Uttaran 3rd August 2012 Written Update

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Uttaran 3rd August 2012 Written Update by Udhay

Episode begins with Damini and Ichcha talking about Ichcha meeting Veer. Ichcha says how she met Veer in the college and all that. Damini worried if Meethi will know about her dadand family, she says this is not the time for her to know all that. They’ll tell her when the right time comes. Muktha calls meethi and says she’ll reach home in half an hour and asks her to manage the worried parivar at home. Meethi manages it. Kahna spots Muktha and Yuvi together., He recognises Yuvi. He enquiries what they r doing here. Muktha asks Kahna to leave, and that she is with her friend, and she’ll reach home soon. Kanha pulls Muktha to his taxi, Yuvi stops him, asks who he was to interfere. Kanha says he is her brother, and asks him to stay away. Muktha says he is not her brother, and asks him to stop acting. Yuvi taunts him, Kanha slaps Yuvi!! Muktha terrified.. Yuvi tries to attack Kanha, but He avoids him, and says Maybe no one taught him how to behave with elders and leaves, with Muktha. Yuvi stares. Meethi worried at home, tries calling Muktha, Muktha didn’t attend and cuts the call. Muktha asks Kanha not to tell all this at home, there are enuf problems at home after they all came. Kanha talks patiently to her, and agrees. Yuvi reaches home, and all are there, Dadaji enquiries about 1 Lac bill and asks for what it was. Yuvi replies arrogantly, all r tensed. Dadaji is very angry, Yuvi also shouts, Veer gets angry..!! He shouts Yuvi and gets angry for talking badly to Dadaji, and he asks what that money was for! Yuvi goes to Dadaji and says he will not say what he did with that money. Dadaji shocked, he drops hospital walking stick down. Veer bends to take it, but he does it himself. He is very sad with all that happened. Chanda smiles. At Thakur home, all r waiting worriedly, Surabhi asks what is there to get so worried, Rohini says Its because of Muktha being late not come yet. Surabhi says Even Kanha hasn’t come home yet, No one cares for the Malik! Muktha reaches home, Jogi is angry, he questions mUktha. Kanha enters and says he will answer. Muktha looks and the episode ends.

Detailed update by crisps21

Episode starts with Damini asking Icha how Mataji saw her with Veer? How did you meet Veer? Where did you go in the morning?
Icha says, I went to college to get a glimpse of Yuvi. I met Veer there. She tells Damini about their pathshala not being sold… she says Veer saved it… and he took me to show it. He said, I should look after the pathshala. He dropped me home and Nani saw me with him.
Damini says, she (Nani) will definitely take advantage of this situation!
Icha says what should we do now?
Damini says, Meethi already has too many questions in her heart… she’s already very angry with you… and if Nani tells her about Veer now, then it will be a disaster…
We will definitely tell her the truth, but at the right time.
We have to keep Meethi away from Mataji and to do that, I have to keep an eye on Mataji.

Meethi’s phone rings and everyone asks her if it’s Mukta’s phone. Meethi picks up the phone and Mukta says only answer yes or no.
She says if everyone’s worried? Meethi says yes.
Are they angry with me? Meethi says yes.
Are you my best friend? Meethi says yes.
I am coming in half an hour can you handle them until then? Meethi says, come quickly.
Meethi puts the phone down and says it was my friend.

Yuvi/Mukta walking on the road. Kanha comes in a taxi and asks Mukta what she’s doing here so late at night?
Kanha recognizes Yuvi and says Mayya’s son Yuvi and that too with Mukta at such a place?? He gets worried.
He asks Mukta to come home with me… she says, I am with my friend, you go and I’ll come later. Kanha grabs her hand and takes her to the taxi… and Mukta keeps insulting him.
Yuvi stops him and says didn’t you hear she doesn’t want to go. He holds Mukta’s hands and says you should go now.
Kanha says, Mukta it’s late at night, go home… Yuvi asks who are you to her?
Kanha says, I’m her brother and it’s better if you leave her hand now.
Mukta says, you’re not my brother… stop your acting.
Kanha tries to convince her and says everyone’s waiting for you at home, please come with me.
Yuvi holds his hand and says leave her alone, what will you do now “so-called barey bhayya”?
Kanha asks him to leave his hand… Yuvi says I won’t, do what you want to do. Kanha slaps him… Yuvi wants to attack back, but Kanha pushes him back and says no one told you how to behave with your elders. Mukta is looking at all this with shock.
Kanha holds Mukta’s hands and makes her sit in the taxi. Yuvi is breathing fire lol

Meethi in her room trying to call Mukta but Mukta doesn’t pick up.
She declines the call.
Mukta says, you don’t have to tell anything at home… in any case, since you guys came, me and my barey papa have grown apart.
I will tell them myself after you guys leave the house. I don’t want to create a drama in front of ‘outsiders’.
Kanha says, distances are brought by people whose heart is not filled with love. The way your family worries about you, exactly the same way my family also worries about you, but you wont’ understand because your eyes are full of hatred and anger.

Yuvi comes home furious. Amla asks him why are you so late? Yuvi says I had some work.
Daddaji says, what work for which you needed 1 lakh Rs.? HE doesn’t answer.
Daddaji says, you lied on the phone… there wasn’t a business/investment that required 1 lakh.
Yuvi says, so what? You’re the one who said the other day that this entire property/money is mine… so what’s 1 lakh? Even if I asked for 1 crore, there shouldn’t have been a problem! Veer is getting angrier listening to this from upstairs.
Amla asks him to not talk to his daddaji like this… tell him that you used the money in a good business.
Daddaji says, what will he say? I already know. But I want to hear it from his mouth.
Tell everyone what you did with 1 lakh?
Amla says he has changed a lot.
Daddaji says, he hasn’t changed, he’s pretending to be changed… I’ve seen a lot of this world… look at these shameless eyes and you will find the same old Yuvi.
Yuvraj yells, yes I’m the same old Yuvraj. Rude, arrogant, awara.. has anyone else have any questions with me?
Veer comes down and yells at Yuvraj to stop being rude to Daddaji. Yuvraj looks a little scared (not a lot). Veer says now tell Daddaji what you did with 1 lakh Rs.?
Yuvi walks to Daddaji and says what I did with those 1 lakh Rs. I WILL NOT TELL! and leaves the room.
Daddaji’s walking stick falls down…
Veer starts picking it up, but Daddaji said, I will have to pick it myself. Veer is very sad.
Daddaji goes to his room and sees Chanda standing there. Chanda is smiling cunningly again and thinks of her words about Daddaji forgetting Tej Singh.

Nani asking everyone not to worry. Mukta will be back home.
Surbhi comes and says why’s everyone so upset as if the house is being auctioned again. Rohini says, because Mukta didn’t come back home yet. Surbhi says, so what? Kanha didn’t come back either.
Rohini says, it’s different for your Kanha. Surbhi says why? Is Mukta a maharani that everyone’s waiting for her like this… and no one is worried about the owner of this house?
Mukta comes and Jogi gets angry at her. What type of assignment was it that they’ve been trying to reach her for 4 hours and she doesn’t pick up her phone… why couldn’t she call once?
Nani says, Mukta beta, it was wrong of you, you didn’t do right.
Kanha comes from behind and says I will tell Nanu.
Everyone’s looking at him.

Episode ends.

Precap: Kanha says to Damini, how can I tell you who that boy was? Yuvraj Singh Bundela… Mayya’s son Yuvi. Damini is shocked… Yuvraj & Mukta?

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