Udaan 13th April 2016 Written Update

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Udaan 13th April 2016 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 13th April 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Imli teaching Chakor. Bhaiya ji ask Suraj why did he do this, Chakor was waiting for chance and Suraj served her the chance himself. Suraj says you know I m best in shooting, she can’t win. Bhaiya ji says I know, but I want her away from haveli, I m organizing fair to keep her busy. Suraj says we can make kids easily, we will win, villagers will be seeing the game. Bhaiya ji says we should not lose. Suraj says no one will teach Chakor, who will win, I will win. Bhaiya ji says you have to win. Suraj says yes, I will win.

Imli trains Chakor. Chakor shoots and falls. Imli and Chagan give hand to her. Chagan says Chakor shot well. Imli says yes, she can do well. Chagan says if this gun is not working, why are you not giving your pistol to Chakor. Chakor asks for Imli’s pistol. Imli says I can’t give it, Suraj gifted me, if I give this, he will know I taught you shooting, I can’t cheat him. Chagan says enough of love story, Chakor you learn from this gun itself. Imli and Chagan argue. Chakor stops them and sees Vivaan there. She asks Vivaan you…. Vivaan says yes, I had to say something imp to Chakor. Imli asks Chagan to come, and takes him.

Chakor recalls Vivaan drinking that drugged milk. Imli slips and Chagan holds her asking is she fine. She nods. She says I know why you angry, you don’t like that I love Suraj right? Chakor asks Vivaan why did he come. He apologizes to her as he could not win. She says doctor said its not easy to give up drugs, but its possible. Chakor says Tejaswini is taking revenge from Ranjana. He says he is not taking Tejaswini’s help now. She gets glad and says its good. He says no, its not good, I mean I m not taking Tejaswini’s help, but I did not give up drugs. She gets shocked.

Chagan shouts on Imli that she is blind in Suraj’s love, and even I ….. Imli asks him to become her friend again. He says yes, Suraj will break your heart. She says yes, Suraj breaks my heart daily and cries. Vivaan says I tried a lot, and could not do, I can’t give up drugs. Chakor says Tejaswini called you weak. He says I have been in bad phase since 10 years. She says I did not do anything, if you and Imli were in problem, even I was in bad phase, I have face thorns too. It was not easy for me, I did not give up courage, how did you and Imli fall weak, I have lived with one aim to come back to Aazaadgunj, when I m back here, what did I get, that sister Imli who does not want freedom from bandhuagiri, and this friend who does not want freedom from drugs, I can’t lose, innocent kids are becoming bandhuas, I have to go and save them.

She says this life is yours, you can make it and end it, its in your hands to decide, if you can’t fight with drug addiction, I can’t see you shattering, I have to practice. She leaves. He asks her to stop.

Vivaan comes home and recalls Chakor’s words. He takes drugs. He calls someone and says I m sports minister Kamal Narayan’s son, I want a pistol. Its morning, Ranjana gives money to Vivaan. He thanks her for help. She says I can do anything for you, but what will you do for this money. He says its for my friend. She says for Chakor, fine, tell me if you need more money. He goes. She smiles.

Chakor practices shooting. Imli wakes up by the bullet sound. She asks whats this, will you win by Suraj like this, forget the condition you kept for children’s freedom. Chakor asks how do you know. Imli says I care for Suraj’s condition, come on aim. Chakor says I care for my respect, I have to save that innocent kids. A boy comes and gives her a box. Chakor asks who gave this. The boy runs. Chakor goes home and opens the box. She gets a pistol in it. She gets a note from Vivaan. Vivaan writes Lakhan’s gun got old, you can’t compete and win by it, keep this new gun as gift from a friend, whom you rejected, but who can’t forget you ever, my best wishes are always with you. She smiles.

Kasturi comes and says Suraj is making all kids bandhua, did you think what to do. She gets shocked seeing the gun. She asks whats this. Chakor says this is weapon to save those kids.

The man pushes the kids and says you all will become bandhua. Suraj takes the gun. Chakor comes to him. Suraj walks by and Imli slips. Suraj goes to Chakor and challenges Chakor.

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