[V] Suvreen Guggal 18th October 2012 Written Update

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[V] Suvreen Guggal 18th October 2012 Written Update by Asmi

Suvi’s mamma hugs suvi n tells she is on her side n assures the gals that pappa guggal will soon agree.Suvi n tultuli gets super duper happy n mumma guggal hugs both the gals n tells tultuli she is going to pack lunch for her.Suvi tells thank u to tultuli but tultuli is still doubtful if pappa guggal will agree or not but suvi even assures her ki pappa guggal will agree.Suvi tells tultuli now its her time to struggle as she need to talk wid her parents about her interest on literature n wishes tultuli luck .Mumma guggal comes n tells they will get late for bus n suvi remembers about her class.

In DPSC yuvi is waiting for suvi. Alisha deewan cumes in her car n sees yuvi’s laila blocking her way.She comes out n is like whoes jeep is this n is about to touch yuvi’s jeep but yuvi shouts saying dont touch lailaYuvi walks towards alisha, she is looking at him, lol yuvi tells sry for overreacting as he loves his jeep a lot.Alisha tells about the jeep n yuvi asks she knows abt it.Alisha tells she know many other things too but she is late today n she even need a place to park her princess n asks yuvi where can she post her jeep.Yuvi tells he will take his laila out n she can park her car there.Alisha deewan is impressed wid yuvi

As usual suvi is late n is running.RC is already there already in class.RC scolds suvi n asks her for the reason πŸ˜› Suvi gives the reason but he is nt satisfied at all, he is like thats y i hate appreciating ppl n all.He tells the class he is monitoring each n everything.He tells suvi wen she cant cum on time for a simple class toh how can he assume she can learn any lesson n gives punishment to suvi, punishment is to make 10 new designs to enter rc’s class.Alisha is very happy.Suvi goes out of the class.

In DPSC garden suvi is trying to make designs n warps the paper n throws that paper. A small boy comes n takes that paper n throws it on suvi πŸ˜› Suvi looks at him n he walks towards her n asks if suvi can play paper cricket or not? Both starts playing n suvi asks y is he here in the clg n he starts flirting wid suviThey soon become frens n the little vivaan asks suvi y she is sad,suvi makes face n tells its her mistake so she was thrown out of the class, vivaan tells there’s nothing to wry coz his fren told him ppl learn from their mistake n tells suvi to celebrate as she has learnt something new today.Suvi is surprised.Vivaan walks towards suvi’s guitar n takes it in hir hand n asks suvi if she can play guitar.Suvi says yes n vivaan requests her to play the guitar n suvi plays it n vivaan claps n appreciates suvi.Vivaan tells he also wants to play so she puts him on her lap n both enjoys the guitar tunes.Rc sees this n asks wat are u doing here, suvi n vivaan both gets up n suvi is scared coz she thinks RC is telling it to her but he isnt

Suvi is like wat should she say n at the same time vivaan climbs up the bench n tells RC they have planned to meet there n tells RC is 40 mins late n asks if he can give a singe reason why he is late n that shouldn’t e stupid.Suvi remembers RC has told the same to suvi. RC tells wen elder ppl wrks they gets late n vivaan is like wen kids wait in car they get bored πŸ˜› Vivaan tells he did good by coming out of the car coz he has got a new fren suvreen who plays guitar very well n she even has teached him. RC is like arent u late now vivaan, vivaan stops him n tells important talk is going on n he asks suvi if she can teach him guitar.Suvi is saying no through her expressions but vivaan didnt understand.Vivaan asks RC if he has any problem wid vivaan learning guitar, RC stays quite n vivaan again asks suvi if she will train him.Suvi smiles n tells she will teach him.Vivaan takes out wallet from RC’s pocket n gives the visiting card to suvi n tells there is the number of his fren (RC) n asks suvi to give her number too so that he can call her.Vivaan comes down from bench n flirts wid suvi n tells she is not of her type, suvi is like ye kya tha πŸ˜› Rc carries n takes vivaan wid him πŸ˜€

suvi is like wat was that, suddenly vivaan entered her life n everything changed πŸ˜› Suvi is like she need to go to that RC’s home who even dont like to see my face, in order to teach his son guitar lessons.She is like RC doesnt look like a married guy actually, Suvi is like she liked the way Vivaan did the chopsey of RC

In suvi’s home,Pappa guggal comes from office n asks mumma guggal where is suvi.Mamma guggal tells its weekend so suvi has called her n told she is leaving to cafe directly from clg as her manager has called her early for rehearsing.Pappa guggal is like wats therein weekend, mamma guggal tells there will be more ppl in cafe today n suvi’s was sounding a bit tensed in phone.Mumma guggal tells she hasnt done breakfast in the morning too.Pappa guggal looks a bit lost n tensed, mumma guggal sees this n smiles as she knows pappa guggal is realising how much hardwork suvi is doing for the fashion course.Mumma guggal asks if he wants to eat something, but he tells no. Pappa guggal thinks himself, its me coz of whom suvi was weeping n i realised abt her tears now. He is like he has always wanted his children’s happiness but wat has happened.He is like he nvr wanted his childrens to do the things which he has done.Pappa guggal is worried.

Precap:Suvi is singing in cafe n pappa guggal is there in cafe too. Everyone claps for suvi n pappa guggal is very happy.Some guys are speaking rubbish n pappa guggal hears this n is like wat are u saying n someone pushed him n he falls on the ground, yuvi sees this n both pappa guggal n yuvi gets angry.

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