Udaan 26th June 2018 Written Update

Udaan 26th June 2018 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 26th June 2018 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suraj asking Chakor not to think much and sleep. He tears the number. Chakor looks on and thinks of his words. She goes and sees Suraj’s wallet left there. She sees the note with Gandhi ji’s pic. She recalls childhood moments. She sees little Chakor and says I used to wish for my freedom and got a chance to fulfill my dreams, but now, situation is different, I m chained by responsibility, I have a husband, daughter and family, I can’t see dreams of my freedom. Little Chakor asks her not to make excuses, just save the official to save the nation for the sake of your family, your daughter doesn’t have Ishwar and Dadi to teach her, she just has you, you have to fight with evil and teach her. Chakor tells what Dadi taught her. Little Chakor says I showed you the way, its your wish

to follow it or not. Chakor cries. She says I understood on which way should I go ahead. She does high five with her. Yeh hounslon ki udaan hai…..plays….. Chakor sees the torn papers and picks them to join. She calls the official and says I m Chakor, I want to meet you. Suraj and Chakor’s pic falls down and frame breaks.
Chakor comes to some place in the jungle. A man catches her and secretly takes her to the place underground. Chakor gets shocked seeing the place. The man asks her to come and not worry. She sees the RAW officials. The agent comes and says hello, my name is Abhay, you have come to a secret place, this is Raw agency headquarters. She asks what’s the meaning to get me here this way. He says we keep secrecy, tell me, what do you know about Colonel Yashwant. She says I know as much as you told my husband, that he is planning something against the country. He says come, I will show you how dangerous is this storm.

Vivaan says Suraj, Imli is getting fine, Chakor’s decision was right. Suraj says yes, sometimes she doesn’t understand if she is doing right or wrong. Vivaan asks where is Chakor. Suraj asks him to read letter. Vivaan says I know she went to meet the agent. Suraj says yes, I told her not to go, who can stop her, just help me in managing Saanvi. They both change Saanvi’s diaper. Vivaan says its your mistake, you should have not told Chakor, she loves her country, you remember how she has sat on Satyagrah for me and kids’ sake, she can risk her life for country. Suraj recalls and says don’t say this. Vivaan reads Chakor’s letter. He says Chakor plays with dangers, but she isn’t a fool, she is very clever. He shows the letter. Suraj says yes, this has the address. Vivaan says yes. Suraj smiles. Abhay says this is Colonel Yashwant, a big dealer of weapons, he was accused to sell our info and was court martial. He says maybe you can’t see the pics ahead, I want you to see the pics and know his crimes, many people lost lives in bomb blasts. Chakor gets shocked. She cries seeing the pics. He says one thing is common in these incidents, the weapons used were made by Colonel, now you can guess how dangerous he is for the country.


Abhay says Suraj can go close to Colonel and trap his daughter Naina in love. Chakor gets shocked. Naina is seen. Suraj asks have you lost your mind, this won’t happen.

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