[V] Suvreen Guggal 4th October 2012 Written Update

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[V] Suvreen Guggal 4th October 2012 Written Update by Asmi

Suvi mamma comes n asks wat is suvi thinking.Suvi asks her mamma how will she define suvreen guggal.Suvi mamma tell she will tell SG is her lovely daughter who always does wat her parents want, who is a topper n makes her parent proud.Suvi is like mamma i asked u something n ur saying what kind of personality u want to see in SG.Tultuli comes n asks wats going between these two, MG tells suvi is asking who she is, tultuli laughs n suvi taunts her. MG is confused n tultuli says nothing n tells i know who SG is, she tells Sg is her best fren who loves Ranveer kapoor a lot n also loves n supports her frens.SG tells best fren are those who supports n always stands by the side of their frens n is like but ur toh not supporting me.Tultuli is like its also the work of best fren to tell their best fren they are wrng n not to support them in their wrong decision.Suvi gets hyper n tells okay, its not wrng decision toh dont support her but she’s not gonna quit.Pappa guggal comes n suvi leaves from that place.Pappa guggal asks now wat has happened, mamma guggal says nothing we mom n daughter were talking.Mamma guggal tells suvi was luking a bit tensed today n she was not so excited like previous days.Pappa guggal tells suvi is ruining her career n he cant she her as a failure.Mamma guggal says till now she has stayed in parents protection so she doent know its value n sometimes in life struggle n failure are necessary so that one can understand its value n tells pappa guggal its her interest of some days, soon she will come back in the track.Tultuli tells suvi’s parents not to take tension as she will try talking will suvi again.(i love mamma guggal today, she is so sweet n understanding)

Annie calls suvi n asks why she left from canteen widout saying bye properly.Suvi tells she was a bit tensed regarding Rc’s assignements.Annie tells she is taking RC n RC’s assignments too seriously.Suvi shouts at annie n tells she is not tensed for assignments, she is tensed regarding Rc’S Questions Who am I. Annie asks suvi wat has happened to her.Suvi tells sorry to annie n tells tultuli is there in her home but she is nt supporting suvi plus her mamma pappa not understanding her.Suvi tells wen RC asked her that question she had no answer to give him n tells everything has changed around her n she needs some space to get all right n ends the call.Poor annie she is worried n didnt evn get a chance to speak

Suvi is thinking Who is she actually n is trying her best to get the answer but is unable.Yuvi is here waiting for Rathi, Rathi cumes n hugs yuvi.YV asks him y rathi has cum alone, where is annie.Rathi tells everything has changed.He informs annie n he broke up n suvi n annie left their course n has joined fashion designing.Yuvi is surprised n is like wat topper has left eco majors. Rathi tells him to come back.Yuvi thinks.

Suvi’s room is full of papers, hahah she is like have written so many things but m none of them.She remembers something n is like yea! tomorrow she gonna give answers of all RC’s questions n says its just a small problem now major crisis is money.How will she pay RC’s fee.Tultuli comes n smiles at suvi but she avoids her n behaves as if she is reading book, tultuli tells though she tries but she cant avoid her.Tultuli tells she wanted to tell everything to suvi but suvi’s mamma n pappa gave her promise so she didnt tell her anything, the gals patched up n tultuli asks suvi why she is so sad.Suvi tells she needs to pay 20K as her fees n she dont know from where she will manage.Tultuli tells suvi is so changed n she has became so selfish now, she is not the same suvi who used to buy the same cloth which her mamma suggests her but suvi is like yes she has changed n the change is good( arrghhh!! m so irritated wid suvi now).Suvi asks tultuli if she is happy wid her medical course, tultuli tells yes she is happy coz her parents are happy.Tutuli tells suvi is so changed that she needs to search for her bestie suvi inside this suvi.Tultuli tells kathgodam wali suvi always thinks abt others before thinking abt others but now ur a selfish gal who only thinks abt herself n tultuli leaves from there.

Suvi is walking in college;s cooridor n is thinking from where she will manage 20K.Yuvi calls suvi from back n asks why she left eco, its her carrer n how can she take it so lightly n change her decision.Suvi is like when ppl change then their decision also changes.Yuvi tells he knows she is in anger but dont take such a big decision in anger.Suvi tells its her life so she will do watever she wants n she dont feel like giving explanation to any stranger abt her decision.Suvi leaves, Rathi cumes n asks if he has talked wid suvi.Yuvi tells he tried but she is not ready to listen.Suvi is walking n thinks she was rude to yuvi n at least she should have listened wat he was trying to say n goes towards the place where yuvi is.Yuvi is telling rathi suvi is so dedicated that she will top in fashion designing too but he is wondering how she get this interest coz she was never intersted in Fashion.Suvi hears this convo n is lyk she thought yuvi will listen her but she is stupid coz yuvi didnt understand her feeling before too.

In RC’s workshop annie n the guy makes fun of Alisha deewan.Rc comes to class n as usual suvi is late.Rc sees her n tells he is 2 mins late n tells her to improve.RC then asks everyone abt their assignements.He asks everyone one by one. Its suvi turn n RC asks suvi wat she think who is she.Suvi stands n looks around.

Precap:Yuvi tells naro he wants to talk abt suvi.He asks her why she decides to change the course all of sudden.Naro tells its coz fashion designing makes her happy.Naro tells she is so heart broken wid the things that has happened between yuvreen.

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