Udaariyaan 9th March 2023 Written Update

Udaariyaan 9th March 2023 Written Update by Amena

Udaariyaan 9th March 2023 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Harleen checking the arrangements. She asks the men to Nanu and Nani make Nehmat and Ekam do the puja together, Nehmat will be surprised. Advait comes there. He removes the muffler from his face. She says Advait, what are you doing here, what are you doing here. He says I m your husband, what else will I want except you, come with me. She says leave me. He asks why, you are my wife, what’s the problem. She shouts for help. He shuts her mouth. He says come with me and stay in my house. Nehmat gets ready. She calls Harleen. Harleen’s phone drops from her hand. She asks Advait to leave her. She shouts what do you want. He says I want to disappear from this world, you ruined my life, why did you spoil my image in front of the media. She says Nehmat asked you for divorce, you should have given her divorce, but no, you wanted to kill her, I did this to free her from you. He says you should have married that cheap policeman. She scolds him. He shouts on her. She says I m happy with what I did, go to hell, you loser. He slaps her.

She slaps him back. He catches her neck. She fights and tries to run. He pushes her. Her head strikes a pole and she falls. He checks her. He thinks did she die, what did I do, everyone would be coming, what shall I do. Nehmat asks did anyone of you talk to Harleen. Rupy thinks Harleen is planning a surprise for her. He says she will be there, you got ready. Nehmat says yes. She thinks to ask Ekam. Ekam asks any update. Jasbir says Harleen was with Rupy all day. The men come from pandal and ask for sweets. Nehmat asks what is she doing there. The man says she is making all arrangements. She asks how will she manage. Rupy says she said she will make this holi her life’s best holi. Nehmat thinks their mood will spoil if I tell them the reason for my worry, She says we should leave. Rupy says we should go together. Nehmat worries for Harleen.

Naaz says I will check Nikhil’s phone. Nikhil says Advait isn’t at home. Shamsher scolds Rama. He asks them to find Advait. Advait drags Harleen. He puts her inside the holika. He covers the holika well and leaves. The men get the sweets. Nehnat and everyone come. Nehmat looks for Harleen. She calls Harleen. Jasmin also calls Harleen and says why aren’t you answering my calls, are you safe or not. Nehmat says Harleen isn’t here, I m worried. Rupy recalls her words and says she said she is going for some work. Nehmat thinks I feel Harleen is in danger. She ties the mauli to the holika. She hears Harleen’s audio and looks around. Rupy plays the audio messages. Harleen says happy holi, enjoy, there are more surprises for Nehmat. He says she recorded the audio in my phone, she said she is setting a surprise for you. Nehmat sees Ekam coming. She asks what is Ekam doing here. Rupy says I have called him here, Harleen wanted him to come, this is her surprise, how did you like it.

Ekam waves to Nehmat and smiles. Nehmat thinks maybe Ekam knows something. She goes to ask him. He compliments her and wishes happy holi. He says you will say that I came here following you. She says you didn’t take my tension serious about Harleen, she isn’t here. He says she will be here. She asks where is Advait. Ekam says he is at home. Advait looks at them. Ekam says don’t worry, we will wait for some time, if we don’t get Harleen, then I will go and find her. Harman says its time for holika dahan. Satti says we will wait for Harleen. Swaroop says she doesn’t know mahurat. Rupy thinks she is hiding around, don’t worry. He asks them to come. They all do the puja. Advait says just some time more, Harleen will get burnt along with the holika, no one would know. Rupy asks Ekam to do the holika dahan. Ekam says no, you do it. Rupy asks him to come. Nehmat worries.

Precap: Nehmat finds Harleen’s phone and her footwear and sees her dupatta inside Holi dhana.

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