Tumhari Pakhi 21st January 2014 Written Update

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Tumhari Pakhi 21st January 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Tumhari Pakhi 21st January 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Tanya and Anshuman talking about Pakhi. Pakhi is coming to Anshuman thinking she will tell him about Ayaan. Tanya gets closer to Anshuman is the study room and Pakhi opens the door. Pakhi hears them talking positive about her. Pakhi is happy. She asks him to come with her outside and takes him. She asks Tanya to come out too. Tanya smiles. Pakhi shows Anshuman what Ayaan is doing. Anshuman looks at Ayaan flying kites. He is amazed and asks how did you do this. Pakhi says I did not do this, I just made him do it by presenting this to him.

She says I don’t know why he wants to go to boarding school, but it does not matter, I will see he chooses what his heart desires and not the people who wants to break our house, I m sure he will select magic art club, I promise he will stay with us. She says lets fly the kites. Anshuman says I don’t believe in festivals. She insists and takes him for kite flying. He says I don’t know how to fly the kites. She laughs and says I will teach you, its very simple. Everyone claps for Ayaan for flying so good. Pakhi says your dad will compete with you, lets see you wins.

Pakhi asks Tanya to join them and she will teach her. Tanya joins them and holds the Chakri. Anshuman sees Ayaan and is happy. Pakhi helps Anshuman is flying and music plays as they hold hands. Ayaan laughs on Anshuman. Pakhi asks Anshuman to tie her hair. She steps on his feet and he shouts ahh…. She asks are you fine, tie my hair please. He ties her hair. Tanya looks at Anshuman. Ayaan says I will cut your kite dad. Ayaan says I m getting susu. Pakhi says I will manage your kite till then. Ayaan says will you save my kite. She says promise and takes the string. Ayaan thanks her and runs to the bathroom.

Anshuman thanks Pakhi for whatever she did for everyone. He says we should go on a vacation, only you and me, you have responsibility towards me too. He asks will you come with me. Pakhi says I…… my kite is about to cut your kite. Saiyyan…………….. plays as Pakhi falls and he holds her in his arms and they have an eyelock. Tanya says it looks like she will go on a holiday with him happily. Tanya says you both are tangled. Pakhi says we got tangled in relation in childhood, now we are experiencing it. Anshuman says tell me how to get rid of this. She takes out the string and frees him.

Tanya says you took the reverse rounds. Pakhi answers her well. Tanya says but you should go on a vacation. Anshuman asks Pakhi what did you think. Pakhi says I think the idea is good. Ayaan comes and asks where are we going. Pakhi says I m sorry, only your dad and I are going you have to go to hostel so you can’t go. Pakhi is excited about vacation and says I can’t say how much excited I m, nice idea. Ayaan leaves annoyed. Tanya smiles.

Ayaan makes Pakhi and Anshuman fall. Anshuman says Ayaan is doing this as we are not taking him, should we take him along, or we should not go on vacation leaving him behind. Pakhi sas no, we will go, its matter of few days, Ayaan is not interested in our vacation, he is excited to go to hostel. She says don’t cancel the plan. She thinks sorry Anshuman, I can’t say how our vacation and Ayaan’s hostel are connected. Tanya talks to Anshuman and says she is so much eager to go.

Anshuman says she is leaving behind Ayaan and ready to go on vacation. He says its disgusting. Why will she need Ayaan if she gets you. Pakhi calls him and decides to go to HongKong. She talks this infront of Ayaan. She says book our tickets for Hong Kong. Anshuman says fine and ends the call. Ayaan looks at Pakhi.

Anshuman tells Tanya what are Pakhi’s plans. Tanya smiles and says if you are going on honeymoon, have the honeymoon too. Anshuman says I m not a cheap man to take someone’s advantage. She says lets see what can Pakhi do. She says you are hurting her, I think she is too keen, she is your wife. He says I wnat her out of my life. I only want you, I want to marry only you.

Ayaan and Pakhi have a talk. Anshuman tells Pakhi that he hates her and asks her to leave. Pakhi is shocked.

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  1. BH
    January 21, 22:21 Reply

    Thanks Amena for the WU

  2. BH
    January 21, 22:20 Reply

    When is Anshuman gonna realize Pakhi’s worth. Hope Ayaan and Pakhi get along well soon.

  3. fan
    January 21, 14:12 Reply

    pakhi should leave him and then he will realize he has a gem. can Tanya’s clothes get any shorter? she looks like hooker on prowl.

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