[V] Suvreen Guggal 5th July 2013 Written Update

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[V] Suvreen Guggal 5th July 2013 Written Update by Jyo_Ksg

[V] Suvreen Guggal 5th July 2013 Written Episode

Part 1:

Episode begins with Maddy who tells everyone to start the session by introducing each other. Maddy starts introducing himself when all start praising him. He asks everyone to introduce themselves and a girl Priya starts walking but gets critic comments by Maddy..:P Yuvraj thinks now he’ll have to walk for Maddy and he’ll comment on his walk..:P Next a girl named Tanya starts her walk and again gets critic comments by Maddy..:P Yuvi feels Maddy is commenting on him..:P Now it’s the turn of a guy named Jimmy/Max..whose kinda gayinsh! Yuvi laughs on him. Its Yuvi’s turn. He walks with attitude but gets critic comments by Maddy saying he doesn’t have attitude, no confidence, lack of speak and thus he cannot be a super model. Yuvi is grinning..:/

Preeti, Suvi and Geeti are enjoying Ira’s birthday cake when Rohan and Yuvi join them. Suvi aks Yuvi how his day is going when he tells Maddy is not letting it go smoothly but he’ll manage.

Rohan tells everyone to join him and Preeti on an outing like they went last day. All are surprised.

There, Alisha tries to impress RC in order to seek Ira’s New York address but fails since RC is not convinced of her knowing nothing. He tells her to find on her own. Alisha is pissed as her idea of revealing RC’s love for Suvi got postponed since Ira has left abroad.

Yuvi is talking to Jimmy asking his first day experience and they are chatting. Yuvi is bitching about Maddy..:P

Vikram is getting jealous of Geeti and Rohan’s closeness.

RC is not convinced with Suvi’s design, he feels she has not thought clearly about it.

Part 2:

RC is kinda upset with Suvi’s design. Alisha is asking RC whether he spoke to Ira and when is she returning. She asks him if she is happy or not. RC gets shocked and tells offcourse she’ll be happy. RC doubts Alisha.

Maddy is teaching everyone about conversation skills when Jimmy aka Max starts questioning him on each and every question. Yuvi suceeds in his plan and starts laughing.. Maddy is crying as Max isn’t letting him proceed.. Maddy finds Yuvi enjoying and asks him to get up. 😛

Part 3:

RC announces everyone that he’ll be starting with a contest choosing Intern of the month from now on. He tells everyone that whoever is the best intern will get the opportunity to design India fashion week show stopper’s dress along with him. He’ll be giving points for every design they make. This scares Suvi as she has already pissed him with her design for the day. Alisha mocks Suvi..:/

Precap: Suvi is tensed as to how will she manage so many things simultaneously. From Iris contest to outdoor contracts and then spending quality time with Yuvi.

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