Udaan 22nd January 2019 Written Update

Udaan 22nd January 2019 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 22nd January 2019 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Lata telling her love story to Chakor. She asks Chakor about Suraj and Anjor. Chakor talks to her for a while and goes. Lallan misbehaves with Imli. Chakor sees this and goes to them. Imli asks him to stay away. He flirts with her. Chakor asks him to leave Imli’s hand. He refuses. Chakor slaps him. Lata comes to them and asks Chakor what’s happening. Chakor complains against Lallan. Lata asks him to apologize. He refuses. She scolds him and asks him to think of his Dadda, who will forget his loyalty and fire him. Lallan apologizes to Chakor and Imli.

Bhanu says now we know about each other well, get the deal done. Raghav gets the pillow and says I m thinking, its actually good, I understood that you don’t need 100 acre, you need some land for your grave. He attacks Bhanu

and says I will kill you, you know I m not Suraj, why are you doing this if you know my history, you will know what I can do for my family. He suffocates Bhanu and says that haveli is heaven for me, I thought to explain you, you have instigated me, I don’t know what would Suraj do in this case, but Raghav will do this. Imli says Chakor your Durga avatar was great, keep it safe. Lallan signs the waiter. Waiter drops a drink over Chakor’s dress. Chakor goes to clean her dress. She gets kidnapped. Raghav says I will not leave you. Bhanu folds hands. Raghav leaves him. He asks Bhanu to come with him and do a good drama in front of the guests. Imli worries for Chakor and runs upstairs. Lallan takes Chakor. Imli goes to look for her. A girl lies to her. Raghav and Bhanu come downstairs laughing. Lata smiles. Raghav praises Bhanu.
He hugs Bhanu and says we will keep meeting, remember my punches and jokes, and you will get a laugh. He takes his leave. Lata asks Bhanu why does he look tensed. He says everything is fine. She asks where did your broach go. She says I got it with love for you. He says sorry, don’t know how did it break. She says its fine, your smile matters. She introduces him to Imli.

She says Lallan misbehaved with Imli, its good Chakor came to save her, scold him after party ends. He asks why after the party. He calls Lallan and scolds him in front of all the guests. Lallan apologizes. Bhanu slaps him. Lallan says Chakor has slapped me and called me slave. Bhanu asks did you take revenge for slap. Lallan says I have locked Chakor in room. Bhanu slaps him and gets happy. Bhanu says keep Chakor captive, I will send her as a gift. He throws Lallan to Imli’s feet and asks Imli to see, Lallan has learnt a lesson. Imli greets him. Bhanu asks shall I bash someone else. She asks him to find Chakor, she is missing.

He says give us a chance to find her. Lata says you are joking. Bhanu says she can’t go missing from the house, Suraj just left, Chakor will be around, take a seat. He announces the party is over and thanks the guests. Chakor sees Raghav outside and tries to sign him. Raghav stops. He doesn’t see her and gets inside the car. He leaves.

Raghav says I went in the party alone. Tejaswini says but Imli and Chakor also went there. Bhanu stops Chakor. He says I have changed my mind. He asks snake to bite Imli first. Chakor asks Imli to run away. Raghav reaches there to save them.

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