Udaan 26th July 2017 Written Update

Udaan 26th July 2017 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 26th July 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Imli surprising Vivaan. He gets glad seeing the room decorated beautifully for the baby. He thanks him for giving him another chance. She says forget everything, much happiness is coming in haveli, think good, see this beautiful cradle, before our baby comes, I want a promise, our dark past shadow will not come in between our bright future. He promises.

She says this baby is our dream, my dream did not complete before. He says I promise to fulfill all dreams. He sees baby toy and smiles. He tells what all he suffered in life. He says we will live our life our way, because my life is deposit to you and our child. She says I trust you more than myself, I promise to be your life partner, our baby is lucky to get dad like you. He says and mum like you. They hug.

Chakor says
this form is real, maybe Bhaiya ji really changed, Suraj maybe right. Pakhi and kids come to meet her before going. She checks a cute drawing and smiles. Pakhi says you like Suraj a lot, so I gave you Suraj. She hugs all kids and smiles. Pakhi says I will make village name shine. Chakor says I m sure you all will study hard and succeed, take care. Kids leave. Chakor thinks of Pakhi’s words and doubts. She prays for kids.

Bhaiya ji sees Chakor’s pic and says you know me very well, this will be much cruel, I will hurt you using the kids, let them reach Delhi, then you will not have any work than crying. He hits glass to the pic. Chakor thinks to sleep now and think of marriage, Suraj may really get annoyed. She thinks of kids and worries.

Its morning, Chakor gets ready. Tejaswini and Suraj come with shagun. Kids’ parents apply thumb impression on papers. The man says kids will study well and now they are our responsibility. Bhaiya ji comes. They all praise him. Bhaiya ji thinks you donkeys, how to explain your kids will help me in failing Chakor in this game. Chakor asks Suraj why did you not tell me before. Suraj says you have no time, if I heard you, my hair would have got white. She says I have to go, I m doubting on Bhaiya ji. Suraj asks what’s your problem, you don’t think for me, you should care for my love, atleast think of my mum, she loves you, Bhaiya ji changed, don’t worry for kids.

Pakhi’s dad asks her to study well. Pakhi says I will become marathon runner like Chakor and hugs her dad. Kids leave. Chakor gets shagun by Tejaswini. Suraj says Chakor can fly high but can’t reach Suraj, marriage will be grand. Tejaswini asks him to give shagun to her. Suraj says I will do rasam myself. He makes Chakor wear chunri and says shagun is done, now Chakor is mine officially. Tejaswini gives her ancestral bangles. Chakor says I may lose it. Kasturi asks her not to say anything such. She goes to Suraj and makes her wear a gold chain. She says I got this gift for you, we are poor people, this is our blessing. He thanks her.

Tejaswini says now Suraj and Chakor have to see each other’s happiness. They all have sweets. Chakor thinks to meet kids, they would have gone. Pakhi’s dad Shambu Kaka comes and says Pakhi went to Delhi, Bhaiya ji blessed all kids and sent in his car, Bhaiya ji changed a lot. Bhuvan says I feel Aazaadgunj got free.

Bhaiya ji calls someone and says I will tell you what to do with kids, I will tell Chakor its time for her sacrifice. Chakor gets sad. Pakhi’s mum says kids were really happy. Chakor prays for kids. The people leave. Tejaswini says we will do saawan puja, I want you two to come and pray for good future. Kasturi says yes, this time we will do rituals well. Suraj says we will do everything well, we will always be together now.

Bhaiya ji does aarti and prays. Tejaswini comes and gives sweets. She says we want to get Chakor and Suraj married, pray for them, what happened, did you not like this. He asks what are you saying, I m praying for them, congrats. Ranjana looks on. He asks Girja to invite all villagers for puja. Tejaswini feeds him sweets and says we will go their engagement today. She goes. Bhaiya ji spits the sweets. Ranjana sees this and smiles. She thinks I also got deceived for some time, it means he is not happy with Chakor, its good, I think he is going to do something.

Vivaan cooks in kitchen. Suraj and Imli smile seeing him. Imli says I like this about him, he is determined. Suraj says he should do some work now, he is hardworking. She says yes, he should do something good. Suraj and Imli go to the dining table and sit. Vivaan gets the sweets and asks them to have it. Suraj and Imli like the halwa. Imli says Suraj will become Papa next. Suraj says its not easy, your sister is always busy, I think it will take 5 years to become Papa, I m fine as Taya. Imli says you are Mausa also. Vivaan says you are Godfather for my child, you have more right on baby. Suraj says yes, I will be glad, I will spoil him.

Imli says fine, there will be puja in haveli today, Suraj and Chakor will exchange rings, what gift did Suraj get. Suraj says don’t know what to get for her. She says girl gets happy with anything given by love. He says fine, I will go market and see. Vivaan says no need to go market. He calls the saree vendor home. Imli likes a saree for Chakor. She shows necklace. Suraj says no, Chakor is special, gift should also be special. He likes an anklet and says its beautiful, it will suit Chakor. Tejaswini gets pandit and says he gave next month mahurat for your marriage. Vivaan and Imli ask so soon, when will we prepare. Suraj says its very late, is there no close date. Tejaswini says you will marry today evening if you could. Chakor gets ready. Bhaiya ji says kids would have reached by now, send me video. Pandit says other mahurat is after 10 days. Suraj says perfect, lock this date. Bhaiya ji thinks it will be lock on your happiness, Chakor won’t come in this haveli.

Chakor says I m coming to you Suraj. Bhaiya ji calls her. She asks how can I come now, I have to go to puja. He threatens her about villagers. She gets shocked. Suraj says groom has come, where is the bride.

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