be alert and bark loud
      but you often only need to wag your tail so others notice you’re big, but have a very small sweet heart.
      and this all taught by the patience of Pakhi

  17. lucy
    January 16, 13:20 Reply

    it’s amazing how pakhi knows she don’t own anshu
    she is just a part of his life
    if u have a pet you own the pet
    but with people it’s quite diferrent 😛
    and not even this one fact did tanya know
    everything in her life has a price tag

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:14

      this is so true dear. tanya don’t
      know the true meaning of relationship,
      she was talking to anshu about the biography
      and he will be a role model and she mrs. rathore
      so it’s clearly they dont have
      profound talk with eachother.
      So I’m mrs I am yours there’s that price tag again
      she wonders her head by thinking because she
      they are much aware of what people might think sees believe of them 🙁 in central america they don’t even know they exist

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 17, 04:21

      I kinda agree Lucy 😐 . .
      Pakhi doesn’t own Anshuman , true ; but it doent give him the right to be disrespectful to her .
      I can’t understand her patience with this Tanya character .
      It seems illogical ( yes I know , it’s an Indian serial 😀 ) .
      We can’t blame just Tanya , we must also blame the idiot Anshuman , for having her there .
      She is a female version of him . .. or of what he used to be b4 he met Pakhi . ..

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 17, 04:51

      you are absolutely correct, about tanya she is a female version of him…this is bullseye

  18. lucy
    January 16, 13:14 Reply

    amena as always thxs

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