[V] Suvreen Guggal 15th April 2013 Written Update

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[V] Suvreen Guggal 15th April 2013 Written Update by nazomel

[V] Suvreen Guggal 15th April 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts in Mumbai. Rehan comes to his office. Ira says welcome to him. There is two employes.. And Alisha… After a while Suvreen comes.. with hindi clothes… RC is very happy to see her.. Alisha gets shocked.. Ira gets shocked too and asks her : you here??? Rehan welcomes Suvreen very friendly Ira wants to talk to Rehan alone.. They are going out for talking.. Ira says to RC then Suvi doesn’t have to come. Rehan says that they have asked Suvreen about that before they asked the new employes.. She says Suvreen didn’t say anything that she comes or not. and suvreen came very late now we can not do anything.! She has missed her chance.. Suvreen heard everything behind Ira and she is almost crying.. She walks while thinking what Ira said.. and then she crushed with the new girl Pritty who works at the office. And then she sees RC and goes. RC calls suvis name.. she turns around.. he asks where are you going?? Are you starting the work now?? Suvi says Which work?? I’ve heard everything what Ira said. RC says it’s true but I told her that you can do everything.. Suvreen is very happy to hear that and says thanks to him. Ira sees that and gets upset. And then they are going to the room where all the employes are.. Rehan says to the employes that they have to work hard. And then Rehan goes.. everyone left Alisha and Suvi alone there. Alisha says where have you been?? Everyone were really worried because you and especially Yuvraj. And then Suvi wants to go but Alisha asks her what’s wrong?? you didn’t ask anything about Yuvraj. He is always talking about you.! Suvi says I didn’t ask anything about Yuvraj coz I don’T want to hear anything about him.. I’m here coz I want to start a new beginning. That’s why I didn’t take my bags .. And then she goes.. Alisha talks again to herself: That’s nice! You have changed my life.
In Delhi. Anyone calls Yuvraj on the phone. He picks up and it’s Alisha. Yuvraj asks did you meet Suvreen?? have you gave my letter to her?? She says Relax! Yes.. I met her. He says Did you see her?? How is she?? Alisha says: She looked great.. She is really happy.. Yuvraj smiles. He says I know Alisha.. She is missing me like hell!!! Alisha asks really?? He says yes.. but did you give my letter?? She says Suvreen doesn’T want to talk to anyone.. She didn’t talk to me too much. Yuvraj gets sad. and then he hang up..
Back to Mumbai. Tanu is talking to herself.. She says: Do you know how much I love you?? Do you know that I’m going to be mother of your baby.. And then Suvi comes from the window. Tanu says again DUGGAL! Tanu has good news.. Suvreen is talking about numbers (I dunno what she is talking) Tanu says that she is proud of Suvreen.. Suvi says my parents should be proud of me too.. I thought If I found a new job, I would tell it to my parents, Yuvraj and my friends… (she is really sad) Tanu gives the phone and says tell them now.. Suvi tries to call her parents.. Mumma Guggal picks the phone. Suvi tells her everything and says that she has to wish her.. Mumma says All the best! Suvi is really happy.. And then Puppa Guggal says to Mumma: come your tea will be cold.. And then they hang up. Puppa asks to Mumma guggal who was on the phone? She says it was her friend.. ( didn’t get who is it) He says is she not with her daughter anywhere?? and then he goes..
Back to Mumbai.. Suvi is wearing white clothes.. ( a song is playing-dunno what’s the name of that song) She is walking through Mumbai. She can’t find the office.. She thinks : Oh my god.. I’m late!

PRECAP: Ira says: Everyone has to help us to design that. You all have 4 days! Suvi is asking anything.. and then Ira says: If you didn’t come late then you would not ask these silly questions.. Alisha smiles again!!

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