Udaan 16th June 2016 Written Update

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Udaan 16th June 2016 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 16th June 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Chakor calling Vivaan. He does not answer her call. She looks at the moon and says Vivaan got annoyed. Vivaan talks to moon and says what shall I do, I m annoyed as she had no time for me. She says I don’t want to make him worry by telling all this. He says she is hiding the things I know, shall I not get angry. She says yes, he can get angry, but I will convince him. She asks the moon not to get angry and hide behind clouds. Saware………..plays…………..

Its morning, Vivaan sees Chakor’s drawing. Ranjana smiles and says you are seeing her pic and is annoyed with her. He says no, I m not annoyed with her. She says I also felt bad when she left from puja. He says maybe she had imp work, its matter of four days and then she would stay here. She says maybe she does not want to make you worry by sharing things, its Kanyarakshan ritual tomorrow, groom’s family goes to bride’s family to assure that their daughter will always be happy. He says yes and smiles.

Bhaiya ji says I don’t want to meet anyone. Suraj comes there and smiles. He says I have a good news, even you would have done the same to trap me and become witness, like you trapped my Maa. Bhaiya ji says I don’t want to see your face. Suraj shows his wedding invitation card, and says I m marrying Tina Raichand. Bhaiya ji gets shocked.

Chakor meets Vivaan and asks how did you have this maturity and patience, I was coming to meet you. He smiles and apologizes to her for not answering call. She says I know the reason, I should apologize, I m sorry. She tells him that she has hidden few things but there is a reason behind this. He hugs her and says no need to give explanation, I trust you more than myself, I know one thing that whatever my Chakor does can’t be wrong, if you don’t want to say something, I understand. She says I don’t want to hide anything, I need your help now. He asks whats the matter. She cries and says Imli…. He asks what happened to Imli, tell me. She says Imli is pregnant with Suraj’s baby. He gets shocked.

Bhaiya ji asks is Raichand giving you his diaghter, what did you tell him. Suraj says you gifted some land to my mum, I gifted that land to Raichand. Bhaiya ji says that was my land and holds his neck. Suraj says move back, your land is just that jail cell. I m going to start my new life, bless me like a good father. Bhaiya ji asks him to get lost, you did mistake, see what I do. Suraj smiles and leaves.

Vivaan says I can’t imagine Suraj will fall so low, he ruined Imli’s life and is marrying Tina, we should kill him. She says I tried, but Imli saved him. He says we should punish Suraj that he remembers forever. She says I m worried for Imli, if Suraj does not accept her baby, who will give the baby a name, I tried to save Imli from dying once, if she commits suicide
then… He says we won’t let anything happen to her, there is solution of everything, we will find the solution. She cries and hugs him. Chagan looks on and says Imli tried to commit suicide.

Ranjana meets Kasturi and Bhuvan at her haveli. She asks them to take her name, where is Vivaan’s tilak, its fine if there is nothing. Bhuvan says we are poor and could just get this. Tejaswini smiles. Raichand comes with many gifts. Tejaswini welcomes Raichand and shows off to Ranjana. She asks Ranjana to get related to rich family. Ranjana says I know you are trying to show us down. Kasturi says tilak does not matter, bahu matters, your bahu is my Chakor, she is one in a million. Ranjana says Kasturi is right, I m proud to become Chakor’s saas.

Its night, Kasturi worries for the arrangements and asks Bhuvan to decorate the house soon, when sun rises, everyone will come inside our house, I don’t know how to manage. He asks her not to worry, and have patience. They go out and see the house decorated. They get glad and see Imli decorating everything. Bhuvan hugs Imli and blesses her. Kasturi says its not easy thing to forget one’s pain and become part of someone’s happiness, you are brave, I know everything. Imli asks what, do you know everything. Kasturi says I knew you love Suraj, but I did not say anything, I was afraid that your heart break some day, and that happened today, even then you are decorating house for Chakor’s happiness, you forgot everyone. Imli says forget this and hugs her. Chakor smiles seeing them.

At night, Chakor is awake, while everyone else is sleeping. She hears jeep sound and goes to see. She sees Suraj and says whats Suraj doing here at this time.

Ranjana tells Kasturi about the rituals. Suraj comes and says no need to do rituals for Vivaan’s elder brother.

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