Udaan 1st November 2014 Written Update

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Udaan 1st November 2014 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 1st November 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Aditya coming home and showing the trophy to Prabhakar. He gets happy and says I knew Aditya will come first. Aditya says Chakor has won the race, she run after me to encourage me to get first. He says what all happened there and how Chakor kept saying buck up and corssed finished line, in very less time, breaking 10 year old records. Prabhakar is glad and says good. He thinks he has told Chakor’s parents coming to Lucknow to Bhaiya ji. He takes his hand back. Ishwar and Abha notice this. He says the great thing is school principal have admission to Chakor in school in sports quota, without any donation, but on her talent.

He says I m waiting for Chakor’s parents to come here and do legal formalities, then Chakor will start going to school. Prabhakar leaves being worried and realizing he did a mistake. His wife says I m afraid, Ishwar thought so much for Chakor and you told everything to Bhaiya ji. He will break Chakor and her family’s dreams. Chakor asks Aditya what happened. Abha asks Aditya to go and change clothes. Chakor says I know Aditya is smart but he forgot. He asks what. She says he said he will tell my name’s meaning. Abha says you don’t know it. Chakor says no. Ishwar says Aditya, go and use computer, and tell her name meaning. Aditya says fine, come Chakor. They leave.

Ishwar says dad was not like this before, he could not see Chakor’s happiness, who makes everyone smile, see how she changed Aditya’s mood. Prabhakar says I m worried for my family, I was helpless and told everything to Bhaiya ji. Abha says Chakor will win Prabhakar’s heart. Prabhakar says I know Bhaiya ji well, if we become his enemy, he won’t leave us, so I m afraid, he is a devil and we have to sacrifice someone to keep him happy, I can’t sacrifice my family, but Chakor.

Bhaiya ji thinks about Prabhakar’s words. Tejaswini calls Lakhan and asks him to do the work well. Lakhan nods yes. She says if you do good work, you will get gold chain for your wife. He says fine. She says don’t worry, our power is more, their existence is nothing, did any tree stop the wind, tree falls. They hear Baa singing Gandhi ji’s poetry. Bhaiya ji comes to her and says stop it. Baa continues. He gets angry and says stop this. Everyone come there and see his anger.

Baa taunts him on Chakor, saying if one bird flies, all bird gets courage to fly, I told you not to bind Chakor, as she has fire in her eyes, she can burn you and your pride. Aditya shows Chakor, the bird and says its beautiful. She sees her face in mirror and says I m not like this bird, my parents kept my name Chakor. He smiles and says they kept it after much thinking, and reads the meaning.

She says the bird is found in mountains, and it loves moon, and she takes flight to reach moon and is seen near moon, but… She asks what, does it reach or not. She says I also like moon. He says she gets tired while flying and dies. She says it means bird is stupid as she does not know how far is te moon. He asks what. She makes him smile and says she will explain. She says I will not fly to moon, but get the moon on earth one day.

Baa says you all did mistake by caging Chakor, she flied and others are ready to fly. Bhaiya ji says I can cut feathers and know to lock the door. He says I will lock your door and see who opens it. She says the one who has courage, no one can stop her. He says you are telling a lot, and locks her door. He says no one can breath here without asking me. Tejaswini opens the door and acts sweet to Baa. She says she is our mum, don’t do this, Chakor is trying to touch moon, but she can’t. Aditya says moon can’t come on earth. Chakor says if I show you then… he says then I will give whatever you ask for. She says fine, teach me using computers.

He says fine. She asks him to close his eyes. She asks him to open his eyes and shows the moon’s reflection in water. He says wow, you are genius. Udaan hai……….plays……….. Abha comes and asks did Chakor get to know the meaning of her name. Chakor says yes. Abha says good, and asks Aditya to go as she has to prepare Chakor for interview. Aditya says no, she will teach teachers there. They smile. Lakhan beats some men. Bhaiya ji says give them anything, but stamp their child. Tejaswini says no, Lakhan do as I said, give them my special medicine, their all sorrows will go away. Lakhan says fine.

Tejaswini says we rule by making fear enter their hearts, we have to suppress their courage, tomorrow morning will be bad, the soul of village will die and the village will be of dead people. Bhaiya ji smiles. Abha talks to Chakor. Kasturi and Bhuvan are happy to go to meet Chakor. They hear some sounds and go out o see. Lakhan says they were trying to run from here, they forgot that they are born here by Lord’s wish, but get death by Bhaiya ji, if anyone runs leaving work, he will be responsible for his death. Kasturi and Bhuvan are shocked and cry being afraid.

Lakhan says Aazaadgunj is a cage, and Bhaiya ji’s fear is the bars. Bhuvan asks everyone to go to Lucknow and he will sacrifice himself, he will die to free them, he did not do anything till now, he will do something big now. Kasturi is shocked.

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  1. Sweet
    November 01, 23:42 Reply

    I think lakhan is lying but I wish not chakor is so cute

  2. Sabiya
    November 01, 13:20 Reply

    Wow i hope lakhan is not lying

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