Udaan 12th April 2017 Written Update

Udaan 12th April 2017 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 12th April 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suraj helping the ladies. The lady asks him to remove kurta. He asks why. She says who will dry it if he gets drenched. He says yes, and removes the kurta. Chakor and kids smile. The ladies gives one rupee to other lady for making Suraj remove kurta. He asks what and wears kurta. Chakor and kids come to him. Suraj says so you all did this, I will show you all. Kids and Chakor run. Chakor says you can’t catch me. Kishor asks Chakor does anyone joke this way with husband. Chakor asks are you taking Suraj’s side. Suraj says you did such work, stay away from me, wild cat. She thinks we will be in same room, when will Vivaan talk to Ragini about Suraj, I have to find some way to pressurize Vivaan.

At haveli, Chakor sees Imli worried. She asks are you worried as Vivaan and Ragini
joined hands. Imli says yes, he won’t listen to me. Chakor sees Vivaan coming and says yes, Vivaan changed, he thinks he can rule, if I tell you what he did, I don’t know what will you do. Imli asks what did Vivaan do. Chakor says this time Vivaan crossed limit. Vivaan asks what did I do. Imli asks Chakor to say. Chakor says I regarded him my best friend, he has hurt my trust, he joined hands with enemies, go with him and ask him. Imli says yes, I will just come. She goes. Vivaan asks what did we decide, what were you going to say. Chakor says you said you will let Suraj come in haveli.

Vivaan says its tough to get him here, Ragini should feel Suraj can spoil her game, only then she will let him come here. Chakor says then tell Ragini, that villagers were chanting Suraj’s name. Vivaan goes to Ragini and says I have to talk something imp. Ragini smells the notes. She asks don’t you like notes. He says I want money for good future. She says I have a plan, we will make guns and sell. He asks what do you mean, real guns. She asks do you think I will play with toy guns. He says I like the plan.

She shoots and laughs. He asks who will make guns. She says bandhuas will work, even kids will make guns, we will make much money. He says I started flying by your plan, but there is a problem, Suraj stays with villagers, they started liking him and believe him, if Suraj tries to make them against us, it will be tough for us. Ragini says yes, Suraj should be out of village. He says villagers should think Suraj cheated them and went somewhere. Ragini says yes, then we will make guns and earn money. He says sure. Imli hears them and gets shocked. Ragini leaves. Imli asks what’s need to make guns, its bad thing, why are you doing this, stop it, I thought you will get free of Bhaiya ji’s clutches after he went mad. He throws tiffin and says I m doing this for money. She says you just want money, I m going and leaves. He says go, you will come back once I get money.

Vivaan and Ragini call Chakor. Ragini says we decided that we need such men who helps us in work, Suraj will come back in haveli. Ranjana asks what are you saying, he is not permitted near haveli. Vivaan says you be quiet, just Ragini and i will decide. Chakor asks them to think again. Ragini says decision is taken, Suraj should be here in haveli in morning. Chakor says fine, I m going to get Suraj back. She runs on road and smiles. Joganiya….plays……

Suraj thinks of Chakor. He talks to Tejaswini and says Chakor dislikes me, you are saying she loves me. Chakor shouts Suraj and comes to him. She hugs him and says we won, you are coming back to haveli. Suraj smiles and asks what do you mean. She says Ragini took Bhaiya ji’s command back, but you have to stay with me. More piya…..plays……… They smile.

He says I thought I will never come back to haveli, you are magician, how did you convince Ragini. She says you can thank me. She thinks I wish you say I love you to me. He thinks I love you since always, but today you did a big favor on me, and owned me by getting me my home back. Pakhi comes and gives him blanket. He lifts her and says you are very nice, now I don’t need this, Chakor is taking me back to haveli. Chakor asks shall I take him this way or… Pakhi and kids chant Suraj’s name. Chakor gets Suraj to haveli. Imli welcomes them. She says this aarti plate came by Chakor’s command. Pakhi and kids leave. Bhaiya ji shouts stop, none will do Suraj’s home return aarti. They get shocked.

Chakor asks Imli to start aarti, Bhaiya ji can’t stop this, Vivaan and Ragini took the decision that Suraj will stay here.

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