Uttaran 5th July 2012 Written Update

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Uttaran 5th July 2012 Written Update by crisps21

Episode starts with Mukta in Bundela house. Yuvi is surprised to see her. All the other family members come there too.
Mukta says I have something important to say to you and Yuvi says of course.
Umed asks him who she is… and he says she studies with me in my college. Yuvi introduces her to everyone. Mukta touches the feet of Daddaji, Umed, Mai.
Mai it’s nice to know that Yuvi has also got friends like you.
Amla says I’m his choti ma. Mukta is about to touch her feet too, but Amla says don’t do that, and says ‘hello’ lol
Mukta says I want to talk to Yuvi and go… but Gunwanti says it’s the tradition of this house to treat the guest with respect.

Meethi remembers Veer saying whenever your mother talks about you, she glows with pride.
Icha thinking of Meethi saying she doesn’t consider her her mother and will never call her ‘mom’.
Both are crying. Meethi remembers Nani’s words about her mother too!
Kanha comes to her and hugs her.
Damini goes to Icha.
Kanha says to Meethi, I can’t see tears in your eyes. Meethi says please don’t ask me to go inside. I don’t want to go in.
Kanha says, whenever you had tears in your eyes, me or Ammo nani wiped them away. But who wiped Mayya’s tears away?
Meethi gets angry and says I’ve told you she’s not my Mayya.
Meethi goes and sits in the car.
Kanha thinks I never thought Mayya would get so much hatred in return of her sacrifice.
There’s no mother better than our mother!!!
Damini tries to talk to Icha and she says you should have been with Meethi… Damini says Kanha is with him.
Icha says she’s a child, we never thought she would have so many questions in her heart. I don’t know how you will look after her now?
Damini says, not just her, I will look after you as well. You also need me. Icha says, there’s nothing left there… there’s no present or future here… only past!
Damini says why don’t you have a future?? Whatever you’ve done it’s for someone else… and even today you did whatever you did for Meethi.
Icha cries and says I’m sad that I couldn’t be like my Ammo.
They hug each other and cry.
Icha says I pray for my kids, keep fasts etc. but even then my daughter is unhappy today? How long will this ordeal last? How long with God test us?

Mukta sitting with Bundelas. Mai says he never talked about you before… Mukta says we just became friends!
Gunwanti thinks is the change in Yuvi because of her?
Servants bring food and Amla says all this ‘snake’ and ‘date-food’, eat it. Yuvi says, she means snacks and diet food lol
She says no, thanks. Chanda asks her whether she does the same when elders in her house ask her to eat?
Mukta says, even in our house, my bari maan and nani keep pestering me to eat.
Amla says, you live with your Nani?? (with a twisted face lol)
Mukta says yes. Amla asks why? Where are your parents and dada-dadi? Mukta says no.
Gunwanti stops Amla from asking more questions.
Gunwanti says you can call me Dadi, for me you’re just like Yuvi.
Amla says ‘saari’ for the mistake and makes her eat Gulab Jamun from her hands. Mukta says, I came for the first time, and I’m getting so much love from everyone.
Yuvi asks her why did you come here? Umed says there’s no reason for a friend to come to a friend’s house. Mukta keeps looking at the package she brought with her but doesn’t say anything.

Damini packing Icha’s stuff. Icha says I don’t want to come with you. Didn’t you see how sad Meethi is? Damini says, it’s my responsibility to make things okay between you and Meethi. You lived her to hide the truth from Meethi… now she knows everything so why should you live here alone?
Icha says, I cannot live with seeing hatred in Meethi’s eyes every day… if I see her every day, she will become more bitter.

Mukta wants to leave. Gunwanti gives her something (looked like a gold coin). Gunwanti says we never send guests empty handed. Mukta says no and says my Barey Papa says we should only ask for love and blessings from the elders. Gunwanti says consider this our blessing and take it. She asks Yuvi to leave her home.

Surbhi brings something to eat for Meethi. Meethi refuses to eat. Surbhi says if you don’t eat, then neither I will eat, nor your bhayya. And I’m very hungry. Meethi says, then I will eat only for you and has a bite to eat. Damini comes home and Icha is behind her. Meethi is shocked to see it.

Precap: The auction of Jogi Thakur’s haveli. Bidding is won by someone (Damini) for 5crore 20lakhs. Divya and Nani both shocked to see this.

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