Udaan 24th February 2017 Written Update

Udaan 24th February 2017 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 24th February 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Bhaiya ji coming out and talking to villagers. Suraj says I think you got some evil plan. Tejaswini asks him to leave Suraj and forgive him. Chakor says Suraj is not in state to give test. Bhaiya ji says its Maha Shivratri and something big is going to happen, like something happened yesterday. A car comes. The kabaddi players get down and come to greet Bhaiya ji. Bhaiya ji says they have come to be part of the festival, they are kabaddi mandli, today there will be kabaddi tandav which never happened before.

Bhaiya ji, Ranjana, Ragini and everyone pray to Lord Shiv. He does aarti and showers flowers. He says so today the match will be between the players and Suraj. They all get shocked. Chakor asks can’t you see Suraj’s state, he is weak, he can’t play, he did not
have proper food and sleep. Bhaiya ji says I m asking him to play game, what will he do. Suraj says you can kill me once, I could die by cold, why this drama. Tejaswini says nothing will happen to you, you have our blessings, Chakpr kept Maha Shivratri fast for you, the wife who keeps this fast, her husband gets help by Mahadev, I did not keep fast for Bhaiya ji, so he will lose.

Suraj asks did Chakor keep fast for me. Tejaswini says yes. Suraj says I will win. Vivaan comes there and goes to Bhaiya ji. Suraj sees him and recalls the dangal. He says Vivaan made me lose here, today I will not lose, its about honor of Chakor’s fast. Bhaiya ji asks the players to come. Suraj says no one can beat me till Chakor is with me, are you with me Chakor. She goes and gets Bhabhuti. She does Suraj’s tilak. She says devotion has much power, go Suraj, win and come. Suraj nods. Suraj goes to the ground. Bhaiya ji says one side is six great players and other side is my weak player, and I m the referee, there won’t be whistle to stop the game, this Mahadev’s dumroo will be played. He starts the game. Suraj plays kabaddi with the team. Chakor encourages Suraj. Suraj enters the line of the opposite team. The team catches Suraj. Suraj tries hard to cross the line. They throw Suraj out of the ground. Suraj gets hurt. Bhaiya ji laughs.

Chakor worries for Suraj and asks him to open eyes. Vivaan thinks great, this game started and ended so soon. He goes. Chakor gets angry. She argues with Bhaiya ji for injustice. She says both teams should be equal, I want to play from Suraj’s side. Bhaiya ji laughs and asks will you play with them. She says why not, Suraj should get a chance to play. He says its Suraj’s game. She says yes, but I m his wife and its every fight is my fight, let me enter the ground, if I touch any player, Suraj should get a chance, else I will accept Suraj got lost. Bhaiya ji says Suraj has lost, get out. Ragini thinks of Chagan’s words. She says it will be fun if Chakor plays, it will be double gun.

Chakor asks Tejaswini to make Suraj conscious. She goes to play kabaddi. Tejaswini asks Suraj to wake up. Bhaiya ji says Ragini, you did big mistake, Chakor is expert is making impossible as possible. The man asks what’s this joke, will this girl play kabaddi with us. Chakor challenges them. The man laughs and asks her to come. Chakor goes to play. Tejaswini asks Suraj to get up and see Chakor. Suraj gets conscious. The man holds Chakor. Chakor kicks a man’s face. She loses. Bhaiya ji laughs. Suraj looks on.

The man catches Chakor and pulls her hair. Bhaiya ji gets worried and thinks Suraj’s anger seen last time. He thinks Suraj’s inner animal can get awakened again. The man slaps Chakor and pushes her. Suraj holds her. He sees Chakor’s lip bleeding and gets angry.

Imli sees the sarees and jewelry. She says I don’t want all this Vivaan, Bhaiya ji got this money by troubling poor. He says I got this by hardwork, I want you to get ready well adn go in Maha Shivratri function, everyone will be jealous of your money. She asks don’t you know which thing will give me happiness, I don’t want this. He asks do I have anything to fulfill dreams, don’t insult this, I m doing this for you. She says no, you are doing this for yourself, you would have not supported them, if you cared for my happiness. He says if you don’t wear this, I will not sit with you in puja. She says what is this new problem for me, puja can’t happen without husband.

Bhaiya ji says Ragini I told you not to do this, this player is gone, we will lose respect in front of them. Suraj asks Chakor are you fine. Chakor cries. Bhaiya ji says all game spoiled, we are gone now. Suraj asks Chakor to get up. Suraj enters the kabaddi ground and plays. He pushes all the men. All the players catch Suraj. Chakor encourages Suraj. Bolo har har…..plays……….Suraj touches the line. Bhaiya ji get shocked. Bhuvan, Tejaswini, Chakor and villagers get happy and clap for Suraj. Bhaiya ji asks Ragini to play dumroo now. He gets angry and goes. Chakor says you have won Suraj and hugs him. Udaan hai….plays….. Suraj says we have won, Lord has accepted your fast. She nods and they smile.

Chakor pours water on Suraj. Suraj also pours water on her. She falls over him. Do dilon ki….plays…………. Bhaiya ji does Shiv puja. Pandit asks Chakor where is her husband, this fast won’t be completed without her husband.

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